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Comment Re:FireFox - the browser for people who want less. (Score 0) 224

You people are so full of shit. There's more to it than just memory use. (I don't give a fuck anyway, my browser can have 8 Gb of RAM if it will take it)

Browsers are one of thing things that DO benefit from a 64 bit build because they handle relatively large amounts of data and can do it with fewer clock cycles.

Stop spreading FUD, you apologist for lazy cunts.

Comment Re:Windows being the laughing stock of the OS worl (Score 1) 224

... and here I used up all my mod points. I don't know what their problem is, it surely can't take much to keep it compiling for x64 under Windows.

I can almost understand why it took them so long to come out with a 64 bit flash plugin (for either platform) though. Imagine what a fuckstick mess that code base would be. It's proprietary, changed hands so many times, and the result is a 10 megabyte+ monstrosity of a library (my current 64 bit is 18 megabytes, lol). It was probably a bitch bastard to get to compile at first.

Firefox has no excuse for not having 64 bit builds available. (Yes, binaries. It's a different environment. More homogeneous, which makes it easier for them, but it's also not so easy for Windows users to set up a build environment to compile their own)

Comment No more 64 bit NIghtlies? (Score 1) 224

What? Fuck off... that's the browser I use to check my forums etc. in Windows (because it's a 64 bit build). Like I'm going to stay with alpha quality code that's no longer updating.

Oh well, if I have to use a 32 bit browser I guess it will be Google Chrome. (I don't use Firefox in Linux anymore, I do Chromium builds once a week or so)

I don't have a build environment in Windows, that's such a pain in the ass. I just have Windows for gaming, so I don't do that stuff.

I'm pretty much all out of uses for Mozilla Firefox. I don't even like it anymore, with the stupid things they've done and the user interface etc. They even keep removing about:config options.

Comment Better things to do (Score 1) 231

If I wanted something, I'd already have it. I don't go to feeding frenzies to compete with humanity just to save a few bucks. My time is worth more to me.

I also really dislike crowds and queues etc. I can control it (I'm not going to flip out) but I do get angry and something like (but not the same as) claustrophobic when in crowds.

Comment Re:Field Sobriety Test (Score 1) 608

You would have to be a "full time stoner" (regular user) to understand it. It affects people differently (that's where I will agree that there is some danger) but generally, a long time, experienced user is not intoxicated or significantly impaired by moderate cannabis use. It's more akin to having a cup of coffee than an intoxicant and that's the mindset of most chronic users.

I think observation (did the driver actually do anything wrong?) and field sobriety tests should be given more weight than drug testing for the presence of cannabis metabolites. This method would also catch people who are sleep deprived, or trying to function while ill when they should have stayed home. (Such people should be warned, not charged though. You have to draw the line somewhere. We can't possibly forbid driving for all conditions where people aren't at their best)

I've been smoking it several times a day, for 35+ years now and I have friends in their 70's who have been smoking it for 50+ years. However, a novice user tripping out on potent cannabis certainly would be impaired. Unlike alcohol (which lowers inhibitions) though, they would probably themselves be scared to drive. They would most likely FEEL inhibited and say "I'm not goin nowhere!" (an actual quote that I will always remember, from someone in that very situation. It was funny to me at the time). I have seen this many times. Go smoke someone up before we go somewhere and have them realize they are now too messed up. Some people won't even go out in public, let alone drive.

So no, I don't believe it is as dangerous as alcohol. It can't be ignored, but it also isn't appropriate to treat it the same way as alcohol "DUI".

I'm in Canada, by the way. It's a bit more tolerated by folks here (I don't mean government or law enforcement, it's illegal and criminal to possess or drive under the influence) and it's not so stigmatized. So users can lead perfectly normal lives.

Comment Re:Easy (Score 1) 608

Of course, anyone whose career depends on drugs being illegal is going to lobby against even one inch of compromise. It is disingenuous for that U.N. drug watchdog cocksucker to even comment on the issue.

That's why you never ask police their opinion on things like this either. (and yes, I know of L.E.A.P. but they are a very small minority). Their unions would forbid them, even if they wanted to be honest and objective. Anything that reduces the need for more policing would be against their interests.

The prison industry was one of the biggest lobbyists against legalization, during the California cannabis referendum.

Comment Re:Regulation is problematic (Score 4, Insightful) 129

They are conditioned to believe this shit at early ages... "If you want to be rich some day, you have to think this way and support Free Market Capitalism. Anything else is just bad, and you don't need to know any more about it. Let's just call it all Socialism. It kind of rhymes with Satan, well, it starts with the same letter, at least."

This is why you have stupid people, who haven't a pot to piss in, that lobby against things that are in their own interests, in favour of the corporate greed.

