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Comment Re:Headline writing (Score 1) 103

It''s called "telegraphic speech", as if the writer didn't want to pay for the extra characters.

Newspapers do it for space: the bigger the typeface, the less room for text.

I suspect it carries over to internet articles because of cognitive side-effects: if every headline was a complete sentence they would take more effort on the readers' part. You want something that will instantly grab (or lose) a reader's attention without any mental effort on their part.

(Look at how many people don't RTFA, or even RTFSummary. Full sentences would lead to people who don't even RTFHeadline.)

However, telegraphic speech can cause problems for readers.

Comment Re:Great Headline (Score 1) 103

Mod up pleeze. This story has turned into the orgy that fuels the spree US media wants to be.

They were hoping a little blonde girl would be kidnapped or murdered, but they had to settle for a missing airplane mostly full of foreigners.

And with it missing at sea, they can't even pose a teddy bear in photos of the wreckage.

Comment Re:It's always in the future. (Score 1) 703

"pointing to a future stalked by floods, drought, conflict and economic damage if carbon emissions go untamed."

This has been asserted since 1985.
And you can convince yourself that it's utterly false, if you assume that the actual floods, drought, conflict, and economic damage are caused by something else.

[Actually I don't know of any conflicts attributable to GW yet. But both the US military and US national security agencies have concluded that GW is their biggest threat for this century. Some people can't afford to ignore the facts.]

Comment Re:Recency bias and global warming pause (Score 1) 703

And naturally, we should reject the opionions of an international group of scientists who specialize in the area in favor of the opinions of some slashdotters.

Big bang, climate, dark matter, evolution, ..., vacinations - if you don't like what the evidence points to, just reject it. You won't lack company.

Comment Re:Recency bias and global warming pause (Score 1) 703

Much of the global warming skepticism has been fueled lately by the decade long pause in the global warming average.

There was a flat spot - even a dip - around the 1970s as well, and look what has happened since then.
The denialism is fueled by something other than the data. People are cherry-picking the data to cast doubt on the obvious longer-turn trend.
Ignorance also helps. On an utterly unrelated topic a co-worker once pointed out that the last point in a plot was lower than the second-last, and concluded that there was a downward trend.

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