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Submission + - Out of control naval office bought hi tech silencers

Bruce66423 writes: http://www.washingtonpost.com/...
You couldn't make this up; an office charged with backup took it upon itself to become an active unit — and spend vast amounts of money (well — $1.6m — that's a lot to you and me, though a rounding error for the Federal government) on silencers... This is a plot out of a John LeCarre!

Comment Uber seems to be fitting under UK existing law (Score 1) 282

We have a separate class of 'Licensed Hire Vehicles' which are not as flexible as taxis - you have to book them rather than hail on the street. This does require explicit registration of the vehicles, but I've seen one with 'Uber' flashes, so it seems to work. This is a good solution for people who want to make a real living out of Uber, rather than just occasional.


is an alternative outcome - registration to avoid London's congestion charge (for driving in the streets of much of central London)

Submission + - French family in court over vaccination refusal

Bruce66423 writes: http://www.theguardian.com/soc...
A French court is being invited to consider the evidence that the use of aluminium and mercury in the vaccines for Polio, Tetanus and Diptheria make them dangerous. French law requires evidence of having vaccinated in order to participate in various activities, including school.

Comment A mixed story (Score 1) 238

People like technology when it works - but notice when it fails. If it works, it becomes assumed as part of life - and no longer noticed; the more one thinks about the internet, the more incredible it is.

Part of the problem is that real science is HARD. Most people can't cope and avoid it at school. They dismiss us as geeks - not least to cover their own failure to master the subject. So there's a built up frustration that comes out when it does go wrong... not healthy - but perhaps inevitable given that most people are not up to mastering the science they depend on to live (and all of us won't master it ALL!!)

Comment Simply not true from the teaching perspective (Score 1) 283

In terms of the knowledge necessary to teach a subject, that hasn't risen that much. It's important to realise that higher degrees don't teach the breadth of a subject necessary for teaching - they focus down on a remarkably small area. In as far as being an academic is being a teacher, there hasn't been that much change in the knowledge needed to do the job.

The complexity comes from the fact that academics are expected to contribute their subject's advance, and that does need the depth of knowledge. However in practice the skills learnt by a PhD are more than enough to do that; the reality is that post docs exist to absorb the excess supply of PhDs.

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