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Comment Re:Probably... (Score 1) 794

..because despite catering to psuedoscientists, Whole Foods tends to stock quality (if overpriced) food.

Overpriced, I'll agree with, but quality? Almost all the fresh produce has "conventially grown in Mexico" in very small print under the high price. The majority of the organic food there is in the packaged and preserved sections.

Comment Re:How does press freedom drop because of leaks? (Score 1) 357

This is a common misconception; reporters are free to report anything, but must face consequences if they choose to report state secrets and that includes who gave the reporter state secrets. Lately the whole question of what makes up a legit state secret comes into play and that's become a rather serious issue. But the reporters and their sources are not like Catholic confessional.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

Not much room for lots of admirals and diplomats at the top.

Are you kidding? It seems every episode that needs an admiral has a different one. Star Fleet always seemed remarkably top heavy.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

If you can convert energy to matter and have a near limitless source of energy, where's your limitation?

Creating the energy in the first place is the limitation. Where do they get all that anti-matter? And while exploding anit-matter against matter releases a lot of energy,even if the energy to matter conversion process were lossless it would take whopping piles of it to make any noticable amount of matter.Create 5 pounds anti-matter by unknown process, convert it to heck a lot of energy, converted to 5 pounds normal matter seems like a lot of hoops to jump through.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 118

Because the military finds out some company is launching a satelite that can take pictures at a certain resolution and simply contracts to exclusively access that. It's a great money maker for Google or anyone else who can launch one.

Comment Re:Builder = Business != Individual (Score 1) 716

The analogy is incorrect.

It's incorrect all right, but not for the reasons you mentioned. If a software developer sees the problem with the proverbial bricks at the bottom and wants to fix them, the manager will say there is no time for that right now and get to on with the project plan.

Comment Re:Aren't those things considered nontransferable? (Score 1) 240

There's no arbitrage involved at all. Arbitrage involves different prices for the same thing. In the summary's own example, a cross-city trip is the same price whether from east to west or west to east. This story is about cheating the system into thinking you are only travelling a few stops instead how far you really went. That's completely different from arbitrage.

Comment Re:Fahrenheit is more naturally understood (Score 1) 359

It's not that hard:
0 degrees C = water freezes
100 degrees C = water boils
We "encounter" these temperatures all the time, and they can be reproduced easily in your own kitchen with very good accuracy compared to the subjective "really cold" or "really hot" of the F scale.

Not in my kitchen, they can't. Water here boils at 94C. So much for your sea level bias.
What boiling water has to do with the weather report, I'll never figure out but Celcius fans trot that out every time..

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