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Comment Re:It's almost sane(really) (Score 4, Insightful) 502

OK, thought of a good counter analogy:

- You've hidden bombs on public transit all over the country, and the list of where you hid them is stored on a server in the UK; should the government be able to get a warrant for that information?

Of course they should... Through a UK court, not a USA court.

Comment Re:It's almost sane(really) (Score 1) 502

That is a completely irrelevant example. Were not talking about subpoenaing a foreign company or entity. We are talking about forcing companies operating in the US to turn over information that is in their possession (under there control).

The basic concept here is that data does not exist in the physical world. Where the electrons are is irrelevant if the entity that controls it exists in the US.


What if the data was in my locked briefcase in Microsoft's London office.... Do you think they should just hand it over to USA prosecutors without going through the UK's legal process?

Comment Re:It's almost sane(really) (Score 5, Interesting) 502

Going to take a position I know will be unpopular in this thread, but:

The leverage they have is that you're accused of committing a crime within the borders of the US, and evidence you have access to can be demanded under a warrant that covers details related to that crime. Their physical inability to seize it by force(because it's in another jurisdiction) is about as relevant as their inability to unlock your bank safe. Either way they can punish you for not turning over evidence that is covered by the warrant.

Is there any circumstance where you think USA prosecutors should not be allowed to force foreign entities to hand over evidence without going through that country's legal system?

Like if I'm arrested for smoking pot in the USA and USA prosecutors want to search my bedroom back home in Amsterdam to collect proof of my drug habit, you think its ok for USA police to force my parents to let them search my bedroom back home (or enter their home by force)? Even if my "crime" is only a crime in the USA?

Comment Re:A ton of BS (Score 1) 54

On board are 20 GPIOs, USB host, 16MB Flash, 64MB RAM, two Ethernet ports, on-board 802.11n and a USB host port.

I think they are referring more to the GPIOs than ethernet or USB ports when saying "with a ton of I/O to connect to anything".

I'm curious what people would want to use these GPIOs for on a router... does anyone have any real-world projects where they use them? Not just "It would be cool if it it did X", but actual real-world projects.

I'd rather have more ethernet ports on a router so I don't have to VLAN my network.

Comment Re:What's it going to take? (Score 1) 120

Well, it isn't a myth so much as an untested hypothesis. If you posted on your facebook page "Aunt Nelly is on her way to Tacoma, she's running late and not arriving until the 4th instead of the 1st" and you don't have an Aunt Nelly who has some reason to be in Tacoma that would be suspicious.

Ah, but what kind of actionable intelligence do you gain from the millions of "suspicious" posts that would be detected every day? "Ok boys, be on the lookout for something or something called Nelly on it's way to Tacoma on the 4th or 1st... oh, and here are a list of a million other things to watch out for today". This is why collecting and analyzing "everything" on everybody is the wrong thing to do -- separating out the relevant data is nearly impossible when the data collection is not targeted. Even if you can build out perfect relationship graphs that map to real-world relationships for every Facebook user to let you know when he posts something out of the ordinary, thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of new users join and accounts go dormant every day, and there have been so many password hacks that it would be trivial to take over someone's valid, but little used account. And that's only for Facebook - instead of making a facebook post, the terrorist might post a picture of a clock at Times Square on Instagram (or one of millions of other blogs and other sites) to tip off his co-conspirators.

Comment Re:What's it going to take? (Score 3, Insightful) 120

If there is evidence that somebody has smuggled a nuclear bomb into NYC, then by all means tap whatever you have to tap until the bomb is recovered.

You're perpetuating the myth that the NSA and others want us to believe -- that if only they could collect enough data from all of us, they could stop the bad guys. The problem is that the bad guys already know that someone may be listening, so when they smuggle in their nuclear bomb, they aren't going to call their contact and say "The nuclear bomb is in position, it's in Times Square and will detonate at 4am instead of 1am". Instead, they are going to post a message on Facebook that says "Aunt Nelly is on her way to Tacoma, she's running late and not arriving until the 4th instead of the 1st ".

Comment Re:Could be a different route involved for the VPN (Score 2) 398

that link is dedicated netflix and it limits them to the amount of data they send. last year super hd was for a few selected ISP's but then netflix started sending it to everyone over Level 3 and screwed up everyone's service

the point is netflix is trying to increase costs on their business partners who will then have to increase prices of their customers.

Netflix isn't trying to increase costs to ISP's, they aren't forcing data to their subscribers -- it's the ISP's customers that are already paying for broadband who are demanding high quality video to feed their 1080p (and soon, 4K) big screen TV's. What reason is there to pay for a 75mbit connection if you're not planning on using large amounts of bandwidth?

If Verizon has to charge their customers more money to provide them with the network capacity they thought they were already paying for, then that's what they should do. They shouldn't try to extract money from content providers to artificially subsidize internet connections to keep costs low -- this causes a larger barrier to entry to smaller ISP competitors that don't have the leverage to extract costs from content providers.

Comment Re:Postal is an Ideological Fanatic (Score 1) 454

Sometimes it simply breaks the incoming missile or rocket into segments or destroys its ability to follow its planned ballistic path. According to Lloyd and Postol, if the warhead isn’t destroyed the interceptor failed.

