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Comment Re:Nofollow? (Score 1) 139

How about combining the worst with the worst? Add "nofollow" to any links in negative reviews, and copy negative reviews to a shadow site that's filled with links to sites known for porn, pedophilia, viruses and malware.

Good idea. Scamware appears, but no unsubscribe link. If you do unsubscibe, it validates for more scamware. Could you please be more explicit though, with an example? So I forward the unwanted scam onnto where, and how? All my emails are handled in real time by Gmail & Yahoo.

Comment Put camera/ dvr on neighbour's residence, watching (Score 1) 825

Being friendly with neighbors - each of you have access to each other;s property, to place a cam/ webcam/ dvr on their residence to watch yours. They can do the same. The electricity consumption is minimal, but they have battery backup anyway. Access to the unit is only needed to: 1) check that it works 2) replace the batteries every 2 years 3) if the worst happens (fire, theft, vandalism, etc) - then the DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER(S) have trapped it all. Eight neighbours = 8 setups. If in hotel room type of setup, wireless camera to a DVR is ok. Some camera are very small - a cross-head screw, plastic cigarette lighter, fountain pen. They can be motion and / or sound triggered. Ebay has many : "spy camera". Greg Zeng, Australian Capital Territory.

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