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Comment Re:What is this? (Score 0, Flamebait) 383

No, fuck off. If you want to be spoon fed, go to stackoverflow and get mostly-correct answers from unemployed people who will never flame you, no matter how idiotic your questions are. Well actually, a question like "Holy shit I found out that I can use the keyboard to start my music app, what programs also have this feature" would probably get closed for being completely fucking retarded there too. If you actually wanted to learn, you would pick up a damn book (just about any book would be educational for the submitter (which is most likely you)) or use Google to actually check and see if those mythical CLI email programs exist.

Less useful but still useful are command shells. These provide file management mostly. I believe some of them may allow for sending and retrieving email messages.

Holy shit, you can start off with DOS for Dummies and work your way up from there.

But anyway, I will attempt to answer your question:

What else is out there?

Every program on every major operating system can be launched from the shell, and 99% of these can accept command line arguments. Is there any other vague, poorly-thought-out questions you'd like to ask?

Comment Re:OK Bill, Your Move (Score 4, Funny) 230

Usually the complain is that they give away MS software licenses. The conspiracy there being that they'll be hooked and once they move beyond soul crushing poverty they'll pay for the software. And that's disgusting when he should be giving out free IBM and RedHat contracts so that those vendors will be contractors when the children stop having to eat dirt to keep the hunger pangs away. The other big complaint I've seen is that they've invested in a refinery or something. As we all know, oil companies are evil and the last thing Africa needs is more local industry.

Basically, the problem is that he's Bill Gates, and that's a bad thing. Every dollar M$ made is tainted blood money. They made Dell pay a site license for Windows installation! Have you forgotten the burned villages of the Browser Wars? Remember that time they sent anthrax to that Linux User's Group? We are all victims. No amount of malaria vaccinations and AIDS research and all that other shit could ever atone for such depraved crimes.

Comment Re:We have all the evidence! (Score 1) 698

Which would be absurd, because you don't need a massive domestic surveillance system to defeat malware. Even if it is true, all it would prove is that the NSA in it's capacity of securing networks, is a good thing to have around. I don't think very many argue against the idea of the NSA's role in SELinux on a rights-encroachment basis.

Comment Re:The police have no ability to control motorcycl (Score 1) 110

You either know what was meant and have nothing more to say other than meaningless bullshit to evade the issue that you advanced a ridiculous proposal that cops shoot people in the backs; or you are a retard who has nothing more to say.

Either way, I think it's clear that this discussion is over. Go waste someone else's time.

Comment Re:The police have no ability to control motorcycl (Score 1) 110

Attempt to evade or defeat tax - Any person who willfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title or the payment thereof shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a felony

So there. Now, are you done wasting my fucking time with autistic quibblings over the law (please know that this is not a court and I don't give a shit if you are a lawyer; nor do I care if you can cite some other obscure law that claims otherwise)? Or would you like to continue propping up your quickly failing arguments by calling my credibility into question? Unless you were trying to to resort to legalism in a round-about way....

Also, I'd like to congratulate you on the most textbook example of an ad hominem that I've seen in months! Seriously, that was nice. Usually when people complain about that, it's not really ad hominem because what was actually said was "you're wrong, and that makes you an idiot", but you nailed it perfect with that "you're an idiot, so you're argument is wrong". Bravo.

Comment Re:The police have no ability to control motorcycl (Score 1) 110

Might it be possible to construct a scenario where cops are authorized to use deadly force to stop an active killer while not having a policy of shooting bike thieves in the back? I know that that doesn't lend itself very well to black and white thinking, but... think it over.

If fleeing were a felony(and it is in some places)

Lots of things are felonies. Not paying my taxes is a felony. But I don't think it would be justified if I got shot while not paying them.

stopped the future crimes

Laugh Out Loud. I don't think any future crimes that a bike thief can be assumed to commit in the future if not stopped by all means necessary are worth killing him over.

Comment Re:The beginning of NSA's diversion campaign ? (Score 2) 167

Police try to link everything to pedophiles or terrorists. It's part of the standard procedure these days. There needs to be no mastermind behind that fear-mongering. (Aside: I tried to think of an analogy for this and came up with "If the police said that Linux was evil because it more was being used to securely keep child porn, you wouldn't blame Microsoft for pushing it.", but I guess that wouldn't be completely implausible).

they even have their planted agent(s) inside Wired Magazine to do the heavy lifting for them.

Please know that Wired has nothing to do with the "Assange did Parliament" story. That's on the News of Iceland site. The story on Wired that is (slightly dishonestly) juxtapositioned to it is a much more interesting story of apparently deliberate bad BGP announcements being made to reroute traffic around the world, like, at least 38 times that have been noticed. The only connection to the bullshit tabloid story is that the traffic was rerouted to either Iceland or Belarus all those times. If there is anyone bought off, it's samzenpus, but I think it can be demonstrated that he's just mildly retarded and possibly high while editing. Shame on you, samzenpus.

Comment Re:Sweden too (Score 1) 177

It's pretty hard to say no when the guy with the biggest guns and millions of murders to back them asks you to do something.

Serious question: do Europeans ever take responsibility for anything, or do they just like to blame all their failings on the US or use some variant of `I was just following orders!'?

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