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Comment the REAL Bruce Perens? (Score 1) 78

Cheers Mr. Perens - if that is your real name! I have enjoyed running across your posts on slashdot since late last century. So what's up with the "the REAL Bruce Perens" thing? Did someone else register your name as an account here before you found slashdot? Did you register it at some point and forget your password (be honest!)? Or do you own both accounts for some purpose possibly related to artistic trolling of slashdot for comedic value?

Comment Verizon can tongue-polish my sphincter! (Score 1) 375

Wife and I dropped Verizon a little over a year ago because the relatively strong signal we used to get at home (a few miles outside of Chapel Hill, NC) had vanished seemingly overnight. Instead we had phones that would drain their batteries to the point of shutdown overnight "searching for signal."

We decided to try Sprint. Coverage looked good based on their map. But when we got home with the new phones we had pretty much the same experience as with Verizon - stand in one specific corner of one room if you wish to make a call. And yeah, the battery drains and the phone dies overnight "searching for signal." So we took 'em back. Sprint was actually really good about it - they gave us no hassle and recommended we go back to Verizon. So we did.

The Verizon guy I spoke with the next day was a total douche. He actually told me that I had "lost a lot of credibility with Verizon" when I attempted to switch, so I could no longer get the deal they had offered me mere days before to try to retain me as a customer. I shrugged this off and signed up again at a shiny new anus-burning price point. Note to Elvis, the Verizon rep: I will never forget that call, Elvis, and if we ever meet in person I will enjoy beating the smug out of your little punk ass.

So we got our new Verizon shit phones. Lo and behold, we had the same issue with no service in the house, and phones dying overnight "searching for signal." Another call to Verizon put me in touch with a much nicer rep who agreed to sell me (yes, sell me) a "network extender" that would plug into my router and allow me to make calls from any room in the house, and would prevent the batteries from draining overnight. They wanted $300 for this magical device. I told them no and that I would be canceling my service. After a few minutes on hold they offered me the device at $200. Like a fool I bought it. So here we are a little over a year later, just beyond the midway point of the 2-year contract. We have to choose one of a few different specific locations to stand in for a call to have reasonable quality. And every once in awhile the batteries still drain overnight - I attribute this to the black box they sold me being a piece of shit. The blinky lights confirm it - when they're all blue battery life is good. When one flashes purple it's gonna be a dead phone morning.

I'm not sure where to go from here. It certainly won't be Verizon again. Unless they offer to send Elvis to my house in person, where I shall use him as a catharsis pinata whenever my service sucks.

Comment at home or at work? (Score 1) 867

At home I went from Mandrake to Libranet (wish that one had stayed around - it was made of pure awesome) to Debian to Ubuntu server with the Xubuntu desktop, then Ubuntu server with the Ubuntu (gnome2) desktop, then Ubuntu server with MATE when Unity was foisted on us. I use the server version for software RAID support on install, since /home lives on a software RAID1 array. It's easy enough to throw a GUI on top. Once I discovered "ubuntu-restricted-extras" there was no more fiddling in Debian for me to make multimedia "just work."

At work I started using Ubuntu server with the LAMP install option around 2008ish. This made for quick and dirty webservers. Joining them to the AD was simple with Likewise-open, and not too difficult with plain old winbind. Somewhere between Hoary and Lucid, support for a particular RAID controller was lost, so we gave CentOS a try and we haven't looked back. And since we're stuck with Hyper-V for VM hosting (yeah - great, a host we have to reboot at least monthly), CentOS has become a natural fit for us. Yum seems to have matured nicely. It's no apt, but it's alright.

But still... my kingdom (such as it is) for a return to Libranet. That Adminpanel they had was the shit. Total shame that the distro followed one of its developers to the grave. I still have fond memories of recompiling the kernel just for shits and giggles 'cuz it was so easy.

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