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Comment Re:Standards (Score 4, Insightful) 152

It's not quite that simple - customers can require the certification. If a customer is sizable enough, the suppliers will have comply to stay in business.

For real world examples, look at the power that the state of Texas has wielded in text book requirements and the state of California with warning labels.

Comment Re:Keynote speaker (Score 1) 442

You're confusing Electrical Engineers with Electricians. If you knew anything about Electrical Engineering, you'd know that. I don't mean to be mean, but that's just the truth.

Electrical Engineering is hard - it's not something that you can pick up by just pick up on your own by reading some wikipedia articles.

Just curious, why do you think that being a software engineer qualifies you as an electrical engineering expert?

Comment Re:Expert?? (Score 1) 442

Not all areas have the geological or topographical features necessary to feasibly create a pumped storage setup.

Remember, the "renewables only" crowd rule out nuclear power which provides much of the base capacity - that's the only reason gas turbines and pumped storage release are only able to meet the peak demand.

To be clear, I realize that some areas are able to do this via hydroelectic - those areas are the exception and not the norm. Also, hydroelectric facilities are very hard to get approval for due to environmental concerns.

Comment Re:American car companies... (Score 1) 426

The major problem that I've heard reported is that the ignition would go to the "accessory" selection and would lock the steering wheel. If true, almost no one wold be able to recover from that.

The other problem (for many) would be the loss of power steering and power brakes. The power brakes might have some hydraulic pressure left initially, but that would go quickly.

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