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Journal Journal: The Media

Submitted to Slashdot on 5/22/03 at 12:10:57 EST.

The NY Times has an update to the previous stories on Slashdot. The F.C.C. is poised to decrease regulation on media ownership rules. This would have the effect of further decreasing competition in media outlets. Conspiracy theorist quote: "The F.C.C. proposal remains officially secret to avoid public comment but was forced into the open by the two commission Democrats." Other news stories are also revealing the concerted effort by Washington to make this happen.

Does anyone else have information on the reasoning behind this? With the commission closing the session to public input, it seems that they want to pass this without a chance for the voters to know about it. And it is precisely this kind of thing that turns Republics into Totalitarian regimes...


Apparently the FCC is also now accepting free trips from broadcasters according to IMdB. Also, Spots 'n Dots is telling us that newspapers are already looking to buy TV stations when the decision is made.

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Journal Journal: Poll: The relationship with my S.O. is like...

Not to take anything away from you EM, but here is a poll I submitted to Slashdot yesterday.

The relationship with my S.O. is like...

(A) Chess

(B) Monopoly

(C) Chutes and Ladders

(D) Candyland

(E) Battleship

(F) Sorry!

(G) Solitaire, you Insensitive Clod!

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Journal Journal: The Matrix Reloaded (no spoilers) 2

I usually have a strict policy of not seeing rated 'R' movies but made somewhat of an exception for this movie. I found the original Matrix to be philosophically stimulating with the added bonus of technically impressive Kung Fu and innovative special effects. Judging on the trailers and previews, it seemed like this one was headed in the same direction. My hopes were not realized.

In the first movie, I tried to bend my mind around the concept of "there is no spoon". In Reloaded, I cringe at lines like "there is no lipstick". Why sex up the Matrix? Certainly not to attract more geeks to see the ultra dorks Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann Moss get it on. And what was with the dance/orgy thing in Zion? The Wachowskis should have stuck with the elements that made the Matrix a sensation: fighting, philosophy and special effects. They created a world that isn't real, with a hero that is unbeatable. Why spoil it with unsexy love scenes and atrocious innuendos?

Keanu was as wooden as ever and I would not have it any other way. He is a hero and heros have often killed their characters by talking too much. Overall, I would give it a 7.5 on a scale of 1-10. Kill the time from the end of Morpheus' speech to the moment Neo wakes up to take a walk and you would have a much better movie, IMHO.

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Journal Journal: Power 4

Power is the capacity to influence another person's thoughts or actions directly or indirectly. Every personal relationship we have involves power. As children, our parents have great power over us. As adults, we have power relationships with our peers, spouses, superiors, co-workers and family. Power is both respected and hated because of its ability to corrupt and control.

According to Raymond Aron, there are three main types of power that can be used between people. Macht is conventional power or force. Pouvoir is the action of using power or the power of the office. Puissance is the threat of using power or inner power. You will find some combination of these three power types in all great leaders. However, those who have chosen to abuse their power tend to focus on Macht and Pouvoir to attain their goals. Whereas those rare persons that can wield greatness with humility focus on puissance to inspire their people to do good.

If a man or woman were to be given absolute control over another person's life without consequence, you would usually see a sadistic tendancy to abuse that control. There is the story of the experimenter who used two people in two booths. In one booth a person is wired to an electric device and asked questions. In the other, a person has a button which applies electricity and a dial which controls the amount. The scientist tells the person with the button to apply an increasing amount of electricity with each wrong answer given. The person believes that the one being asked the question is the one being studied. Interestingly, the person controlling the electric shocks was found to apply lethal voltages to the questionee even though the experiment was limited to around 9 volts. It was the control over a person that became intoxicating and caused a complete disregard for life or pain.

History is replete with examples of this behavior, from Stalin and Hitler to Hussein and Kim Jong-il. As Macchiaveli put it, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely". This penchant for domination has its roots in the base instincts of humankind: survival. In order to survive, many would choose and have choosen to abandon all reason, morality and virtue. Abuse of power is but one of these methods that unscrupulous men have used to survive. Although it could be argued that individual survival is different that state survival, some leaders see them as inseperable. This is why Hitler committed suicide when the Third Reich was crushed and why Sadaam refused to leave Iraq even though he knew victory was never within his grasp. The intoxication of power and control had absolutely corrupted them.

