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Comment Re:not that interesting or new (Score 2) 289

AR-15 lower receivers are not, and have never been made as a stamped part (expect maybe a few mad scientists making one-of-a-kind prototypes). Neither does the AK-47 (a real one that is, they used milled receivers). The guns that 99% of people call AK-47s are actually variants of the AKM, a cheapier replacement for the AK-47, which uses a stamped receiver.

I would have posted as an AC too if making such an uninformed statement. Google "M16 stamped receiver". You will be enlightened. Both the M16 and AK-47 were designed to have, and regularly produced with, stamped receivers. And before you argue the M16 and AR-15 are not the same thing, you should Google that too and make yourself even more familiar with the Stoner design.

The Wikipedia reference might be a good place for you to start. It will be on the first page of your Google search.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 1) 783

However, it is my opinion that even though evolution occurs it does not explain the existence of life.
We have not yet recreated spontaneous generation in the lab. (To the best of my knowledge, anyway.)

Because of this, I believe that although evolution explains the current state of life, it does not explain the origin of life.

So what you are saying is that you do not believe science and, since you have not personally witnessed the origins of life in a laboratory, it is preferable to believe a deity came along, made the earth out of nothing, made a clay figurine of a man, and breathed life into all of creation, except he forgot females which he later scraped together from a rib. Yeah, that is a more plausible situation and sounds much more reasonable that the science approach.

We have never created black holes in the lab. What are those? Did our creating deity rip such a stinky fart that it is engulfing everything around it?

I personally believe that evolution should be taught in schools, but why teach it as the de-facto origin of life?

Because "God did it" has no basis in science. We have a place to teach that -- church. You can pick whatever deity you like best and attend their school. Some might ask for 10% of your income as tuition. Others might insist you kill yourself in the name of their deity but will give you 72 virgins for your trouble.

If we are going to teach creationism in schools, we might as well throw out history books and teach Disney princess stories instead of history -- fairy tales all the way around.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 4, Insightful) 783

I likely don't have a problem with this, because I don't claim to know how God created everything. From a faith-based point of view, I have some problems with Evolution

It is not about how science fits in to your religion's book of stories. Science is observable whereas religion is believed only because the believer wants to, or, more likely, is afraid of the punishment their religion promises for deviating from the church. It is amazing how people dismiss science to believe their religious teachings, quite often centered around an all-loving, all-forgiving deity that will send them to eternal suffering for failing to believe properly.

we may not understand everything yet, but if we don't endeavor to learn everything we can through Science, we will only block our own growth.

The most sensible statement I have ever seen by someone self-identifying as a creationist. Congratulations, but saying such sensible things might get you thrown out of the creationist club!

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 658

My point wasn't that used cars are just as expensive and new cars. I agree with you completely that they are not. I just don't think your $300/year for a 10 year old car is terribly accurate or representative of the whole picture.

You are free to think what you wish. However, for my car, from years 6-10, it cost approximately $300/yr to maintain. Years 1-3 are not included because I did not own the car, and years 4-5 are not included since they had warranty coverage.

Yes, I do quite a bit of work myself. I rather enjoy it, and because I have some basic grasp of what I am doing it does not take very long. I do not spend time to scavenge junkyards -- there is this neat thing called the internet, and you can find damn near anything and even comparison shop for better pricing. I value my time significantly higher than $0 -- in fact, my ROI is very high.

Back to your dispute of my $300/yr number, I'll spot you 400%. Even if I was spending $1200/year on maintenance, it would be far better than buying a new car.

One other point -- I never stated buying a cheap car for $2000. Buy a good car that is 2-3 years old. It isn't hard to find good deals on "certified" used cars that often come with the remaining factory warranty or have an extended warranty option that comes fairly inexpensively. Pay off the used car as quickly as possible and drive it for many years without a payment.

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