You don’t need a Ph.D. to see the immense flaw in this logic: if someone fires a missile at you and you aren’t hit that is good news.

These are unguided rockets, not cruise missiles. They aren't targeted at a person or home, they are targeted at entire neighborhoods or city regions. If a rocket is heading to a neighborhood across town and iron dome disables the rocket and forces it down in your neighborhood, is that a "win"? destroying the warhead limits the damage, but even falling rocket debris can cause injury and damage.

If the 5% figure is right then it takes around $1.6M worth of $80K interceptors to stop each $800/rocket. Is that worth to price? Does a 10kg warhead routinely cause millions of dollars of damage and/or human casualties?

Comment Re:Sigh. (Score 4, Insightful) 102

"One of the comments levelled at self-service check in is that it has lost the human touch that people had when checking in at a traditional manned counter,"

So we're going to take away the last humans and replace them with mindless robots.

It's a self-service check-in, it's already a mindless robot.

Though I fail to see how replacing the dumb kiosk with a more intelligent avatar will really make anything better, I don't really want the kiosk to ask me how my day is going, or tell me I better bundle up because it's going to be a cold day in Chicago, I just want to check in as quickly and easily as possible.

Comment Re:Netflix rating engine sucks (Score 2) 86

Netflix's rating system is worse than ever. It recently said that I would like "Amber Alert" at a 4.8 out of 5. I thought, "Not likely", but I tried it anyway. I turned it off in 10 minutes and rated it a 1 (which for me means couldn't finish). How on earth did it think I (or anyone else) would like that horrible movie with ugly, stupid people screaming at each other the whole time?

To be fair, even humans aren't always great at choosing what another human will like, based on some of the horrendous Christmas presents I've gotten from close family members over the years.

Comment Re:1.8 million drivers will lose their job. (Score 4, Insightful) 142

But I cant wait to see the rules list to replace years of pull 80,000 LBS over Mountains in the snow.
And I cant wait to see the computer chain up.

The automatic trucks can be stopped miles away from the snow, patiently waiting for many hours without getting tired or running into problems with rules about allowed hours behind the wheel. Then when conditions are better, the automated trucks can form a train behind the automated snowplow/salt truck and trudge through the roads at 10mph for hours while remaining 100% vigilant at monitoring road conditions and the truck's reaction to the road -- to the point where any slippage of any wheel on the truck or trailer can be detected and compensated for. A professional driver might be able to do better in some conditions after a good night's sleep, but not when he's already exhausted from spending hours sitting in the truck waiting for the roads to be open, then hours more trudging along slowly in the snow.

For chains, many roads that have chain restrictions (at least in California) already have chain installers waiting on snowy days to help motorists that don't know want (or don't know how) to chain up their own car -- these same crews could be used to chain up trucks.

Or automatic chains can be used.

Comment Re:wut (Score 1) 113

Or maybe "oh here's a door. I wonder if it's locked. Newp. Well then, I guess I better go inside, take some photos and read some of their documents. And then use that information for presumably commercial purposes. It's got to be legal and right, the door was unlocked."

Why do people keep using that flawed analogy, Google didn't open any doors, not even unlocked ones, the Wifi signals were broadcast in the clear for all to hear -- including bad guys. They captured only plaintext, they didn't break any encryption, not even WEP.

What Google did is more akin to photographing the contents of the papers you left sitting on your desk... which you left sitting out on the sidewalk for all to see. If you didn't want other people to see your private documents, you shouldn't have left them sitting out on the sidewalk.

Comment Re:The 'Internet of Things' is the next NoSQL, RoR (Score 1) 186

Amen, brother! Amen, amen, AMEN!

I've had to see through so many meetings now where some hipster dickweeds keep going on about the 'Internet of Things'. It is all so very tedious. It's just like three or four years ago, when they wouldn't shut the hell up about NoSQL. They said it would 'change the world' and we'd have to get rid of all of our real DB systems. MongoDB! Cassandra! Redis! They couldn't go 10 minutes without dropping one of those names, even when we were talking about rugby during lunch. And then they were proven wrong. Those technologies faltered and withered.

NoSQL technology did not falter or wither, it's stronger and more popular than ever and works quite well in certain circumstances. NoSQL didn't replace relational databases, but when used appropriately, it does exactly what it's supposed to.

Comment Re:An interesting caveat (Score 4, Insightful) 216

I've personally sat through a case where a bystander's filming was manipulated and only pieces of it brought to court. Without the full context, the film was a lie. That sent a good police officer to prison. The laws are far behind these double edged swords... whatever happened to "the full truth"?

It's too bad that the police don't have access to the same advanced technology that normal citizens use to make recordings.

There is no excuse for police not having body-cams and dash-cams that signs and dates all recordings and are unalterable by the officers. (and they should have enough recording space/battery life to stay on during an entire shift so you don't end up with a situation like "Oh gee, we shot someone by mistake, but none of us remembered to turn on our cameras)

Then when a citizen's camera shows the police in a bad light, the police can counter with their own camera footage.

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