In our every day relationships, these type of power are also manifested. People tend to have great respect for people who seem to have "inner strength" or the ability to cope with difficult circumstances. This inner strength is puissance and is the key to all the great men that ever lived. George Washington had it because he was able to step away from the presidency in America after 8 years. Lincoln had it as he held together a nation divided against itself. FDR had it when he carried America through a great depression and a world war. Ronald Regan had it because he was able to stare down the USSR and win the cold war. Not to leave the women out: Joan of Arc, Abigail Adams and Elenore Roosevelt all possessed this character quality. It is inner strength, not force or a simple title that inspires men to give up their life for a cause or leader. We desire to be like these men and women because they are inspiring and engender trust and respect. Although these things are intangible, they have great influence over our thoughts and actions.

So the question is: how do we gain puissance? Every person has different capacities for greatness, but we all have the ability to show extraordinary strength. Only through living a virtuous life can we create within ourselves that inner strength. Like exercising a muscle, inner power only becomes potent through its exercise. Making virtuous decisions is the key to exercising inner power because to do so frequently goes against the accepted norms of society. Undeviating virtue is not a common personality trait and therefore is not expected. To show such would be a true display of confidence and power.

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Journal Journal: Liberalism, Conservatism and Communitarianism

I desire to define several popular political philosophies and analyze how well they deal with modern problems. Instead of dealing with all of them here, I will only treat three of them: Liberalism, Communitarianism and Conservatism. I may deal with others in the future. Liberalism and Conservatism are not easy to define in today's political culture but it is necessary to understand their historical background despite the popular notions of the terms conservative and liberal.

To be a liberalist means that you believe government should intervene when there is a conflict between freedom and equality. All people should have a level playing field and in all cases, there should be fairness in society. Instead of letting people who were born into a bad situation be left unto themselves, liberals desire resources from the rich to be diverted to them so that they have an equal chance. Liberals also believe that rights and property are very important. John Locke positioned his version of liberalism as secularized Calvinism. That is to say, God gave the earth to Adam and hence to all men. When any man mixes a material of the earth with his labor, it becomes property. This is the basis for modern property rights thought in the West.

Alternatively, Conservatives believe that society is organic in nature. After society takes care of the basics such as order and safety, it becomes like an oak tree, constantly growing and changing. Conservatives argue that rights don't exist outside the natural order of society. Therefore, if rights can only exist within the confines of society and those who leave it are not entitled to its protection. Government has a role in society, but it should be limited and not used to create a level playing field. Instead, conservatives desire to see people trained to live virtuous lives. Through virtuous actions, those who are disadvanted can receive all the benefits of education and opportunity.

Modern Communitarian thought has its origins in Conservatism and is a response to and a critique of Liberalism. In criticizing Liberal thinking, Communitarianism recognizes several of its weaknesses but fails to keep itself from crashing into the hard rocks of reality. After analyzing both ideologies carefully, it becomes apparent that while Communitarianism emphasizes the ideal and appeals to the greatest number of people, it cannot cope with real world problems like power and greed. Additionally, we should take care to note that central to any analysis of these two ideologies is their different concepts of liberty.

To understand Communitarianism, we have to realize that it was formed in response to Liberalism. John Locke, the17th century British philosopher is considered to be the first politically liberal thinker. To Locke, rights were universal and everyone had the right to life, liberty, and property. He changed the relationship between the government and the people from the Hobbesian idea of Leviathan, to one where the people are governed by consent. Furthermore, the people are only under obligation to any government as long as it does not violate their rights. Such a violation may even be grounds for the government's overthrow and the establishment of a new government.

In the 19th century, John Stuart Mill added to liberal thought new ideas, particularly in relationship with democracy. Mill feared that the new tide of democracy would stifle individual thought by forcing the people to conform to the public will. He countered this by stating, "That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others." In all of Mill's writings we can see great emphasis on liberty and freedom.

Isaiah Berlin, a 20th century liberal thinker, responded to Mill's notions of liberty. He contended that Mill was wrong about how liberty is formed and used in society. Instead of liberty being a requirement for independent thought, Berlin stated that liberty, or freedom, is inherent to the existence of men and proposes two main types: negative and positive.

Negative freedoms are those that free us from government domination. The Bill of Rights is a good example: granting the people freedom to bear arms, speak their minds, and the separation of church and state. Since the Constitution is a liberal document, the freedoms it espouses are designed to limit government regulation and create a more liberated society.

This is in contrast to the Declaration of Independence, which is much more conservative. Berlin tells us that the freedoms declared in it are positive. That is to say the God given rights of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are freedoms to do something. These are liberties that cannot be broached by government or men. It is this idea of something higher than the state which sets liberal thinking apart from prior ideologies.

John Rawls, a contemporary of Berlin, added to Democratic Liberalism the idea of the deontological self. Rawls rejects the conservative notion that people can make themselves into whatever they want to be without limits. This is frequently taught to children with the claim that they can be anything from a fireman, an astronaut to a doctor or the President. Instead, he claims that because people have limited abilities beyond their control, such as a low IQ or physical handicap, he or she cannot achieve literally anything not matter how hard they try. Rawls also tells us that the individual has the ultimate decision-making power over his or her life, not an external entity.

