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Comment How about some video of it turning? (Score 1) 144

I've watched a bunch of videos online of this vehicle. I've seen it go in a straight line. Is there any video of it driving around a curve while traveling at a decent speed?

Motorcycles lean into a turn, lowering their center of gravity and maximizing traction/grip with the road. My guess (in the absence of seeing evidence otherwise) is that they've programmed this vehicle to stay bolt upright and just slide around a lot. Maybe it would be popular with drifters in Tokyo.

Comment Re:Good (Score 0) 200

This is actually pretty funny, because it's true. And I wonder whether an unspoken reason they're walking away from WinRT is due to the sandboxed nature of the new subsystem, that actually rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior in terms of memory management and CPU binding. To put it bluntly, maybe FF is too bloated to live inside WinRT without a huge rewrite.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 200

Maybe a bit of confusion, but in my opinion not so bad. Windows RT ARM tablets are so named because you can only install WinRT targeting apps on them.

If Microsoft called the devices and software layer WinTouch or something, that might have helped a little, as a lot of people have been disappointed that a "Windows" computer can't run legacy mouse/keyboard Windows apps.

Comment Re:Good (Score 5, Insightful) 200

The idea some people got that all existing Windows apps were supposed to be rewritten as Modern Apps is certainly wrong.

However, the idea that the WinRT / Modern App platform needs to go away in a future Windows version is also misguided. What you refer to as "Metro" fills a useful function that isn't otherwise served on Windows, which is enabling touch screen use, and it does a very nice job of that. True, there aren't many Windows tablets or touch monitors out there, but the number of them is increasing every day, and it would be stupid of Microsoft to ditch the whole WinRT effort now.

If you want to make the case that keyboard and mouse users shouldn't have to look at the Modern UI if they don't want to... why then I will heartily agree.

Comment Re:Not my cup of tea (Score 1) 769

Yah... a language that made it out the door a DECADE after Java...

Yeah, I love that C# came out a decade after Java, and they had opportunity to see what Java did badly and change it.

and yet I can still run a 20-year-old Java program unmodified without any issues on my Linux box.

That's cool.

Heck, my first applets from '95 still run!

[unnecessarily harsh]But of course nobody cares about your applets.[/unnecessarily harsh]

Try that with C#... on Windows from a decade ago, and you'll quickly see which setup has aged better.

I don't really care which has aged better in the past. I care about mainstream adoption _today_, and about which language as it exists _today_ is more powerful, expressive, maintainable, etc. If I program Java today, I won't restrict myself to the language subset from 20 years ago, and similarly I am happy to use new C# features that kick Java's behind (like async, var keyword, and embarrassingly many others).

The big missing perspective from your rant is that software engineering is a forward looking discipline, not a backward looking one.

Comment Re:Not my cup of tea (Score 1, Informative) 769

That's funny, but no. Actually C# (rather, the CLR and .NET in general) was the project Anders Hejlsberg got reassigned to after Microsoft's Java-based WFC debacle fell on its face. While C# may have started life as "Microsoft's ripoff of Java", it has grown apart in some really significant and awesome ways. I suspect that most people who are fluent in both languages will appreciate what I'm saying, and could name some of the many ways that C# rules and Java drools.

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