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Comment Re:"justifying their copying of IP" (Score 1) 67

Sigh...he is NOT talking about putting it into ROM, that is impossible with that chip. What he is talking about is putting a software "lock" on the chip so you can NOT UPDATE and that somehow magically makes it a "circuit" which just shows how cult like the man is, how he can just manipulate language to his own ends.

This is about putting dedicated hardware on board to load default firmware from a flash-ROM into the Marvell WLAN chip, so you d o not need to load the firmware after every boot. There is plenty of explanation on the project page , and quite clearly it writes

The task is to develop a prototype of a microcontroller that sends an immutable firmware program through an SDIO interface into a Marvell 8686 based WLAN chip independently from the main CPU.

But why bother reading about details when it is so much fun to just complain and whine and repeat your half understood rants on half understood topics, right?

Its like how his FSF sues people for violating the GPL but he says stealing copyrighted code is fine and dandy, even labels it "sharing with a neighbor"...WTF?

I won't even start to tell you how many mis-statements are contained in this sentence, let alone the whole paragraph I'm not bothering to quote. Luckily /. features a Foes list that will save me from ever attempting to argue on any matter with you again.

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 161

You know that Emacs does not parse most of its .elc or .el files at startup? These are parsed during Emacs compilation, then an image of the Emacs process' memory is dumped to disk and used for quick startup. Only system config files from /etc or ~/.emacs and dependent files need to be parsed.

Comment Re:"justifying their copying of IP" (Score 1) 67

Uhhh...its pretty obvious it was just Torvalds being a frustrated programmer and joking about a piece of software that was being a giant PITA, which we've ALL been there.

He was "joking" (?) about *his* piece of software, Git, quite clearly claiming that people complaining about it are just idiots. Using a pretty offensive language (even if just joking), on a public mailing list. If Linus was a little bit more open-minded or tolerant or spending one second of his time thinking about the users of his software (let's better call them victims), I think he might at least acknowledge that the problem might with Git's lack of consistency, lack of documentation and general complexity (when compared to alternate DVCS). There are more Linus-quotes that reflect a (IMO) questionable attitude towards his users, enough that I take everything he boasts about with a grain of salt. But we're getting off-topic.

I mean locking something down makes it "freer" than if you can update it? WTF? that sounds like the RIAA more than it does the FSF but it boils down to his own dogma simply doesn't work so he has to cook up hoops to jump through that defy logic so that he can jam that dogma into situations where it wouldn't otherwise go. I mean look at those two links, Its BETTER if you DO lock it down but WORSE if you can see and manipulate the code UNLESS that code is GNU....okay, how in the FUCK does that make ANY sense? At all? Its like Mad hatter logic!

Yeah, now I get the point you were referring to. It might seem inconsisten, but maybe you didn't think his reasoning to the end: If a WLAN-chip required a closed firmware to operate, than the Linux kernel has to be shipped with a copy of the (binary and non-modifyable!) firmware embedded. Now suddenly your operating system isn't free any more, as it's bound not only by the Linux license, but also by the license of the firmware. What when it stated that export to Cuba was forbidden? Or specific uses were excluded? You generally don't want to teint your GPLed operating system with non-GPLed bits and pieces protected by copyright. Putting the questionable firmware in an on-board ROM at leasts frees people that deal with the Linux-OS images from having to care about the copyrights of the non-free firmware (the board's manufacturer will still have to deal with it, though).

Comment Re:"justifying their copying of IP" (Score 1) 67

Please don't quote RMS. if you have a quote from Torvalds or Perens or frankly anybody else then great, but RMS tried to claim [..]

I won't consider myself a RMS fan or a free software zealot, just by knowing some of RMS' opinions and quoting them when I think they provide a valid point on some issue. On the other hand, you seem to be a complete anti-RMS zealot. "Please don't quote RMS"? Just because some of his stuff is too extreme for your taste?

You think Torvalds is any better? Hey, I have a quote for you (source)

We will hereby start scouring the net for people who say git is hard to understand and use, and just kill them. They clearly are just polluting the gene pool.

If I were you, I'd rather ask people to not quote Torvalds than to not quote RMS.

Comment "justifying their copying of IP" (Score 2) 67

As a result they are only produced by one source which is facing some hurdles justifying their copying of IP.

I am the only one who's annoyed by the poster's complete lack of critical reflection on those "IP" claims? Are the IP lawyers and lobbyists now getting their anonymous postings on slashdot, too? I'm close to deleting my /. account.

BTW I'm also annoyed by the fact that people got so used to the somewhat nonsensical oxymoron "Intelectual Property".

Comment Re:It's more about how to quote correctly (Score 2) 166

What they found in her thesis is that she rightly referenced the authors she quoted word for word, but didn't reference the authors again in following sentences that were in relation to those first quotes in 56 cases.

No, what they found is that she copied other author's text including footnotes. At other places she reformatted in-line references of the original into footnotes of her text. Whether she copied the text literally or not; if you copy references&footnotes, keeping the original order and semantics, it's pretty clear that you didn't think of your own. I don't think reformulating and reformatting skills entitle you to a PhD.

