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Comment Publicly Available != Public Domain (Score 1, Offtopic) 338

Even 3rd graders should understand that concept. I get the source code license for MS Windows from a public site I make an Apple app for it, just because I got it from a location that was publicly available doesn't mean it's unencumbered. I get the internal financial documents for Redhat that someone copied and put onto a public website, I make an Apple app for it, again using data I didn't have rights to. You have to be a complete moron to not understand the legality of content you don't have rights to.

Comment Re:Who needs metadata any more (Score 1) 160

Actually I'd say that one of two things should happen... Google is allowed to do this but they have to hand over the all end result data to the US government for it's free use by any other individual/organization in the US after a 2-3 year exclusive embargo; or the US government should fund doing this and again allow anybody in the US to use the results.

Comment Re:sooo... (Score 1) 508

This is the only thing I can find about the EULA and VS having any contraversy. Basically the primary issue was around some bits in the license which MS said was there to prevent you from using it to work around restrictions. i.e. timebomb shareware / limited functionality software that you need pay for, etc. VS had/has different levels and a guy had written some things to extend the cheap limited version of VS to basically give it the functionality of the full version.

I've not been able to find anything anywhere relative to your acusation...

Comment Re:W-T-F (Score 1) 685

Actually those higher flow performance air filters make the engine work a little less hard so the engine actually is more efficient at burning the same ammount of fuel and better for the environment... normally at the expense of not being as good at cleaning the passing air allowing more particulates into the engine.

Comment Depends upon the source (Score 1) 480

It really depends upon the size of the sutff you are doing. If you are going to recompile the same stuff over and over and the dataset will fit in memory... you most likely will get little to no benefit. Linux (Vista and others) cache every single file until some app needs memory and pushes it out. It sounds like he's doing it on a box by himself (not a server shared by 5000 other people), and with memory so cheap... unless you are compiling something huge I'd guess that you probably not have to disk again after the first time it read it in (as long as there isn't another app ran that eats up all the memory, forcing out cached files from buffer cache and at some point freed up all the memory again and the compile is ran again).

For a point app for a single user, spending less on SSD and buying more memory would probably give you much more benefits.

Sun Microsystems

Submission + - NetApp sues Sun's over ZFS patent (

InsaneGeek writes: NetApp is suing Sun over it's use of patented algorithms used in ZFS. Sun originally claimed NetApp infringed upon their patents after investigating Sun's claims and believing they are without merit, NetApp is striking back with ZFS being the target. NetApp has requested a court injuction against their patented implementation continued distribution in open or closed source form. According to CNET News NetApp will not use the courts to go after any educational, research or non-competing users of the technology. What kind of wrinkles does this put into Apple's plan of having ZFS included in Mac OS X Leopard, and the obvious competing FreeNas project's plans to use ZFS upon release of FreeBSD 7.0, etc. Full technical details can be found at

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