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Comment Text book industry propaganda? (Score 1) 331

As far as college text books are concerned, it's a weird situation and I don't blame anyone who says they simply prefer a paper text book. Here's why. Have you ever tried to use the officially-sanctioned eBook solutions that are available on the market today? They're pathetic. Completely locked down with DRM and mired by bad interface design and usability. I bought an eBook for one of my classes at the beginning of the semester. I had thought to myself, "Hey, this could be great if it's like I imagine -- like downloading an eBook to my Kindle app on my iPad." Boy, was I mistaken. I had to download a half-backed piece of proprietary crap-ware in order to "read" my book. The user interface in this "app" (rhymes with "crap"?) was appalling. The interface was clunky and looked like it was thrown together in a single week. The pages were pixelated, not crisp like a PDF.

In the end, I resorted to _illegally_ downloading the books (as PDFs) I had just purchased legitimately on account of the inadequacies in the kosher versions. Ironically, now that I've gone through one semester being able to carry around my iPad (< two pounds) instead of paper text books (~ twenty pounds?), I would never -- not in a million years -- go back to paper text books. It's unfortunate that all these media corporations have been allowed to drag their feet so slowly in embracing new technologies and formats for delivering their content.

Comment Is anyone else starting to get tired of this? (Score 1) 484

When I first started hearing these tech giants complaining about H1-B rules, I thought, "I guess that's okay. I've had many good friends from out of the country and I wouldn't mind more diversity in my field." However, at this point (and at the risk of sounding like a racist), I find Zuckerberg's suggestion that "the most talented and hardest-working people" are elsewhere as a borderline insult. His article arguing for reform offers little more than his own personal opinion. Where are the facts? Even the ones he lists out aren't that convincing. If we really do grant VISAs to ~60% of the foreign graduate students that are educated in this country, I'd call that extremely generous. What would it say to the world if we granted VISAs to 100% of graduate students? That the United States is the only place worth being for an educated person?

Comment I can corroborate this (Score 5, Interesting) 329

I majored in music in college. Throughout my life, I've gone through various phases of being out of practice, getting back into the practicing groove, falling out of it, getting back into it again, and so on. I've noticed every time I return to the instrument after having taken a long break, there is a short period of difficulty followed by a burst of learning and progress. Sounds just like what the prof is talking about.

Comment This is not right (Score 1) 368

I saw a link to this website in another person's comment:

I took a few minutes to write my own letter to Canada's Prime Minister. Who knows if he will read it or if it will make a difference? And who knows if Mr. Malekpour is actually guilty or not? Regardless, no one deserves to die for something like that. Please take a moment to speak your mind to Canada's Prime Minister:

Comment Glad to hear of publisher's receptiveness. (Score 1) 273

I can understand why the research would have been done. People want to know how the virus behaves so they can know how to fight it. And I'm really glad to hear that the journal publishers are taking the recommendations to classify certain details seriously. There's nothing unreasonable about that request. It's not governments being too controlling. It's just common sense. I just pray that humanity can rise to the challenge of managing that knowledge responsibly. Freely publishing a 'recipe' for something like that would be insane and I think that should be clear to anyone.

Comment Re:A web developer says thank you! (Score 1) 476

Absolutely! I practically high-fived the random strangers sitting next to me here in my university center. This is good news, no matter how you cut it. Perhaps some lazy corporations will whine as they actually have to invest money to update their infrastructure. But, overall, this will save billions of dollars in lost productivity for developers who have to agonize over backwards compatibility with archaic browsers. Microsoft, THANK YOU!!!

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