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Comment Re:Population Density centers (Score 1) 346

While politics and profit, lack of competition all are major factors in our crappy broadband options, we have to keep in mind that the US is vastly greater, and far more spread out then many countries we are being compared against..

Then how come places like NYC don't have internet connections on a par with those in Japan with lower population densities?

Sure you can argue population density in the rural areas, but that does't account for the lack of service in the populous areas.

Comment Re:It's a "used car", stupid. (Score 2) 126

"Pre-owned" - come on.

Yeah .. but it's "Certified Pre-owned". How else are you supposed to know that it was actually pre-owned. They might be lying about that. This way you are 100% guaranteed that it actually is a pre-owned Tesla. And that's good to know. Being able to sleep soundly at night knowing that your car is really pre-owned is well worth the money you pay for it being Certified!

Comment Re:As one of the few people here... (Score 1) 208

It was a usual, every day thing to do.

You just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended her lucky streak. I posit that that particular red light was not the first one that she had run, and that red light cameras could have caught her actions sooner and punished just her and not you. On the other hand they would have done nothing if it was a first the offense for her. But on the third hand .. if it was well known in the first place that you get severely punished for running red lights and you will be caught, then there would have been less of a chance for even her first offense.

BTW when I said I see people running red lights , I was discounting the ones that sneak through slowly. I'm talking about people running them at normal travel speed with no other traffic around. I am at the point in a lot of cases where I treat a light turning green as "lets just wait a moment and see if the idiots have already left the scene"

Comment Re:A defense against rear-end collisions (Score 2) 208

You're the only other person I've heard of that does this.

I think it comes from having ridden motorcycles and knowing that certain death was only moments away unless I was fully aware of my surroundings and in control of my actions.

For example I also don't trust mirrors and turn my head to look where I am about to change lanes to.

Comment Re:A defense against rear-end collisions (Score 2) 208

So now, whenever I stop at a light or stopsign, or when in traffic which is slowing down, I keep an eye on the rear view mirror.

That wouldn't have worked in my case. I stopped in traffic, the car behind me stopped, the car behind them stopped (and that car had a trailer) . Then a fourth car rear-ended the car with the trailer, who was pushed into the next car, which was pushed into me. That impact broke my rear axle and put my car off the road. My only saving grace was that I had left enough room ahead of me so that I wasn't pushed into the car ahead of me.

But yeah .. keeping an eye out behind you and leaving an escape route in front of you is good, basic defensive driving.

Comment Re:As one of the few people here... (Score 1) 208

In my case, she had a full 10 seconds of red light before impact.

Sorry for you accident.

But to go off on a tangent/rant, its a regular occurrence (easily 3 or 4 times year) for me to be facing a green light and have someone come through against the red. Yet I never see any of those people on the phone .. they are just really really bad drivers and are accidents waiting to happen.

To me the obvious solution is red light cameras that can deliver some feedback to such idiots by slapping them with a fine before they hit someone. And while I am well aware of the "red-light-camera-as-free-money" scams, opponents of red light cameras never seem to offer alternatives that would help control these dangerous idiots.

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