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User Journal

Journal Journal: I called it... 4

I called it way back in February.

My mom and dad, working in a military base town talked how dear friends were being called up for the 3rd time. That they knew people that came close deployment after deployment to losing life and limb.


Finally, they were tired of it. They thought that maybe an oppositional government wasn't a bad thing.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Gripping Horror of Electronic Voting 1

Avi Rubin, a security researcher that has done a lot of electronic voting analysis, has blogged his experience working as an election worker in a precinct that not only uses electronic voting, but (more horribly, it turns out) uses electronic check-in and verification in an effort to stop voting fraud.

Pen-Based PDA Market on Death Bed 281

An anonymous reader writes "The traditional pen-based PDA market is destined to evaporate within the next four years, according to HP, and it will be focusing its handheld efforts on converged smart phone devices, such as its latest BlackBerry rivals unveiled this week -- the iPAQ rw6800 and the iPAQ hw6900." From the article: "This won't come as a surprise to many, as HP hasn't given its traditional pen-based product line a refresh since the launch of the iPAQ hx4700 towards the middle of 2004. It released the iPAQ rx1950 in September of last year, but this was very much an entry-level product and made few waves among the high-end, tech-savvy consumers that dominate the PDA segment."

Oracle Boss Says OSS Needs Big Business 157

Rob writes "Oracle Corp's CEO, Larry Ellison, has maintained that open source projects are only successful when major technology corporations get involved and doubted that open source will have a major impact on the software areas in which the company operates. Speaking at Oracle OpenWorld Tokyo Ellison also confirmed that the company had inquired about acquiring open source database vendor MySQL AB and denied that Oracle's recent open source acquisitions were designed to harm its rival."

Searching for Botnet Command & Controls 114

Orange Eater writes "eWeek has a story about a group of high-profile security researchers intensifying the search for the command-and-control infrastructure used to power botnets for malicious use. The idea is to open up a new reporting mechanism for ISPs and IT administrators to report botnet activity." From the article: "Operating under the theory that if you kill the head, the body will follow, a group of high-profile security researchers is ramping up efforts to find and disable the command-and-control infrastructure that powers millions of zombie drone machines, or bots, hijacked by malicious hackers."
United States

Journal Journal: I'm calling it now

I am calling it now... just to have a record. I think the Dems are going to take back the Congress.

Just a gut feeling.

I will say why when and if it happens, but has to do with a recent interaction with family.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Page 23

Just saw this in JordanH's Journal.
  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Turn to page 23.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

"For example, if a part of your program uses different data types at different times, Psyco may generate a different version of machine code to support each different type combination."

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