Also in contrast to conservatives, Rawls has a very different idea of justice. Conservatives believe that justice is served when all people are allowed to live their lives to the fullest of their individual capacities. They believe that the highest virtue is liberty, not justice. Rawls takes issue with this because of the social inequalities that result. He would have society live so that the minimums were maximized. That is, money and opportunity should be taken from the rich so that those with the least can have a level playing field. We see evidence of this in today's society with programs like affirmative action and welfare.

Conservatism and Liberalism developed side by side as ideologies, with important Conservative contributions by Edmund Burke in the 18th century, Alexis de Tocqueville in the 19th century and Michael Oakeshott in the 20th century. Conservatism was born partly in response to Liberalism, especially the fear that as a liberal government grows in power; it will be able to trample on the rights of its people. Burke sees the French Revolution as a destructive thing: uprooting the traditions, rights and values of a civil society instead of just the issues that fomented revolution. Tocqueville views a liberal government as a father figure with control over its citizen's individual lives. Oakeshott urges states to minimize their interference and regulation among the citizenry. This argument over the scope and power of a state government continues today between conservatives and liberals.

Republicanism is the marriage of Berlin's negative freedoms with traditional conservative thought. Negative freedoms are important to republicans because they check the liberal government and prevent it from becoming too powerful. Conservative thinkers emphasize the idea of checking government power. Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt are good examples of republican minded leaders.

Communitarianism therefore, is a combination of republicanism and Berlin's view of Liberalism and was formed in America in response to the domination of Liberalism in political thought. Communitarians are liberal because they are Americans and Americans believe in individual rights. They are also conservative because they share the notion that individual identity stems from the attachments people have with each other. Both Communitarians and Conservatives ask the question: Do liberal views of civil society destroy the attachments that are central to individual identity in the name of liberty and justice?

Michael Sandel, a Communitarian philosopher, criticizes Rawls in his paper, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice. Sandel argues that the ideas of community Rawls envisions are too weak to accomplish Rawls' ideas of justice. Because Rawls demands that the rich sacrifice in order to level the playing field for the poor, the citizens of this society would have to have very strong bonds to it. This means that if the people have such strong bonds with their society that this sacrifice would be possible, it would be logical to conclude that such sacrifice would be voluntary and not compulsory. Therefore, government intervention is not required and freedom is not violated to enforce justice.

Also, instead of focusing on the symptoms of the problems of civil society as Rawls does, we should concentrate on the reasons why people are self-serving and individualists. Communitarians believe that if emphasis were placed on creating a civil society that produces strong interpersonal bonds, such problems would disappear as a byproduct of the resultant society. The building of a strong community through faith based initiatives, within economic communities, or by government sponsorship, will allow civil society to create these bonds that will automatically minimize the maximums without a sacrifice of freedom.

Obligation is to the society, not necessarily to the government. Community members generally benefit from the sharing of resources and responsibilities and therefore, have an interest in seeing it continue. Power is managed by eliminating any single source of power and distributing it amongst the members of society. This prevents abuses of power by government and individuals.

Communitarianism is appealing to many people because of the ideals of liberty, freedom and automatic equality. However, like most other political theories, it fails to address all issues and actually creates additional problems. Critics of Communitarianism cite the "experiments" performed by religious groups like the Shakers, Mennonites and Latter-day Saints. These groups all attempted to institute a community based organization where each person contributed to the whole.

What the critics found is that Locke's view of human nature reared its ugly head and led to the destruction of the order. Instead of strong community bonds, there appeared "free riders" that received every benefit but did not contribute. Without a strong, central governing body; disputes, contention, and disorder were rampant. Justice and equity became so difficult to maintain, that they were forced to abandon Communitarianism and adopt more liberal or conservative governments.

Furthermore, while obligation to the society can be strong for those that receive the most from it, such as the poor or undereducated, it can be powerfully disenfranchising to those with money and means. Control over the creation and distribution of goods in this model is not clear either, leading to a breakdown of the economy and social order. Frequently, this scenario has caused the rise of someone to impose order on the society. Therefore, neither the realization of blanket obligation nor the complete management of power is achieved in a Communitarian style government.

In choosing between Liberalism and Communitarianism, I believe that the most valid ideology is that of Liberalism. It is better equipped to handle the problem of power by empowering the citizens, enabling them to choose a government. Liberalism consolidates and emphasizes rights and each member of society is more important than the government. This also creates a sense of obligation by allowing the people to decide their fate and creates an interest in their future.