Ordinary workers, living from paycheck to paycheck, getting in debt, saying that at least under (Insert Republican candidate they've been conditioned to support) they get to "keep what they have". No sir, they don't want anything like subsidized health care, they'd rather go into mortal debt for an emergency appendectomy. At least they are living the American Dream and doing it on their own, because government handouts are Socialism, which is the same as Communism (See, the old U.S.S.R. had the word "Socialist" in the title)

Now these big companies, whose "freedom" they worship, are wanting to claw back their meager wages and benefits while execs get bonuses. Damn those unions for interfering with the God Given Rights of the corporations.

Of course not all Americans are this obtuse, it's just that they are also taught to be very vocal when others don't agree with their beliefs, or criticize their country.

Comment Re:How long does it take to get a cert? (Score 1) 92

No, I am saying that IE8 is erroneously putting up that message. I know what it means and yes, it's been around much earlier than IE6. I think I remember it in Netscape even.

I don't sign in to youtube. I don't sign in to Google. I opted out of all the social networking tripe. (I forget what they call it, but there's a central site you can use to opt out of Google Everything all at once, and only keep what you want.) I have a disposable Gmail account, with completely false information that I log in to maybe once every few months (or if I'm expecting correspondence) and then I log out of it.

So no, I really don't care to have my searches over SSL. It's just unnecessary overhead. I also don't care to read mailing list archives or download source code over SSL either.

Comment Re:How long does it take to get a cert? (Score 3, Informative) 92

Yes, I don't like the use of https where it's not needed. It's more overhead all around and YES it matters on busy servers and slow, high latency links. It can also meant he difference between accessing and not accessing the site with a misconfigured router (e.g. wrong MTU on a PPPoE connection can make SSL not work correctly. There's one ISP here that needs packets no larger than 1454 bytes or there's trouble signing into various services. The default on the routers is 1492 for PPPoE, which is supposed to be correct but gets people every time. The ISP doesn't "support" routers, unless they supply, configure and lock you out of them. So I get service calls over that all the time)

I do not need SSL on Google. Like I give a fuck if people snoop my search phrases. (I'll search for "kiss my ass" just in case the bogey man is listening) I would want SSL for signing in to, say, Gmail or something but I don't need it for all communications. Now that Google has carried the https over to Youtube, some silly browsers (e.g. IE8) prompt on the loading of every damned page because there's a mix of secure and non secure content. Really smart.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 513

I certainly will not be brow beaten into sacrificing MY freedom and privacy for fishing expeditions to catch criminals. Being falsely accused or even just investigated by a bunch of overbearing cops is more harassment than I will tolerate. Call me all the names you want, at least "tool" won't be among them.

Even in the intended case of a relative being an alleged match... what then? Are they to be interrogated and harassed into providing their family tree? Only a complete and utter moron would submit to that in the first place. Yes, I know, the world is full of those people who think they are innocent and have nothing to fear from The Law. Wait until you're on the receiving end of a bunch of sociopathic assholes who think the end justifies the means.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 2) 513

I am very suspicious about this. Why would he submit a sample if he is the one who did it? This is probably all bollocks and the man is innocent.

I would never submit my DNA in that manner. If that made me the odd man out, implying guilt because I won't cooperate, so be it. If they go and take a sample by whatever means, it wouldn't be admissible anyway.

This is like a witch hunt.

Comment Re:Microsoft is right (Score 1) 373

It sounds like a shitty deal, alright.

What I hate are new versions of programs that become unfriendly to my dark GTK+ style. Input forms with unreadable text (I switched to Chromium from Firefox because of that rubbish), white text on white etc. Even VirtualBox is pissing me off... the same thing seems to be happening with my dark QT style. Fortunately it's only the one screen that's affected and it doesn't make the program unusable for me.

Comment Re:Microsoft is right (Score 1) 373

Gnome has used GTK+ for a very long time. It's not really just a "gimp library" anymore, but a "Graphical User Interface Toolkit"

Gimp 2.8 requires GTK+ 2.26 or something like that. You could simply remove the devel packages for atk/cairo/pango/glib/gtk+ (leaving the distro packages installed for dependencies at runtime) and put your new libraries in --prefix=/usr/local. I haven't ever used CentOS on a workstation, but I'd be surprised if I couldn't get Gimp 2.8 working with a little fiddling.

I hate Gnome 2 almost as much as I hate Gnome 3, so it doesn't really matter to me either way. I will never use a Gnome-centric distribution. (even if you don't use Gnome, all your GTK apps in the repos would be built with Gnome dependencies and you need to install half of it anyway)

Comment Re:Not good enough, dammit, not good enough! (Score 1) 185

The selection in Canada is terrible. I hooked up a Roku box for one of my customers who bought one, and there was not one movie or show on Netflix that they wanted to watch. (I saw a few things I could have watched, but to say I was underwhelmed is an understatement) I left them exploring some of the other (free) channels that the Roku could connect to, but I was not optimistic.

Seriously though, I wouldn't bother with Netflix when I can download most any movie or show that has ever existed and keep it forever.

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