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Comment Re:For disasters (Score 1) 85

You should acquaint yourself with some history, which you probably didn't learn at your big-government sponsored school. John James Cowperthwaite was the Financial Secreterary of Hong Kong from 1961 to 1971. His "positive non-interventionism became the focus of his economic policy as Financial Secretary. He refused to collect economic statistics to avoid officials meddling in the economy.
Commentators have credited his management of the economy of Hong Kong as a leading example of how small government encourages growth" according to Wikipedia.

This is what formed the modern Hong Kong into what it is despite the preceding 150 years of British rule.

Comment Silver kills microbes and ebola (Score 1) 119

Hmmm... and why are they not using their own research and solution?

A PDF of Janice Speshock and Saber Hussain's research at the US Air Force National Laboratory.

Before some anonymous coward yells some shill-inspired-drivel about the dangers of silver.... the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA is part of the Department of Defense, created in 1999) confirmed the authenticity of this research.

So, will "medical science" aka big pharma and their marketing arm, the FDA, "allow" this potential cure, or will they just let thousands die, because "we have not cure" and won't have for a long time? There are too many african anyway, aren't there? is what they seem to be saying by their actions.

Comment Re:It wasn't environmentalism ... (Score 1) 91

The white rhinoceros is one of the biggest success stories in environmental conservation. It was down to about 200 individuals by the late 19th century. Following the imposition of hunting restrictions, populations have rebounded to over 20,000 individuals and it was de-listed as an endangered species under CITES in 1995; limited hunting is now allowed to control population growth.

That is not true.

The white rhino was saved due to the efforts of a few visionaries who convinced the South African government and Swaziland, if I recall correctly, to allow the commercial breeding of white rhino (which means for profit, in case you don't understand economics 101). The fact that people, including Mericuns, could hunt them for large sums of money, meant that there was money to protect them and breed them. That's what saved them, not some misguided utopian green agenda.

Comment Re:Or don't be... (Score 1) 561

Has anyone ever wondered about the fact that some people just don't want to follow a certain career path? Why are there so few male kindergarten teachers for instance? Are we now going to force a lot of young men to become kindergarten teachers to make up the quotas?

This whole drive is so rediculous. I'm not saying the we should not allow women or men into certain positions like in days of old, but that we simply let demand sort out the number. For crying out loud, has the world gone mad??

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Comment Re:Gots to find more ways to avoid taxes (Score 1) 533

The idea that small government is a substitute for good governance is a koch dream. Small government means less oversight.

That's exactly where your are wrong! Small government means it only does what it has been given explicit permission for by the constitution. That means getting out of education, finance (yes, that includes the illegal federal reserve), canning the war or drugs and terror and a whole lot more.

Comment Re:Really now (Score 1) 145

You are really in the dark ages, you coward you! The US has a lot to learn from South Africa!

There are a great deal more items that can be added to this list, but I doubt it will help you much...

But maybe Mr Coward wasn't born yet at the time and he's still not able to find South Africa on a world map. (Hint: It's somewhere south of Mexico)

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