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Comment Re:Something I've never understood.. (Score 1) 133

Dumping a gun in a trash can or river is fast. Grinding it to filings is not fast.
Now I don't know how fast the cops often gets the perpetrator but I imagine some crooks are afraid they'd get caught before grinding it down.
Also, grinding it down is a lot of work. People are lazy.
The serial number can be filed down before the crime.

Comment Re:Location, location, location (Score 1) 212

Replace those damn coal plants with nuclear plants. It lowers the amount of radioactive material the power plant produces.
Many coal plants even dump all of their radioactive material in the atmosphere as a component in the dust. Others filter the dust out and sell it as a filler for concrete and plaster. Including the radioactive materials.

Lower the amount of radioactive materials around us. Build nuclear plants!

Comment Re:Seagate (Score 1) 161

Why was Seagate sued for using the correct amount? The SI prefixes are older then the use of them in computing. "Mega" was standardized in 1960.
Now as to why they were abused to mean powers of 2: I can understand that. However that abuse does not mean you should sue the guys that get it right.

Comment Re:This is why..... (Score 1) 118

I actually agree with some of the sentiment of the manufacturers. Most users can't handle root so you shouldn't give it to them. Manufacturers can't just work with nerds who can handle it. Ordinary users will mess things up and complain to the manufacturer about it.
However it should be a setting like "unknown sources" where those that choose it can activate it. At their own risk of course.

Comment Re:Snake oil (Score 1) 213

I see 3 possible sources for your problem:
a. the MP3 player is badly designed. There should be sufficient capacitance to smooth the power level out to within a few percent of standard even at full read or write. Alternatively the audio traces could be routed too close to the data lines or the designer for the DAC may have had a bad day.
This means that the MP3 player was cheap enough that the designers weren't allowed the time to test their design properly.
b. Your ears are magnificent. That would cause you to hear sounds that the designers didn't feel were relevant.
c. Nocebo effect. You feel there might be a sound so there is a sound. These sounds can be really annoying.

Of course it could be something else that I have missed but these are the parts I would test.

I'd love to hook your MP3 player's audio out to an oscilloscope and see what it could be.

Comment Re:No Trust (Score 1) 153

Not quite. Samsung has quite sufficient access to cc data. They probably wouldn't abuse mine. No certainty, mind you, but a chance.
If a hacker would get access to it the chance it would be abused would increase.
That is why it is better to send it to as few people as possible.

Added to that the data in the story is different. It's about data that can be copied losslessly. If I were to be filmed dancing naked to YMCA I would prefer to have it stolen by as little people as possible. My strong preference is 0.

That would be totally impossible by the way because I totally don't do that every Thursday night. *shifty eyes*.

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