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Comment Re:lemme guess (Score 5, Interesting) 530

Yeah, well, it helps to have a math/logic/IT background obviously. I'd like to see just one IQ test that doesn't rely on set theory & geometric puzzle solving or maths puzzles, no general knowledge questions or cultural dependencies & that is pretty much language & education-level independent. Yeah, good luck with that *guffaw*.

Comment Re:By Sony? (Score 2) 157

Just wastes yer time as far as I could see. Look, I really wanted to be impartial about Sony & like this game. But after 2 hours of aimlessly running around & getting 1-shotted from God-knows-where & having absolutely no fucking idea where I was, who I was, what I was meant to be doing or what all the colours & shit in the UI meant, I can only say...no thanks. As a *veteran* online fps & mmo player, I can only say that SOE dropped the ball on this one (surprise, surprise), certainly as far as accessibility & intuitive gameplay goes. I only briefly tried the 1st one & had a similar experience all those years ago, so perhaps it's just me, the sub-genre (mmofps), or I'm gettin too old for this shit. Back to GW2 nothing-but-goodness for me over the holidays :).

Comment Re:Come on, you knew this was an MMO (Score 1) 290

No surprises. As others have well dissected & analysed the sitrep with NCSoft, it's all about them saving face from their Korean mmo flops in the US & wrecking a long-term popular western mmo in the process...because they can. There simply isn't another reason I can think of a company ditches a core product line that's still making money, however little. Is NC a public company in Korea & is their balance sheet/P&L available to the public - does anyone know? Would be interested to do a bit of creative accounting with the CoX line & see what comes up. :)

Comment Re:"Disproportionate?" (Score 1) 215

> There is no reason why you should be able to copy movies, download art, or music which you didn't create and don't have permission to do so.

That is because the world is run by greedy, evil men who have created a paradigm out of the oxymoron "Intellectual Property", when the two are entirely mutually exclusive. They have grossly perverted patents & copyrights by buying out politicians and lawyers over the past 100 years. And then other greedy vultures (presumably like yourself) have created entire make-believe industries & careers out of the strangleholds on what should never have come into existence in a healthy, prolific species in the first place. Plain & simple enough for you?
To put it another way, if the only reason you write books, or poetry, or make music or movies is to suck up a fat profit, then you should kindly fuck off with the rest of the cartels & dinosaurs, the sooner the better. Viva le revolucion! :)

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The only possible interpretation of any research whatever in the `social sciences' is: some do, some don't. -- Ernest Rutherford
