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Comment Re:"Stuff that matters" (Score 5, Funny) 169

Seriously. There's nothing to discuss.
Ballmer wrote the message. So what?

Bet you wouldn't say that if Bennet had posted this story. But the again it would have been a philosophical piece about how while he likes the color blue, its not his favorite color blue, and how he wished that all error display screens should be *his* favorite blue color, and how dare the manufacturers of all the different OS's not consult him and get *his* opinion on what makes for a really nice blue color, even though each of those OS manufactures have their own ideas as to how things should be done and they have most likely done their own research into colors, but anyway that should all be scrapped and re-implemented Bennett's way (at their own expense of course) and while their at it could they also make it so every program works exactly the same on every different combination of computer and OS as it's a major hassle having to learn how to do things differently whenever you site down at an unfamiliar computer, but then again why should computers be unfamiliar in the first place, maybe it would be better if they all had a dedicated "Bennet" login so that he would just be able to sit down at any computer and just use it the way he wanted to, in fact what would be even better if all that research into melding telepathy and machines was finally completed so that he wouldn't even have to sit down at a computer as it would simply recognize him from a distance and would then fire up its 3D holographic welcome display (which BTW is fully detailed 3D model of Bennett himself - on a pedestal) so that he can instantly get down to his .. Oh look! Squirrel!!

Comment Re:News for nerds ... (Score 1) 205

So I assume you wrote similar comments to all news about 9/11 or any american politics, which is not related to technology at all?

Nowhere in TFA is there a discussion of politics or the state of protests, and the only relation to technology is that the guy *happens* to be a kernel developer - which is not even germane to TFA

If after 9/11 /. had run a story about how some random kernel developer got dirt in his computer after the towers came down (and that was the only topic of the story) I would have reacted just the same.

If however, TFA included summary and discussion of the state of pro-Ukraine protests *within* Russia and/or use of technology to mobilize said protests, and what the Kremlin was doing to subvert said protests/technology, then yes, that would have made it worthwhile to see.

Or do you mean that Ukraine is not important while USA is?

That's a pretty lame attempt at trolling.

Comment Re:News for nerds ... (Score 1) 205

information about kernel developer / russian invasion on Ukraine is not important?

Because it's a personal interested story about some guy protesting something that his government did and getting arrested for it .. oh and BTW he's a kernel developer.

TFA has fuck all to do with the state of Russian/Ukraine protests - so it doesn't even count as politics
It is barely tangentially a technology story - oh noes if a kernel developer goes to jail, what will happened to my precious ^w Linux

Comment Re:Parallel "Nothing Wrong" case in VA (Score 1) 463

I can easily see why someone would feel threatened about someone else breaking into their house at 3:30 AM. To make it worse, if there was any reason to believe that the intruder could know that the homeowner was a cop (and therefore armed), it would be quite reasonable to assume that the intruder was prepared (and therefore armed) or that his entire motive was to kill.

What you seem to be arguing for is "I guess they were threatening me (even though no evidence to the fact was known at the time) so I am free to shoot them."

Consider how that stance plays into the *multiple* occasions where by innocent people have been blown away just for the sake of knocking on the wrong door.

Comment Re:Parallel "Nothing Wrong" case in VA (Score 2) 463

long story short, its apples and oranges, not parallel case

Except that in VA you are only allowed to shoot if you life is threatened, and not for the sake of protecting property. In no way did his daughter threaten his life.

So it is a parallel case. The deputy did something that was against the law, for which if anyone else had done it they would have been in jail faster than a speeding bullet.

Comment Parallel "Nothing Wrong" case in VA (Score 1) 463

While a death did not occur in this case in SW VA, a deputy shot his own daughter who was sneaking back home in through the garage at 3:30AM,

Deputy hear's noises in garage at 3:30AM .. check
Deputy draws gun .. check
Deputy has no idea who was in garage .. check
Deputy blindly shoots said person .. check
Deputy not charged with anything .. WTF?!??!?!

Loudoun deputy won’t face charges in accidental shooting of teen daughter

I want to know HTF this was classed as "Accidental". Talk about different rules for different people.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 5, Interesting) 635

vi. Because emacs is for the devil.

This year I delved into a Debian system, the first time I had really used a linux system in decades. What scared me was that when I needed to edit something my muscle memory took over and before I knew it I was happily editing away in vi.

I haven't used vi since well before the turn of the century.

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