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Comment teach these facts in elementary school (Score 1) 74

there should be a lecture about this in elementary school, together with an overview of risks of social networks and place to seek help when being 'cyberbullied' just give those kids a basic understanding of the risks of the things they use (or will use) in everyday life - without demonizing them

Comment Re:Wtf? (Score 1) 228

Even with the most advanced self-learning and reasoning AI, there was a human that ordered it to learn and reason.

same with kids: there were humans (parents, teacher, peers, etc.) who taught them to reason

the problem with your statement is: when the first sentient computer is built - your argument does not hold, because there was surely a human (most likely several of them) behind it

Submission + - Android now on over half of US smartphones (

somebodee writes: ComScore released new data today, suggesting that Android has finally taken over half of the US smartphone market. This comes from a 3.7% market share increase from the previous quarter, ending in December, 2011. Similarly, iOS's market share grew by 1.1% to 30.7%. RIM and Microsoft's market share both dropped, with RIM having the sharpest decline. RIM's market share fell by 3.7%, placing it at 12.3% of the total US market. Microsoft's smartphone market share fell by .8% to 3.9% total, and Nokia's market share for Symbian remained steady at 1.4% of the total market.

Submission + - Romanian witches used Google to tell fortune (

Hentes writes: The internet has made many things easier, but unfortunately this also includes crime: it seems that nowadays not even people wanting to know their future are safe from fraud. Two gipsy fortune tellers are being investigated, after the Romanian police uncovered that they have utilised some extraordinary help in their clairvoyant acts. The pair used information collected from internet search and social networks to gain the trust of their costumers, claiming that they could see their personal data through their crystal ball. In some cases, they also used high-tech surveillance techniques such as hidden cameras and phone tapping. But they didn't stop at merely spying on their victims: their most bizarre case involved a scuba diver dressed as a "Loch Ness monster".
The duo are suspected of fraud, illegal wiretapping, and also bribery of the prosecutor

Comment when i was a kid (Score 2) 33

i got a little "electronics kit" as a birthday present and the additional modules every year after it was a great experience and kinda brought me into the whole electronics/pc world such kits were also available from the same manufacturer for chemistry i would sure love to see this printing technology made into such products as they are a great way to play&learn imho

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