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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 51 declined, 9 accepted (60 total, 15.00% accepted)


Submission + - "Cat Scanning" death (bbc.co.uk)

BWJones writes: "An article in the New England Journal of Medicine that describes a cat in Providence, Rhode Island that appears to be able to detect when a patient in a nursing home is about to die. BBC link here. CBS link here. The cat following cues or small molecular signals goes into the room of a dying patient, curls up next to them and begins to purr in the hours before the patient dies. Cats may be better detectors of metabolomic status than we give them credit for."
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Submission + - A pie-cosahedron!

BWJones writes: Cool,

Via Slashfood

We have at the Instructables a step by step guide for the creation of a pecan "pie-cosahedron" that makes a 20 sides pecan pie in the form of the oh so loved 20 sided dice from Dungeons and Dragons fame. I suppose that pecan pie would be the ideal substrate for such a pie as other compositions would not retain enough structural rigidity to maintain the form. Unless of course your cheesecakes were *really* dry.....

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
