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Comment Re:So, does water cost more? (Score 1) 377

False, Wheat, Oats, Barely are largely inbred varieties that can be saved and planted. Soybeans can be as well. Usually it's not done due to contamination with weed seeds. My friend who has access to cleaning equipment still cleans and replants varieties of wheat that do well for him but aren't easily found on the market. He also keeps his own seed bank in a chest freezer. Generally the reason in many crops to go back to seed dealers is legal and cultural (the plant culture not human, things like contamination and desiese). The Dairy industry used Holsteins which breed true to type.

Anyways the point is that hybrids are used where the cost of making them is lower than the productivity gained. It's an economic calculation and not a given of agricultural production.

Comment Re: So, does water cost more? (Score 1) 377

You can patent specific clonal varieties of plants. (which hybrid corn seed basically is (something like greater than 99.5% identicality). Protection lasts 20 years and covers breeding rights and required parent material to be handed over to the patent office and can be requested by any breeder after the patent expires). But it is limited in applicability. However if can also apply for PPV protection with is a mostly worldwide agreement that protects the specific cultivar but not breeding rights. In countries with plant patents PPV will expire when the patent does if a patent was sought.

Comment Hybrid vigor FTW? (Score 2) 377

"hybrid seeds get weaker by the generation" -- False, there is a level of heterzygosity that the population with stablize at. The second generation takes the biggest hit and after you can get up to 2/3 of the yeild for most hybrids of corn. " hybrid seeds are bred for intensive agriculture, they typically need chemicals to thrive." Hybrid seeds can be bred for whatever purpose you want, including low-input agriculture. Even said selecting artificial populations would be most benificial to many of the farmers as you can effectively replant

Comment Re:Black list for authorities? (Score 1) 86

"Suppose you're a government IT guy. You have to implement VPN connections" It's called Tor dummy. It gives anonomity to the average Joe and the federal agents investigating hem. " You can't send a link over E-mail to your boss at the office because when he opens " Implement a proxy that can replay a page load and tag and embeds a unique page load ID as a comment at the start of the HTML file. Pair with a browser extension that can read this PLID and email the PLID to your boss They probably already have something like this for some extobetent price that gov types are willing to buy because, hey it's not really thier money they are spending. "It starts a competition for resources" Generally the proven methods are good crypto and decentralized systems. The effort to blacklist Government IP's is about proportional to the effort of Gov agents to subert it, and they have a lot more resources than can bring to bear. The effort is better spend elsewhere.

Comment Re:Article is retarded - here's the situation (Score 1) 488

Nuclear power isn't bad if it's a high-temp reactor you have an alternate use for the heat (water desalinzation, or motor fuel, ammonia, or hydrogen synthesis). Additionally newer reactors should be capital costs down as you caputre some of an economy of scale. Additionally is some systems you could mix natural or bio gas in the same plant to adapt to demand. (and you can be paid for kW of variable production capacity as well as purely on a kW basis Besides quick-start systems tend to be much less fuel-effecient than always on systems even with the same fuel (Oil and Gas) My though is a nuclear base load and complementary renewables The sort of reall good grid (Read really really really good grid) needed to balance renewables is going to be really really expensive, and in most countries cross-national (read poor energy security) Converting coal to biomass doesn't make the plant any more adaptable in terms of startup/shutdown times. Really the only practical option is distributed and smart storage or quick-start oil/gas. (maybe biogas if you can find enough) (Even though I think nuclear is really great as a base load, it doesn't much address the variability problem, as best some reactor plant designs allow a way to add some variable capicity in combination with a gas or liquid fuel

Comment Re:The *obvious* answer... (Score 1) 488

Though obvious and an answer, it's not an effective one. Simple nationization does not solve the issue. The issue being renewables sometime push the electric price below the marginal cost of base-load type generation that cannot be easily turned on and off quickly. However these are the cheapest electric sources at the moment so shutting them down means higher prices or not enough power under some conditions. My state has all public power utilities and they invest very little in renewables as the mandate is to provide the most cost-effective and reliable power generation. They aren't about to shoot themselves in the foot by adding massize amounts on solar and wind. At most they'll add enough to displace most of the non base-load demand of the least demand month. It's a technilogical and social problem and the solution therefore can't just be social or just be technological.

Comment Combined Heat+Power (Score 1) 488

If you are having troubles in the dead of winter, you may want to provide incentives to combined heat and power. Variable pricing is a good thing as well if feasible to move storage onto the site where it can be used later. (Right now losses involved with most storage makes grid-level redistribution a losing propsition). A embedded device in the home will forcast demand and recieve the focasts. It will then decide the cheapest way to meat the demand (either by precharching it's stores, storing onsite gneration, starting onsite generation, or just pulling from the grid) and update it's demand projections. You would eventually lose most convential coal plants from the grid as renewable are added as they just can't cycle very well. You'd see baseline supliments move towards Natural Gas. Anyways to get residential consumers to accept this level of trade you would need strong legal and technical privacy protections (Cypto methods and laws that inact strict penalties for sharing any information personally identifiable and more granular than daily demand and productions) Providing the framework to an open market is going to have much better long-term success than nationizing all electric utilites.

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