Communitarianism by contrast, fails to control power or create enough obligation to sustain a society built on these ideals. Although it is appealing to those who would benefit from a more even distribution of wealth, it has yet to be applied to the real world with much success. Liberalism is by far, a more valid theory for modern civil society than Communitarianism.


Journal Journal: Gardening

So I like to garden and have now for the past 6 years. As a child I would plant seeds and water them with little extraneous thought. Now I have a good sunny location, a drip system, a tiller and plenty of (unhelpful) advice from other gardeners. However, there remains quite a few questions left unanswered.

  • How does one capture seeds for subsequent years? I realize that things like peppers, sunflowers and corn are relatively easy to get seed from. What about keeping genetic purity/quality from season to season? Potatoes don't require "seed", but what about carrots and onions? I usually stop watering them to let them age before harvesting.
  • New crops that I have little experience with. Instead of corn this year, my wife convinced me to plant beans. I have grown beans before but can't remember exactly how I did it. We are planting a "Kentucky Blue" hybrid that seems to offer the best of both varieties. However, it has been almost three weeks and the seeds have not germinated. I dug a few up to see what was happening and discovered a tap root underneath the seeds, but no shoot. Any ideas?
  • Fertilization is always a tricky thing to get right. Things like soil type/temperature, drainage, watering method and crops all affect how much and what type of fertilizer to use. My question is: Does there exist some kind of online database for people to get specific soil requirements for different crops. Of all the hobbies that exist, gardening is one of the oldest, yet one of the least able to penetrate the web. All the information I seem to find is very inspecific or doesn't apply to me. Does anyone know of some good gardening links?
  • Storing a year's harvest has always baffled me as well. My wife is a great canner and always stores things like tomatoes and salsa. However, how can you store corn, fruit or lettuce? It seems that unless you convert it to jam, freeze it or eat it straight away, there is no good method for these "perishables". I have a basement, which allows me to cold store my potatoes, carrots and onions. Any advice for those who wish to store food longer than a month or two?

I have a ton more questions, but I am patient and am willing to get some of these worked out over the course of the season. Perhaps there is room for a site? Not geeky enough I suppose...

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Journal Journal: Religious Extremism in America 8

So there are a couple of journal entries that have been talking about the flap over Santorum's comments on marriage.

It would be very easy for me to take one of two sides in the debate over his comments, pro-family or pro-freedom. However, these two facets of the issue are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, as we take a closer look at the history behind his comments and the character and nature of civil society, we will be better able to understand how to form our opinions.

The United States of America was founded by people who desired at least one of three things: economic freedom/opportunity, a new start in life, or religious freedom. I desire to focus on the latter in order to demonstrate the rich tradition of religious extremism in America. Over time, a multitude of other people have immigrated to its shores in an effort to find something better than what was afforded them in the land of their birth.

In the beginning of the 19th century, there was an unusual interest in religion in the states of the union. This interest led to the creation of many new sects of Christianity and the persecution of many whose views were considered deviant. The overriding commonality between the various religions was a sense of moral superiority. It is a persistance of this perspective that has grown into tradition and become part of religious culture. Moral superiority has affected society in a far more profound manner than any attack on the family.

I have a very strong belief in God and therefore believe that the family is an integral part of society and God's plan for us His children. My belief in family values is shared by many, but this does not motivate me to enforce my views on others. Sadly, this is not the case for everyone who believes the same. Senator Santorum espouses certain values and as an elected representative, it is his responsibility to make decisions based on what his constituents desire and the law of the land. Currently, there are laws against sodomy and polygamy. He desires to see these laws remain in effect. If this is the desire of the majority of people he represents, then the republic we live in is working. If not, then the voters have a mechanism to remove him from office. I don't view his comments as extremist.

What is extremist, is the desire for a minority of people to enforce their view of society on the rest of the nation's citizens. This is what happened in Hitler's Germany, Hussein's Iraq, Iran, Communist China, Communist Russia, the Taliban's Afghanistan , and Castro's Cuba. People's freedoms are being repressed beyond tolerance because of one moral perspective being enforced upon others. Its results lie in the ashes of Waco and Ruby Ridge and the millions of deaths suffered at the hands of cruel authoritarians.

America, founded on the principles of religious tolerance, cannot afford to lose moral perspective because of a vocal minority. Liberty and virtue do not need to be in conflict. They are the two primary ingredients to a free and just society that cannot be compromised. If we sacrifice liberty in the name of religion, then we are no better than Hussein or Hitler. It matters not what our motivations are if the results are a decrease in freedom. For if we sacrifice freedom in any degree, to whatever ends, then society will arrive at an end that is frought with misery and repression.

