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Comment Re:Neutrino Mass (Score 5, Interesting) 97

Lattice gauge theorist here -- we're working on that.

I agree with your interpretation -- this very well may just mean that the QCD part is hard and the theorists didn't correctly estimate systematic errors from it. However, there's quite a push in the lattice community to actually calculate the messy nonperturbative parts, so there's hope that this will be sorted out from the theory side alongside the new Fermilab experiment.

Comment Re:Regulations (Score 1) 125

They're doing dirty tricks to each other. The service they provide to customers is still better than the city cabs.

We don't need "regulations" here. If Uber and Lyft are getting trolled by each other then they will need to build anti-troll safeguards into their business model, which they are able to do on their own. There's no problem here that rules from City Hall (other than the standard ones against fraud, like requesting a ride with no intent to actually use it) will fix.

Comment Re: There we go again (Score 1) 383

The trouble is that measuring entropy is hard as it depends on context.

"Frutyyzlrdkgejk" looks like a string of characters with high entropy. So does "Cthulhufthagn". One is likely to be tried by an intelligent password cracker long before the other.

"Football purple dizzy rainbow" looks like four words chosen at random and thus has high entropy. So does "correct horse battery staple." One of these is a much weaker password than the other.

Comment Re: There we go again (Score 1) 383

Even barring the "attacker gets /etc/passwd and you don't know about it" problem, the problem is password reuse. If you require people to have strong passwords then they'll likely reuse them on other websites; Facebook isn't going to lock user accounts because somewhere else got their hashes compromised.

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