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Comment Re:Franchise laws = Racket laws (Score 1) 157

what makes Tesla the victim here?

The fact that the applicable law is idiotic.

Well, OK, but technically that makes everyone the victim, not just Tesla.

That does not mean they don't have to comply. They should prove that they did not sell more than 150 cars.

Agreed; and if it turns out that Tesla was in violation of the law, Musk should consider shutting his mouth for once. After paying the fines and apologizing, that is. Otherwise, I'd say GADA should be the folks eating crow.

Comment Re:Franchise laws = Racket laws (Score 1) 157

In my state, if you sell more than 5-8 cars a year, you have to get a dealers' license. Doesn't matter if they're old, new, salvage, etc, you hit that number, you'd better have a license from the state to sell cars.

Do I agree with the law? No, I think it violates the concept of free enterprise.

Is it the law? Yes, and in that every single person, corporate or otherwise, is required to follow it.

Assuming TFS is accurate (a dangerous assumption to make, I know), it sounds like the situation is thus:

- Georgia says, "if you sell more than X cars in this state, you have to have a dealership."

- Tesla responds, "OK, we'll sell less than X, so we can avoid that requirement."

So far, everything seems cool.

- GADA says "we're pretty sure Tesla has sold more than X cars, thus would be in violation of the law"

- Georgia asks Tesla, "How many cars have you sold in this state this year?"

- Tesla is thus far mum on the topic.

Again, presuming that this is a fairly accurate depiction of the circumstances... what makes Tesla the victim here? The fact that a competitor is claiming that they may have broken the law?

Comment Re:stopping who? (Score 1) 322

Even with gang member murders subtracted, the chance of being killed is still much higher in the US.

With a gun? Citation, please.

Also, gang members with knives tend to accidentally stab innocent bystanders far less often then gang members with guns tend to shoot innocent bystanders.

And gang members with guns tend to accidentally shoot bystanders far less often than police officers with guns do. What's your point?

Comment Re:So, where is ... (Score 1) 1134

... the code of chivalry? So there are a few asshats who make things tough for women. Where are the guys who should be calling them out on this bad behavior?

Yeah, its an old and outdated concept. But its practically instinctive male behavior. Stepping up and confronting a threat to prove your machismo. Not necessarily violently, but I'd expect at least a few guys to step up and tell the dickheads to shut the f* up.

The very feminist you would ride to the rescue of would call you a misogynistic bastard for thinking she needed to be rescued.

Chivalry isn't dead, but the chivalrous among us know better than to waste time helping someone who's going to call us assholes for doing it.

Comment Re:One bad apple spoils the barrel (Score 3, Informative) 1134

Most people probably didn't know know Portal was lead by a woman because it wasn't relevant to the game's success.

Most people probably don't know who the lead developer was on any video game, because that shit doesn't fucking matter to 99.99% of the goddamn population.

It's not because 'misogyny,' or a 'boys club' or '[insert BS label]' - it's because it doesn't matter. We (by which I mean most gamers) aren't buying games because of who made them, we're buying games because we want to play that game.

Now, was this rant misdirected? Perhaps. But I've got to say something, because I'm tired of narcissistic bitches* saying that I'm a bad person for no reason other than the fact that I have a dick and disagree with their philosophies.

* If you're sitting there assuming I am referring to all women as narcissistic bitches, you're exactly the narcissistic bitch I'm talking about. Get over yourself.

Comment Re:Astroturfing for Hillary Clinton (Score 2) 1134

It looks like manufactured evidence, and all explanations to the contrary are wild stretches.

I haven't actually seen any "explanations to the contrary" myself.

All I've seen are people like I kan reed going full retard, foaming at the mouth with hatred as they scream how you're some sort of woman-murdering monster because you won't just take her word for it.

Which, besides being hilariously ironic, doesn't really do anything to dispel people's suspicions.

Comment Re:stopping who? (Score 1) 322

There is a slight rise in violent crime in exchange for a massive reduction in murders. Seems like a worthwhile trade-off.

I presume you've never been raped, then?

Look at who, statistically, gets murdered the most - gangbangers and other criminals.

So, what you're really saying here is that you think a decrease in criminals killing each other, coupled with an increase in non-criminals being raped and beaten, is a good thing.

I have to disagree with that line of thinking.

Comment Re: Solution lies with users, not Apple (Score 1) 311

Some of the banks require easier passwords than cloud storage services. One of my banks used to prohibit special characters, and I've heard of banks that limit password length.

My bank used to have a 8-12 character limit on passwords, but they've always used 2-factor authentication.

YMMV, but my general point is that computer storage systems at banks have to be PCI compliant, whereas cloud storage, not so much.

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