Decreasing freedom will not only be a detriment to society, it is a paramount of hypocrisy to even suggest it. Virtue is the quest to do what is good or right, the very ideals religion holds dear. How then can we justify the unvirtuous actions proposed by religious extremists, when the very reasons they give for their actions are to make society more virtuous? Such action is folly and we would be best to let society as a whole judge what is in its best interests, even if its choice is to self-destruct. At least moral agency will not be pierced with the sharp dagger of moral superiority.

Update: 15:15, 5/6/03 EST

Here is a shorter way to say it.


Journal Journal: Bush and his need to spy on Americans

The NY Times is reporting that "The Bush administration and leading Senate Republicans sought today to give the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon far-reaching new powers to demand personal and financial records on people in the United States as part of foreign intelligence and terrorism operations." Althought the measure was beaten back in committee, it appears that the administration is not satisfied with Patriot or Patriot II type powers...

Submitted to Slashdot at 3:00pm Eastern time.

My question is: Where will it stop? Is the government going to use 9/11 as an excuse to restrict its citizens freedomd forever, until we are truly a police state? At what point will those under Bush (or his cabinet) tell them that enough is enough?

In studying Political Science, I have taken a couple of ideology classes and have tried to understand what direction our society is going. America practices democratic liberalism as a means of societal order. Our civil society is based on the principles espoused in the Constitution. According to Isaiah Berlin, the freedoms in the bill of rights are negative freedoms. This means that they are freedoms from something, namely freedoms from government interference. James Madison did not want there to be a bill of rights because the constitution specifically mentions that all rights not given to the state or federal government are contained with the people. He feared that if they were spelled out, any missing rights not explicitly stated would be assumed to belong to the federal goverenment. It seems that his fears are becoming justified.

The Constitution makes it difficult for bad laws to stay in force, especially when they butt up against the Constitution so forcefully. However, the courts cannot take action unless a case is brought to them. Therefore, it could be some time before the Patriot act and its derivatives are challenged. Until then, America becomes less and less the land of the free and the home of the brave, no matter what the Bush propoganda machine would have you believe.


Journal Journal: God and Natural Laws 1

Here is a thought provoking thread. Cosmosis tries to tackle the eternal question of man: "Where did it all start?" Assuming you believe in God, the question is analogous to "Where did God come from?" I want to focus on one quote in here, but I will try to answer this question to the best of my mortal limits. Since I have moderated in the thread and cannot post there, I will do so here.

No matter how you try to explain the origin of any laws, none of the theories can account for the cause of those laws. From this, I concluded there can be no fundamental laws.

First, let me get one thing out on the table before we tackle this issue. Man has basically two methods available to him to understand the universe and answer fundamental questions like these. Empirical and Transcendental thinking.

Empirical thinking is also termed scientific thinking. It was conceived of by Aristotle, who was known as the first scientist. Empirical thinking is based on logic, fact and testability. It has given mankind a wealth of understanding about things that affect our mortal selves. We own much of our technology and comforts to Empirical thinking. It is based on the idea that truth exists everywhere but must be verified. The key to empiricism is testability. This means that all truth is relative to the tester. As more people verify a certain theory, that theory becomes more universal and less relative. However, Aristotle himself scoffed at the idea of universal truth. Empirical thinking is well suited for answering questions like "How does this machine work?" and "Why do birds fly south in the winter?" It fails miserably when trying to answer questions like "What is it that makes humans self-aware?" and "Where did the universe come from?" Great empirical thinkers are such people as Darwin, Newton, Einstein and Rousseau.

Transcendental thinking is based on the notion that all truth is absolute. Truth exists inside of each person and life is the process of discovering this latent truth. Furthermore, my truth is the same as your truth and any disagreements are a product of us not yet having found the same truths. This type of thinking actually came about before empirical methods. Aristotle was a student of Plato who was a student (purportedly) of Socrates. Plato and Socrates are the best known transcendental thinkers. Since then, there have been a wealth of philosophers who have expanded on the ideas generated by these great men. My personal favorite is Immanuel Kant. His notions on enlightenment (hence the icon) are nicely married to the religious principles I espouse. Truth is implanted within man and can be discovered through education, meditation and study. Truth does not have to be logical to be true and there does not have to be a method that describes or explains it with any certainty. Nevertheless, transcendental moments in the lives of man are fact and cannot be easily discounted. So called miracles, paranormal events or other unexplained mysteries may not be resolvable with science, but that does not make them any less true. What breaks down is our ability to apply science to events that are not scientific. Just as empirical thinking has many flaws, so does transcendental thinking. It can explain the origin of the universe, the purpose of life and what happens to man when he dies. It is ill-equipped to answer questions pertaining to science and logical thought.

