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Comment I hate it. (Score 2) 420

If I can't get the guy on my left to shut up, the guy on right won't shut up. The guy on my left pretends he's the boss, and must interrupt our work ever 10 minutes to ask a question, or he doesn't feel important. And he is NOT the boss. The guy on the left wants to talk about guns and ham radio.

I.. am... trying... to code / read a manual / deploy / or even, god forbid, eat lunch at my desk. Can you all PLEASE shut up? That's before all the walk-ups asking for help. File a ticket, stay in your seat, if I need to talk to you, I will come to you.

Oh, and there is a meeting room right on the left that people love to stand outside of and have a pre-meeting before their meeting...

And if you do manage to get to a tucked away quiet hidden corner, they bombard you with instant messages that the company makes you run.

Everyone... Shut. The. Hell. Up! Let me work on the things officially in my ticket queue!!!

Comment I don't WANT to be 'more productive'. (Score 1) 688

"...or they could enable drivers to be more productive during the time they used to spend driving, which could earn them more money."

If I don't have to drive myself, I'm sure as hell not giving that extra time to my employer. It's my time. Now that I don't have to drive, I'm going to read!

Comment Good. (Score 1) 528

Maybe this information can undo some of the damage you've done TO YOUR CUSTOMERS.

* Undo the malware drm you put on peoples PC's.
* Restore the ability to run Linux on game consoles that you wrongfully stole back AFTER you sold it.
* Unlock the bootloaders on your android phones.

Who knows what else. Probably a LOT of good can come from this. But the most important? Don't piss off your customers!

Comment Re:Please don't misuse the word "rape". (Score 2) 69

“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what."

  Stephen Fry

Comment You sir, are an ass. (Score 1) 429

Who says the bittorrent users are rogue? Who says they stole a password? You said it was public wifi. Why do you think they are lying to your face? Were you running around asking people? Just leave people alone, you self entitled jerk. Who's to say their file transfer is or is not legit, and who is to say it is more or less important than your work? Now people have to run VPN connections to keep you from interfering with them? I would not only kick you out of my coffee shop, but I would post pictures of you, and list your mac address across the net, so people know when you've entered the room. Your behavior is inexcusable.

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