Comment Re:its not selling well (Score 1) 83

Can it do anything my Blackberry can't?

It runs the software that you write, and you don't even need any SDK for that. Out of the box it runs Lua, Python, Tcl, Octave, Scheme, gForth, Emacs-Lisp, Shell Script and who knows what else. There's even a GCC toolchain package available, if you need it. If you're satisfied with the software that vendors throw at you or allow you to obtain via their managed app-store, than maybe NanoNote is not made for you.

Wireless Networking

Submission + - NanoNote goes Wireless (qi-hardware.com)

dvdkhlng writes: "Even though completely copyleft, the NanoNote hand-held platform failed to get the attention of many due to its low specs and the lack of wireless connectivity. The objective to keep things open had its price, and especially wireless technology is a mine-field of patents and NDAs.
Now a few gifted hackers designed an add-on card to bring wireless to the NanoNote. It's not what you would expect: WLAN compatibility was sacrificed, going for the less encumbered IPv6 over 802.15.4 standard instead. The resulting dongles won't win a price for the highest bandwidth but excel at simplicity, energy efficiency and manufacturability.
Want to see the ugly details? Designs, source code and production documentation are published under open source licenses."

The Almighty Buck

Ask Amir Taaki About Bitcoin 768

"Bitcoin," says the project's website, "is a peer-to-peer currency. Peer-to-peer means that no central authority issues new money or tracks transactions." Wikipedia offers a readable explanation of the underlying technology. In (very) short, Bitcoin uses a distributed database and public key encryption to allow users to reassign ownership of units of Bitcoin currency (BTC), and does so in a way that can keep the user's identity private. Bitcoin isn't yet accepted the way credit cards are, but it's more than theoretical. You can buy (some) things with Bitcoin, and trade the currency itself. Now, you can ask question about Bitcoin of Amir Taaki, a developer of client interfaces and stock trading software for Bitcoin, and owner and operator of trading exchange Britcoin.co.uk. Amir requests that questions focus not "so much on the mining (too many people get focused on that when it's a minor aspect of Bitcoin) nor simple technical questions (people can go find that info themselves on Wikipedia/the forums/sourcecode)," but rather on the harder-to-answer questions. Reading some of the related stories listed below may give you ideas on what those are. Standard Slashdot Interview rules apply: ask as many questions as you want, but please keep them to one per comment. Amir will get back with his answers.

Italy Votes To Abandon Nuclear Power 848

ElementOfDestruction writes "Italy has joined Germany in halting the production of energy from atomic power generation. This differs from Germany in that the Italian decision was made by a public vote, rather than a government mandated shutdown. 57% of Italian Households voted in this public measure. While democracy should trump all, is it wise to hold majority opinion so high that it slows down progress?"

Submission + - A Free and Open Replacement for Wireless LAN (qi-hardware.com) 3

dvdkhlng writes: Qi-Hardware, the community that brought us the Ben NanoNote handheld computer, have just released their next piece of all-out free and open hardware: the AtBEN+AtUSB wireless dongles. Aiming for a solution that works without proprietary firmware blobs, WLAN compatability was abandoned. Instead the project went for simpler, yet more open 6LowPAN technology.

The first batch of AtBen+AtUSB dongles is now ready for shipment trough Tuxbrain. Designs and source code are available under GPL and CC licenses.

Comment Re:ok (Score 2) 99

Freescale iMX51 and TI OMAPs are completely proprietary, AFAIR. If at all you'll only get closed-source drivers for their built-in GPUs. That doesn't make them very sexy for such open-source hardware projects. Also I guess you'll soon run into real-time execution problems, if the GPU drivers aren't 100% perfect. Even with my ATI card I have these problems from time to time (something flushing GPU pipelines? no clue.). This FPGA CPU with RTOS kernel and custom-made 2-D acceleration will allow you to get perfect frames, all the time.

Comment Re:One right here! (Score 1) 441

[..] To this day, the only thing I find lacking is multimedia players (and I especially miss Winamp).

Did you try the Audacious audio player? It was once forked from XMMS, which was a pretty good Winamp clone (for me anyways, haven't seen any Winamp since the year 2000 :). I still have Audacious configured to start with the XMMS skin, which is pretty close to how Winamp looked in 2000. With regard to media players, there's quite a lot of stuff around. Mplayer is certainly the best-performing media player on Linux. If you prefer a nicer GUI, there's also VLC. When you need more codecs, install Ubuntu package ubuntu-restricted-extras, and/or add the medibuntu repository to your package sources.


Submission + - Consumer device with open CPU out of beta soon (milkymist.org)

lekernel writes: "After years of passionate and engaging development, the video synthesizer from the Milkymist project is expected to go out of beta in August.
Dubbed "Milkymist One", it features as central component a system-on-chip made exclusively of IP cores licensed under the open source principles, and is aimed at use by a general audience of video performance artists, clubs and musicians. It is one of the first consumer electronics products putting forward open source semiconductor IP, open PCB design and open source software at the same time.
The full source code is available for download from Github, and a few hardware kits are available from specialized electronics distributors."

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