The problem then is not which method one should choose to think with, but which one answers any given question the best? To answer our question, I will use transcendental thinking and follow the path of truth, not the path of testable fact.

Laws are boundaries that apply consequences to those who cross over them. The severity of the consequences are directly proportional to the law that is broken. For example; causing damage to your neighbor's house carries with it the punishment of restitution. But if you kill your neighbor, how do you restore his/her life? Therefore, the punishment may need to be as severe as the loss of your own life. This is known as 'justice'. I believe strongly in justice and claim that it is the only power that is greater than God.

What was that? Yes, I said that there is a power higher than God. It is this simple little thing called justice. You see, even God cannot brush aside justice for whatever ends He desires. He is bound to justice because it is justice that gave Him His power. Here is a quote from an ancient prophet that explains this further: "And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God."

Justice is a two-way street. It doles out punishment and blessings. It does so based on the actions, intents, thoughts and words of the individual. We each work out our own mortality before God. He judges us on how well we have done, but in the end, it is justice that determines our fate. That is the beauty of Jesus Christ's atonement. To quote another prophet, "[Jesus] Having ascended into heaven, having the bowels of mercy; being filled with compassion towards the children of men; standing betwixt them and justice; having broken the bands of death, taken upon himself their iniquity and their transgressions, having redeemed them, and satisfied the demands of justice."

This is called mercy. Justice demands that if you sin (break the law), a punishment must be inflicted. Alternatively, if you keep a law (i.e. by not breaking it) you are entitled to a blessing. Another quote: "Wherefore, the ends of the law which the Holy One hath given, unto the inflicting of the punishment which is affixed, which punishment that is affixed is in opposition to that of the happiness which is affixed, to answer the ends of the atonement" There is a punishment and a happiness attached to every law. When you keep the law, you are blessed, when you break it, you are punished. There may be a delay in the execution of the blessing or punishment but they are inescapable. Mercy is something that diverts the punishment from the offender to someone else.

The absolutely wonderful beauty of God's plan for mankind is that He allows for our mistakes. Because of Jesus's death and suffering, the punishment can be claimed by mercy and not inflicted upon the sinner. Last quote: "But there is a law given, and a punishment affixed, and a repentance granted; which repentance, mercy claimeth; otherwise, justice claimeth the creature and executeth the law, and the law inflicteth the punishment; if not so, the works of justice would be destroyed, and God would cease to be God." If we repent of our sins, justice is satisfied by mercy. Mercy comes about because of Jesus and justice is immutable or God would cease to be God. Finally, note that here is where I get the notion that God's power is tied to justice. If the works of justice are destroyed, God would cease to be God. God cannot interfere with justice, except through mercy. This means that no matter how much He loves us, He cannot simply snap away our sins and save us. We have to qualify for the protection of mercy. But that is another discussion.

So we come back to the origin of the law. I have already explained in truth that God is subject to the law. Now I will try to explain how there can be something before God, who is both eternal and without beginning or end.

I believe that God was once a man as we are now. Furthermore, that man can become like God because we are His literal children. However, as He changed from a mortal to an immortal being, He also acquired His current attributes of omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence. God is eternal because He is only subject to one law: justice. All the laws of physics, corporeality and all the perceptions of our existence don't apply to Him. Because of this, time cannot restrict His movement and it loses all meaning for Him. This is difficult for us to understand and our minds cannot easily move beyond this boundary. Basically, once God became God, all notion of a beginning to the universe (and consequently the end of it) became irrelevant. It doesn't matter for us who started it all or where it precisely began. What matters is that we are on this earth to grow and discover truth. That discovery does not end at death and eventually, we will have the opportunity to progress infinitely as God has.

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Journal Journal: The Israeli and Palestinian Conflict 1

The History of Israel and Zionism

Zionism is the goal of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. Since this goal was realized in 1948, the meaning has changed. Zionism now has several meanings depending on who you are. For most Jews, it means the maintenance of Jewish sovereignty over the "Land of Israel". For some, it means much more. So called "Messianic Zionists" desire nothing less than the total control of the entirety of Palestine by the Jews. In fact, they hold it as a matter of divine destiny.

The 1967 six-day war proved an important turning point both for and against Israel. Egypt, Syria and Jordan began massing troops around Israel in an attempt to intimidate it. Israel, reading the writing on the wall, launched a pre-emptive strike that decimated the Egyptian air force. After the fighting was over, Israel had captured the Sinai, west bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights. While the Arabs had close to half a million troops and were far from routed, they chose to end the war because Israel was within a day's fight from Cairo, Damascus and Amman.

