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Comment Re:Oh brother. (Score 2, Insightful) 1255

It is quite amusing to read an entire page of comments by men who think that their gender doesn't limit their perspective on this issue. That demonstrates the very root of the problem: maleness is still the default, the essential; a woman's perspective is considered especially different from a man's but the reverse is never true. With very few exceptions, all of the comments on this article reveal an attitude that the male perspective is complete and true while the female perspective is a special subset.

Typical, attack a stereotype with an equally generalized and unsupportable assertion. Because someone does that to your particular group it entitles you to to the same? I read through all the articles modded 3 and higher prior to running across yours, there where plenty of comments representing both sides of the issue.
Unfortunately it seems to me that your statements belie just as much pig headed opinionism and hyperbole as any male chauvensists drivel.

Slashdot is one of the least female-friendly places on the Internet, so this conversation is basically hopeless no matter what. But let me share with you some anti-feminist clichés (courtesy of jezebel.com) so we can at least get them out of the way now.

Great, let's rail about how anti-feminine Slashdot is and then quote examples of that from a site that has nothing to do with Slashdot or wasn't particularly related to the article that spawned this particular thread. Tell you what, why don't you go down through this thread one more time without having your 'agenda blinders' on and show me how many chauvanist quotes there really are? And if/when you do find them why don't you show me where Slashdot actually squelched opinions relating to the matter?

Feminists can't take a joke. The problem is not that feminists can't take a joke. (We can.) The problem is that you can't take feminists seriously.

Generalize much?

Some girls like [X], so it must be okay. Men often disagree on things. Women do too. One woman's disagreement does not invalidate the opinions of every other woman.

No one here ever made such a contention. Nor was this contention made in the original article. Axe to grind?

Criticizing misogyny is a waste of time. This might actually be true here.

Based on your previous statements regarding your lack of a fair shake on slashdot, I take it you mean that is is a waste of time to make your argument to this particular forum? Brilliant! Because it only makes sense to proselytize to people that already agree with you! Ever hear of preaching to the choir loft?

Feminists have no lives. The implication here seems to be that feminists had to have suffered some great personal disappointment. Sorry, no; I just have to endure cat calls from sleazy strangers on my walk to work, get interrupted in meetings (and then get pigeonholed as a bitch for standing up for myself), and frequently have to put up with people who are blind to their own privilege. I really, really wish that my having a life would make this all stop.

Again no one has made this an issue in this forum aside from yourself. You are arguing points that have nothing to do with the thread.
Moving along, nothing of substance to this argument, it's as generalized and hyperbolic as any chauvinist/racist statement I have ever heard made....

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