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Comment Re:abstracting electricity? (Score 1) 674

abstract Oh yes we can: verb gerund or present participle: abstracting bstrakt/ 1. consider something theoretically or separately from (something else). "to abstract science and religion from their historical context can lead to anachronism" 2. extract or remove (something). "applications to abstract more water from streams" synonyms: extract, pump, draw (off), tap, suck, withdraw, remove, take out/away; More

Comment Re:Abstracting (Score 5, Informative) 674

Uh ... seems right to me: abstract verb gerund or present participle: abstracting bstrakt/ 1. consider something theoretically or separately from (something else). "to abstract science and religion from their historical context can lead to anachronism" 2. extract or remove (something). "applications to abstract more water from streams" synonyms: extract, pump, draw (off), tap, suck, withdraw, remove, take out/away; More

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