The results of the war were many-fold. America, seeing an opportunity to check the expansion of the Soviet Union in the Middle East, began to prop up the fledgling state. Arms sales, nuclear technology and a close tie between Mossad and the CIA offered Israel more than a chance to survive. It created a regional hegemon that has consistently threatened the stability of the area. Second, it humiliated the Arab nations who could not believe that such a small bunch of unbelievers could defeat the armies of Islam. This humiliation would create a huge up well of support for Islamic fundamentalist groups like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and later, al-Qaeda. One other result was that Jews saw a miraculous victory by overwhelmed forces as a miracle and a key step in the Messianic view of Zionism. Expansion of borders was natural to their ideas of full, autonomous control of the entirety of "Zion".

The History of Arabs in Palestine since the creation of Israel

Arabs in Palestine resisted, from the outset, the creation of a Jewish state. Quote:

  1. "In November 1947, the General Assembly endorsed a plan for the partition of Palestine, providing for the creation of an Arab State and a Jewish State, with Jerusalem to be placed under international status. The plan was not accepted by the Palestinian Arabs and Arab States."

The day after the creation of Israel, Arabs began armed hostilities and two weeks later, the Security Council of the UN called for a cessation of the conflict. Since then, Arabs have repeatedly refused the idea of peace and the existence of a Jewish state. Nasser, who was the single greatest leader of Arab Nationalism said that the Arab goal was "... the full restoration of the rights of the Palestinian people. In other words, we aim at the destruction of the State of Israel. The immediate aim: perfection of Arab military might. The national aim: the eradication of Israel."

Nasser would achieve the first goal through arms deals with the Soviets, which increased aid to Israel from America. After his death in 1970, the Egyptian military would decline and never see again its dream of further closing the gap in military power with Israel.

Beginning in 1965, the PLO began what was to be known as the "Entanglement Theory". This involved a series of sabotage attacks that were specifically designed to provoke offensive retaliation from the Israelis, thus giving the PLO something to point their finger at and say, "See, we told you they were killing innocent Palestinians". This strategy has been largely successful and continues today in the form of bus bombings, suicide attacks and the random machine gunning of civilian areas. However, it is now known as 'intifada'. Naturally, there are different views on its meaning and origin.

Where do we go from here?

Since the end of the six-day war, the cycle of violence has increased, causing greater suffering and deaths. Both Israel and the Palestinians are responsible for the deaths and suffering they have caused. They both need to accept blame and move on. Resolution can only come after they both give up their incessant quest to kill each other, regardless of justification.

  1. First, there needs to be a Palestinian state. Borders can be negotiated, but would probably be best set at the 1948 lines.
  2. Israel needs to withdraw all military, government and civilian personel from the occupied territories. It also needs to give up control of the water being diverted from the aquifers in the west bank and any other resources being taken from occupied territories.
  3. America must immediately reduce aid to Israel and divert that to nation building efforts in Palestine (roads, power, water, telephone, schools, hospitals, etc.).
  4. Jordan, Syria and Egypt must sign a pact of non agression towards Israel and Israel must reciprocate.
  5. UN forces (most likely American) must be put in place to enforce the treaty and maintain an orderly transfer of power in the affected areas.

I know I have probably left quite a bit out, but this is a work in progress. Let me know what I am missing and tell me just how pie in the sky this plan is.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Islam: Religion and Civil Authority 4

I just became aquainted with Twirlip of the Mists and have been reading and replying in his/her journal. One particular comment got me thinking and I wanted to address my thoughts here.

Basic morality is absolute. The devil, as always, is in the details, but to deny a person his freedom because of an opinion he expressed about a religious figure is wrong. Not unfortunate, not disappointing, wrong. A society that not only allows but actually mandates such a practice is bad, and wrong.

I couldn't disagree more...and agree more. Here is what I read this as saying: "There is one (basic set of) morality for all people. Denying people their rights because they adhere to a different moral code than me is wrong. The only thing worse is government enforced morality.

Okay, I agree that there is only one set of "truths" that apply to the universe. However, there is absolutely no method established for anyone to obtain this knowledge in-toto. Therefore, no one person can pass judgment on another for their beliefs and be justified. Now if we diverge our thinking to include common social morality and ascribe to the social contract theory, then we can find justification for these judgments. But this argument inherently relies on the basic premise of majority rule and democratic political ideology. Everything else is mandated from a person or group of people. So no, I do not agree that any state can apply judgment to any other based solely on moral grounds, no matter how reprehensible they may be.

