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Comment Re:Rentals are too expensive (Score 4, Insightful) 323

It shouldn't cost more to "rent" a two year old movie to stream online that it does to BUY it in the bargain bin. Not only that, but many older movies aren't available to rent at all, only for "purchase" (which, when bought online is really a long-term rental anyway due to DRM).

Get the rental prices down. Let me pay $2-$3 to watch a movie rather than $6-$10. And for the love of Princess Celestia, when you PAY for content online, it should look good! No compression artifacts, no buffering. Let me pull down the whole thing, or maybe half of it before watching to ensure a good experience.

The point of making movies is to rake in huge profits and transferable tax credits while pretending to have lost money. How does providing you good service at a modest price make the current rights holders richer than they already are?

Comment Re:Recycle! (Score 1) 323

Hear, hear!! I suppose to the boneheaded CEO, institutional memory means nothing. It is hard to quantify, but without it, your company has no staying power.

Staying power. Is that something that happens before or after the next quarterly earnings statement?

Comment Re:Go after em Nate (Score 2) 335

Go after em Nate? More like a struggling website launch is resorting to recycled clickbait to fill in the gaps. Launching shortly before March Madness made perfect sense, but maybe he should have stuck with sports, elections, and "other" instead of trying to generate content in so many areas.

Comment Re:Entitled Asshole Mentality (Score 1) 199

So you have the freedom to make arguments with a lack of evidence while others do not? If your argument is that laws you don't like require evidence from a parallel society that does not and cannot exist you're going to have to use the same standard for laws you accept or cut bait. But don't worry about it: since absolutely no laws have ever met the standards you espouse your argument is pretty much irrelevant outside your own head.

Comment Re:All eukaryotes are symbiotic systems. (Score 2, Insightful) 63

Places that were once ruled by the Ottoman empire you could have whole villages or clans where all males have exactly the same y chromosome and have very high degree of relatedness. Such populations would pledge allegiance to the clan and take great personal sacrifices for the sake of their clans or tribes or villages or their shieks.

Trying to impose a western style democracy of a society with a mean value r on to other societies with an order of magnitude different r would not work easily. Giving autonomy and self governance for people/tribes/clans with high degree of relatedness, but subject to collective punishments and rewards would be considered sacrilege in the West. But such practices are more likely to succeed, pacify the population and lead to peace.

There's an old Bedouin (who were part of the Ottoman empire for a while) saying: "I against my brother, my brothers and I against my cousins, then my cousins and I against strangers"

Tribalism/clannism doesn't bring peace, it just structures violence and corruption differently while removing many of the checks and balances.

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