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Comment Re:Not usually an (R) but... (Score 1) 500

his stance is simple, and consistent. "is it constitutional?"

The problem is that he thinks HE is the one who gets to decide what is constitutional, no matter that the constitution grants that power to the Supreme Court:

"Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be 'constitutional' does not make it so" [reference]
-Rand Paul

Comment Re:It showed a lot (Score 2) 385

I remember lots of Democrat outrage when it first came to be.

Are you talking about the Patriot Act that passed the Senate 98-1? Sure, the one dissenting Senator was a Democrat (Feingold) but that is hardly "lots of Democrat outrage". The Democrats weren't outraged then and they aren't outraged now, they want to snoop on you and control you JUST as much as "the party of small government" does. The US party duopoly is two sides of the same shitty coin.

Comment Re:Truck ? (Score 1) 837

Yes, because semi trucks pay gas taxes. Also, other taxes.

But more to the point, you and I benefit from semi trucks delivering the goods that we like to buy. You and I do NOT benefit from private passenger vehicles other than our own. Make sure to factor that into your cost-benefit analysis.

That assumes that all truck traffic is carrying consumer goods, however this isn't the case. If a gold-mining company is hauling a 190,000 pound excavator to a job site, how does that benefit me? Currently, automobiles are subsidizing such road use with the gas tax, this law seems like it will make that subsidy even greater. Large trucks do not pay taxes in proportion to the damage they do to the roads, since damage increases exponentially with weight.

Comment Re:not far enough. (Score 1) 201

These are occupation statistics, so recreational flyers won't apply. However, the other occupations you mentioned are relevant, particularly small charter planes. For example, in Alaska there are tons of places that are only accessible from the air and there is a large charter plane and bush plane industry which often has to fly in challenging conditions.

Comment Re:The song remains the same (Score 1) 201

A Sheriff is often elected, other than that most police aren't elected. However, the people who give them their marching orders (District Attorney, Mayor) often are elected so that is where voter pressure needs to be applied. Not that it will do much good, both dominant political parties in the US are quite authoritarian so it is unlikely any serious action will be taken against the police departments.

Comment Re:satellites (Score 1) 403

Either my understanding of orbital mechanics is completely wrong or that is completely incorrect.

It's the former. Hint: the moon is beyond geosync distance but somehow it manages to stay in orbit. The "balanced" orbit you are thinking of may be the Lagrange Points, where the gravity of a body balances with the gravity of another body.

Comment Re:This is not a good thing. (Score 2) 866

Actual scientific studies seem to indicate that poorer people are much more likely to be religious than well-off people. For examples, look at this Gallup page that says Religiosity Highest in World's Poorest Nations. Or check out the Wikipedia page on Wealth and Religion which says "The GDP of countries generally correlates negatively with their religiosity, i.e. the wealthier a population is the less religious it is". There are several studies cited on that page that seem to support that conclusion. You claim to have a source for your assertion that "lack of religion in the us is strongly correlated with poverty", can you please provide it?

Comment Re:AI is not predictable to humans (Score 1) 408

I drive roadsters that can stop on a dime. If I stand on my brakes because I hallucinated a wall in the middle of the highway, I can guarantee that people behind me will rear-end me. Would you say there were following me too close and are at fault?

The law says that they are at fault if they hit you from behind. It is the responsibility of the trailing driver (or computer) to allow enough following distance to safely stop if the car in front of them stops. If their car takes longer to stop than yours, they need to allow a greater following distance - just like semi drivers are expected to now since their trucks take longer to stop than a car. This should be one of the places where a computer excels, not only will they always leave enough room to stop safely they will also have a quicker reaction time than a human and so can apply the brakes more quickly.

Comment Re:"Batteries... has the potential"? (Score 1) 334

They does?

Funny, I would've thought the Fark Nitpicking Patrol would have been full of early risers.

Why would the Fark Nitpicking Patrol be on Slashdot? Are there not enough typos on Fark to satisfy them? I know that can't be the case, there are thousands of man-hours of work just correcting misused apostophe's alone.

Comment Re:Drug dogs (Score 2) 409

I've known people who have had their car searched because a dog allegedly signaled that there were drugs in the car when there were not. They looked like stoners (long hair and tie-dyed shirts) so the cops probably thought the odds were good they would find something. When they didn't they just blamed the dog and said something along the lines of, "well, you were probably smoking pot in this vehicle at some point, and that's probably what the dog smelled."

The dog is just an excuse to violate your rights.

THIS. There are no statistics on how frequently dogs "alert" and the subsequent search finds no contraband. The police document when they do find something in such a search but don't document it when they don't, so the statistics make it appear that dogs are extremely effective. When confronted with double-blind tests they don't perform nearly as well. They also generate a lot of false positives, when training the dog almost always encounters what it is looking for so when they get in the field they tend to generate a lot of false positives. The police are fine with this as it gives them probably cause to perform a search. I'm glad the SC is finally pushing back on this issue.

Comment Re:New product (Score 1) 342

There was zero actual explosives in there and there was a showy, but mostly harmless fuel combustion which does not qualify as "explosion". Seriously, they do this in the movies because it looks impressive and at the same time does very little actual damage.

The Falcon 9 does have a Flight Termination System to destroy it if it goes off course, so there may still be explosives on the rocket when it is landing.

Comment Re:Everything's a negotiation (Score 2) 892

Negotiation is not about collaboration nor finding the best solution, it's about finding the best deal. Good negotiation skill is always detrimental to the person you negotiate with. In a team, a good negotiator is detrimental to the team.

I don't think that's true at all. Good negotiators make good team members because they are able to compromise. They know how to view a situation from somebody else's point of view and create solutions that are beneficial to all parties. It's the people who are unable to negotiate that suck at teamwork. They get focused on only their point of view and refuse to concede any points, when dealing with poor negotiators it is often "My way or the highway!".

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