To apply this to Islam, we need to understand what Islam is and why it functions the way it does. The basic premises of Islam lie in the Koran and sumah (way of the prophet). The Articles of Faith for Islam are: Oneness of God, Belief in Angels, Belief in the Prophets of God, Belief in the Holy Books (Bible, Koran, Torah), Belief in a day of judgment and Qadr (the will of God). The pillars of Islam are: Shadada (testament of faith), Salaat (Prayer), Zakat (Charity typically 2.5% of annual income), Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) and Fasting (Ramadan).

Mohammed was the first prophet and civil leader of all Muslims. When he died there were two ideas on how to lead the people. One view held that the leader must be a direct descendant of the Prophet (Shi'i) and the other was to be determined by election (Sunni). Later a third group split from the Shi'i called the Khawaraj due to differences in dealing with sinful leaders, but they are mostly non-existent. See here and here for more information.

There is considerable disagreement between the two remaining sects of Islam regarding what is 'right'. For example, this site makes the following claim, "The Ahlus Sunnah or the 'Sunnis' are the only group of Muslims on the face of this planet who still adhere to the beliefs that were taught 1400 years ago by Islam's Noble Prophet Muhammad." Obviously, the Shi'a do not consider themselves to be in the wrong. Added to this split, there is also the problem of centralization within Islam (or even within its two sects). Simply put, there is no central authoritative body that governs the actions of all Muslims. Without this central body, there is no way to unite member of Islam to a common purpose or to prevent further schisms within the two sects (see Wahhabism and Ismailism). Most religious decisions are made at the local Mosque and are absolute. Furthermore, the concept of ijtihad (independent reasoning) is shunned. Most Muslims are textualists meaning that they practice Islam how Mohammed practiced it with no variation. There are however, voices of dissent who are urging a rational approach to Islam. Still unresolved are the questions of "Who speaks for God?" and "How does God Speak?". Ask ten Muslims and you may get ten answers. There is essentially no answer for these questions and this is why Islam is such a difficult religion to understand.

So now we come to the problem of Islam and Civil authority. There is an inherent conflict between Islam and secular political authority. There is only one way to run a "Muslim country" and that is with Islam. You have a mullah or other Islamic leader double as the leader of the government. If you allow a "Muslim country" to become secular, you are giving up on Islam. This would apparently be in conflict with western ideas like democracy and capitalism, yet we see American Muslims proclaim that there is no better place to practice Islam than the United States. Principally because of the freedom we enjoy. A strange paradox indeed.


Journal Journal: "Total Information Awareness" hits snag in Congress 1

Submitted 10:43am EST on 2-12-03. If it doesn't get posted, at least it is here for the rest of us.

The NYT is reporting that both the Senate and the House have blocked funding for the 'Big Brother' type program. However, the CIA is allowed to present more evidence as to how it would not invade American's privacy, and President Bush could certify that lack of the program would constitue a threat to National Security. Senator Leahy said, "If there is one thing that should unite is a concern that our own government should not spy on law-abiding citizens."

2003-02-12 15:44:45 'Total Information Awareness' hits snag in Congres (articles,privacy) (rejected)

That was fast...


Journal Journal: US proposes complete Internet monitoring 2

Another story submission that I wanted to have posted in case it gets rejected.

The times is reporting that President Bush is "planning to propose requiring Internet service providers to help build a centralized system to enable broad monitoring of the Internet and, potentially, surveillance of its users." The recommendation is part of a report entitled "The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace". It is due to be published early next year.

Nice to know that Big Brother will be watching.



Journal Journal: Telemarketing

Just submitted a story on telemarketing in America (yay capitalism!) and wanted to have it preserved for posterity if it gets rejected. If by some strange reason it gets posted, I will delete the entry. (I have had 11 straight submissions killed after going 3/10).

Update: Well that was fast! Rejected in record time... I hope someone gets the post up because it really is a great story.

Not a big surprise that regular people hate telemarketing so much that they have found out how to defeat the dreaded telemarketer. However, like all industries that made $295.3 billion last year, it is fighting back. TeleZapper and their ilk are great now, but what will happen when predicitive dialers start ignoring the tones? Will we rely on the phone companies, who make money from both sides in this little war to keep our privacy? Are there any other ways to fight telemarketers?

Personally, I have two phone lines that I only use for local calls and dialing into work. I am seriously considering going without one or both. I also have a cell phone that covers most of my needs (sans dialup). It wouldn't be new either as I have used only a cell phone in the past. The big gotcha with that is when your phone dies (and it will), you often find other plans more attractive/cheaper and will change services. This means a new number and a big hassle to get the word out because there is no automated "the new number is..." message on cell services. I went around and around with Verizon on this last year. I finally just bought out the rest of my contract with them and got an AT&T phone ($10 per month, unlim time on nights and weekends, free national long distance.) Not too shabby.

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