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Comment Skip the videos, spend time with her now (Score 1) 698

I agree that you should spend time with her now, tell her in person what you think you want to tell her later. I read comments made by a woman who had received letters from her deceased mother for those "important events", and grew to dread reading them because they couldn't take into account the changes in the daughters life and became increasingly disconnected. Don't think you can predict the future, but give her your guidelines now.

Comment Re:Article bad web page design (Score 5, Interesting) 237

A curse and a pox on web sites that use such low contrasting schemes. The article may have been interesting, but I'll never know what he intended to say because I simply can't read it without getting eyestrain and a massive headache.

I agree 150%! I will often close a web site nearly immediately if it has piss poor graphical design. By the way, have you investigated if your browser has the option to turn off page styles? In Firefox selecting the View/Page Style/No Style menu option will turn off the crappy graphic decisions made by the web site author, if you really need to view the site.

Comment Pick up more TLAs :-) (Score 1) 323

You have a good start sprinkling in the three letter acronyms into your question. Be sure to learn a few more. I admit it don't recognize the ones you used, and can't be bothered to Google them. :-) In a more serious vein, in my experience, all software related development could stand to use strong skills in the areas you listed. You should be able to evaluate the suitability of each part of the "cocktail' of tools to the task at hand, and to deliver well crafted and tested solutions, or to be able to point out the deficiencies of the proposed tools. Too much code has been written by persons sorely lacking in those skills, and the poor quality that results is evident. Not even big corporations are immune. One of my pet peeves: why do users have to enter in phone numbers or card numbers in web forms with out spaces or other punctuation? So simple to strip them out in the validation step.

Comment Re:It's not all about the numbers (Score 1) 422

For the life of my, I can't understand why Canon, Nikon and others are not fully embracing this connected world. All $500+ cameras should come with Bluetooth/Direct Wifi and GPS built in.

The Canon EOS 6D has built in GPS and WiFi. You can control the camera from your iOS or Android phone, computer or tablet with the EOS Remote App. You can also print to a WiFi printer, upload images to a web service (possibly just the Canon one) and view images on a DNLA media player.

Comment Re:What about those of us who like quiet cars (Score 1) 823

Let's get out a decibel meter and compare. I guarantee my Lincoln Hybrid will beat the pants off your SUV in an objectively measured sound level test.

I didn't say that it would be absolutely quieter than your snooty hybrid :-), but just that it is possible to hold a conversation while seated within with the windows closed without having to yell while driving on the highway at 80 MPH. And I also did not state anything about the sound pressure levels as measured outside the vehicle as it passes.

Comment Re:What about those of us who like quiet cars (Score 1) 823

Give me a quiet car any day of the week. It's wonderful to be able to have a conversation at 80 MPH without having to shout at each other.

Hmm, my 13 year old SUV is quiet enough inside at 80 MPH to have a conversation without shouting. Seems like you just have to buy one that is quiet, regardless of the power source.

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