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Comment Flip it around to put it in perspective (Score 1) 581

I can code in multiple languages on multiple systems and have been doing it for a shit load of years .. and right now I am sitting in front of OSX, Windows 7 and Debian systems.

But suppose my choice of career was suddenly cut short for some reason (the singularity?) what would it take for me to learn a bunch of manual skills in order to become a productive member of society? And to learn them to the same skill level I have now?

Basically I would be fucked as I have spent all these years adapting to intellectual challenges that rely on understanding arcane facts about specific systems, and then shuffling that knowledge around to find oval solutions to problems. I chose this career path because I was not enamored with the idea of manual labor. Actually I take that back .. I chose this career because I was enamored with the intellectual challenges. So I know I would suck at being a coal miner or a machinist or a welder or barrista compared to people who willingly have taken on those career paths.

The mythical coal miner to coder transition would suck for the same reasons that me being a coal miner would suck

So in general I agree with Bloomberg

Comment Re:You won't go very far ... (Score 1) 452

I wonder where "Screw your fellow workers" comes into "proper research" thing.

Because they don't have a choice in what is dictated, as businesses are not run as a collective of feel good measures.

Either the proper research (and did you see that I had education in my original post?) shows a long term cost benefit, or it doesn't.

Comment Screw your fellow workers (Score 1) 452

They are employees .. so they do what they are told to do by their boss.

Now developing a proper business case for your boos to show that you have considered all of the angles (installation, administration, education, usage and changeover issues) , and how that affects the bottom line is a totally different question.

Comment Re:Cue the naysayers... (Score 2) 172

Just be prepared to have to constantly get out of your vehicle to clean all those different lenses, or else camera tech is useless.

Why do you think that has to be manually done? Air blast of sensors to keep them clean is common in industry, and various high end cars already have things like head light washer/wipers.

Comment Re:Cue the naysayers... (Score 2) 172

Recently both rear view cameras and sideview camera systems have been criticised as a bad idea by some here on Slashdot.

This Land Rover invisible hood system seems beyond criticism. But I'm sure slashdot naysayers will find an angle anyway. Go for it...

I think the biggest legitimate criticism that came out of the rear/side camera replacement of mirrors was that you had to refocus your eyes from infinity to dashboard to infinity each time you glanced at the video display. In this case you will already be tracking your bonnet so that the required change in eye focus will be minimal.

Comment Re:Please specify a better scenario (Score 4, Insightful) 272

Based on your information no one can give you solid advice.

IMHO the question is deliberately designed to be vague. iPhones and Android devices, PHP and Ruby On Rails .. that is such a shotgun blast of specifications that are totally unrelated to the DB use on the back end that the entire question smells of click bait to me.

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