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Comment Re:Sadly, not the first time (Score 2) 85

BTW I am European. "Sad" is perhaps a strong word, but yes, in general my satisfaction is pretty high (App Store and all!) so while they do a lot of things right in my experience, it is irritating that they do this so obviously wrong.

My apologies, I misread your post and made myself seem a little bit dafter than usual. I mistakenly believed it made you sad that Apple were being strong-armed into following local laws, rather than sad that they had to be forced to comply with local laws. Hence my rather unfounded sarcasm in the previous post. My bad.

Comment Re:Sadly, not the first time (Score 1) 85

I have several Apple products and in general I like them. Still it is sad for such premium products that the maker has to be strongarmed into agreeing to local law.

Thankfully, with the ugly exception of worldwide tax avoidance, it's only in the USA that Apple appears to be above and beyond the law. Because you love them so much, this genuinely makes you sad?

Comment Re:Of course (Score 2) 293

It's not as daft as you might first think. This is a genuinely serious avenue that many will believe should be monitored.

When I worked for another huge online MMO catching exploiters, botters, real world traders and gold farmers, there was a genuine and perhaps justified concern about real life criminality among the player base. The fact is that virtual currency has real world value. Buying very sought after items or mountains of gold and then reselling it in a different currency gives you a perfect way to quietly transfer funds from one country to another or launder it. Even just using in game private messages to pass on information.

Comment Can you smell my sarcasm or should I spell it out? (Score 1) 106

Seen as its not easy to judge a countries health care with limited information, I looked instead at life expectancy instead to get a vague idea and your right... only countries like the USA have real health care. Why on this link the average American male lives two full years longer than the average Saudi male. Imagine that!
Of course the typical American male lives about 3 - 4 years less than someone in Europe due to their primitive health care system so I guess they are also screwed if this thing gets out.


The Legal Purgatory at the US Border: Detained, Searched, and Interrogated 555

An anonymous reader writes "America may be the land of the free, but upon arrival millions of visitors cross a legal purgatory at the U.S. border. It is an international legal phenomenon that is left much to the discretion of host countries. In some cases, this space between offers travelers far fewer rights than some of the least democratic and free countries on Earth. Limited access to legal counsel, unwarranted searches, and questionable rights to free speech to name a few. One of the more controversial — and yet still legally a contested grey area — are the rights travelers have in regards to electronics and device searches."

Comment Re:Grande with a shot of poop (Score 2) 184

"Delicacy" is better thought of as a code word for "look at the crazy shit we just fed to that tourist."

Delicacy tends more to be some horrible crap that poor people would eat to survive. For example haggis, the Scots delicacy is made from all the garbage left over after that you cant sell after you butcher a sheep. It's padded out with oats and has the bad taste of the offal covered up with spices. Seems this coffee started out in a similar way. Poor people not allowed the coffee beans found some they were allowed to use in cat shit. mmmm the taste of culture mixed with the chic of poverty. So now they can't eat them from the trees or harvest them from cat crap. Poor guys lose again.

Comment Re:FTFA (Score 5, Informative) 264

For those that don't want to actually read the loose blog post (its just an opinion from some unknown guy and backed up with no actual facts by the way. It's not actually news at all).
In the comments is a reply apparently from DuckDuckGo :

"Hi, this is Gabriel Weinberg, CEO and founder of DuckDuckGo. I do not believe we can be compelled to store or siphon off user data to the NSA or anyone else. All the existing US laws are about turning over existing business records and not about compelling you change your business practices. In our case such an order would further force us to lie to consumers, which would put us in trouble with the FTC and irreparably hurt our business. We have not received any request like this, and do not expect to. We have spoken with many lawyers particularly skilled and experienced in this part of US and international law. If we were to receive such a request we believe as do these others it would be highly unconstitutional on many independent grounds, and there is plenty of legal precedent there. With CALEA in particular, search engines are exempt. There are many additional legal and technical inaccuracies in this article and I will not address all of them in this comment. All our front-end servers are hosted on Amazon not Verizon, for example."

Comment Re:Why should it be any different? (Score 1) 313

People don't advertise their mental illnesses in bars either.

Agreed, even after getting to know someone it can be hard to spot tell-tale warning signs. People can spend their life hiding things and get quite good at it. It was only after a girlfriend of mine moved in that her schizophrenia became apparent. She was very good at hiding it but put far less effort into that after she moved in. Warnings like when she yelled at me for listening to her thoughts all the time. That said, maybe I was the one that drove her crazy.

Comment Re:Yeah... (Score 3, Interesting) 1105

I'm simply staggered by the number of nay-sayers posting here and being modded up to +5 who are doing little more than desperately grasping at straws while denying the staggering array evidence in the world around them. Ignoring such overwhelming proof isn't even a matter of blind faith, its just willful ignorance sponsored by parties with a massive financial interest in staving off the inevitable as long as profitably possible.

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