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Comment Re:I keep trying (Score 1) 483

For what it's worth I've been using Windows since 2.x, (back when it only came bundled with specific apps), Linux since 1.x, OSX since it came out and various other 'nix flavors all the way back to AT&T System-V, (as well as OS/2 since 1.x, not that anybody cares any more...)

And you know what? They ALL suck!

The key is to figure out which one sucks least for the job at hand. In the real world (i.e. non-IT), nobody really gives a rat's ass what the OS is, or even the applications. The only question on most people's mind is, "what lets me get my job done with the least amount of pain?"

E.g. my work machine is a MacBook Pro with VMs of various flavors of Windows, Linux and BSD, because there are certain apps I have a personal preference for as a consultant which have differing system requirements.

But when an individual asks me what hardware or OS I recommend I just tell them , "it depends", and if I have the time I'll help them figure out the right answer, and if I don't have the time I just tell them to get whatever they had before that worked.

(Now get off my lawn... :)

Comment Re:This is cool and all, but... (Score 3, Interesting) 406

"that's an unabashedly self-modifying database" Not to mention that ID 15 -> 21 re-mapping in one of the excerpts. Why would an ID of any kind ever need to be remapped on the fly like that? Heck, I used to do a little SQL programming back in the day, I might just have to dig into it a bit myself! :)

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