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Comment Re:Depends on Embargo Lift (Score 1) 474

I think you should be able to write a review for a shitty game in 17 hours.
All the other companies will be tied to the 17 hour embargo. As a company that isn't allowed a preview copy you can just buy one on release, play it for an hour, and then publish a story about how shit their game is. It seems like a better deal than getting the preview game.

Comment SR1107 2011-12 SUPEREAL (Score 1) 700

I think the most interesting part of the story was this little gem:
> This chip is completely different! We can notice right away that number of contact pads is much higher than needed. Chip has marking "SR1107 2011-12 SUPEREAL"

I'm guessing that's supposed to be SUPER EAL, which as far as I can tell isn't an actual Evaluation Assurance Level, but that's just hilarious given the situation.

Comment Start rant here (Score 3, Interesting) 156

Ok, maybe I've been doing it wrong all these years, but emacs default indenting scheme is completely braindead imho. (or should I say GNU indenting scheme)
Of all the indenting schemes they could have chosen, they chose the one that is the most inconsistent.
Generally here are some common indentation schemes:
Tabs only
Spaces only
Tabs for indent level, spaces for alignment
Which one do you think emacs uses by default? None of the above.
No, emacs uses spaces for indenting 4 spaces, and tabs for indenting 8 spaces.
This means that if you write a function whose name is at indentation level 0, the braces will be indented by 2 spaces.
The code will be indented by 4 spaces. If you then start an if statement, the code in the if statement will be indented not by 8 spaces, but by 1 tab.
This is completely braindead and breaks completely if you ever over one of those files in an editor with tabs configured differently.
At least with the other approaches you can still open the file in an other editor and have the indentation levels make some kind of sense.

Comment Re:Government doesn't get it. (Score 1) 184

I just have to be a pedant here, but a DAC is a digital to analog converter. Anyway, I've never had customs check my suitcases when leaving the US (or noticed it at least). Maybe it's different for Argentina, or for high end stuff like Teslas. It seems pretty strange that they'd make such a big deal of it, since they ship lots of units to other countries, which presumably don't limit the amount that are sent to other countries (unless they do, I wouldn't know).

Comment Re:Government doesn't get it. (Score 1) 184

Damn it. I wrote a long comment, changed a setting in options and my comment disappeared. Anyway, the long and short of it was that local content producers need to find a different selling point from just "we made it in this country". In any established industry you need to find a way to differentiate your product from the others. With locally produced cars it's usually the price. For a show it might be the topic.

There are things on youtube produced with a very small budget that are still very entertaining, so it's possible to do. The problem is that if you just try to emulate US tv shows without the same budget, you will simply fail. As a local content producer you should have a big advantage over a foreign one: namely that you know what people are interested in culturally. Make a film based on a real life events in that country or use comedy styles specific to that country.

If the government wants to support local content they can offer subsidies. If Netflix agrees to charge the tax, that's fine, but I don't think it will help much with the popularity of local shows. If they are entertaining, people will watch them. If not they will continue to watch foreign stuff.

I'm not a Netflix subscriber, and I no longer live in Suriname, so I couldn't have checked either way. Finally, just look at Chinese action movies or Korean horror movies. Those have small budgets compared to Hollywood movies, yet they are still popular around the world.

Comment Re:Government doesn't get it. (Score 1) 184

I'm pretty sure that if the Argentinian content producers sell or give a license to Netflix, that Netflix will offer their content in their catalog. As for the issue of taxes, that should be the consumers problem. If I buy a car in the US and have it shipped over to South America I pay import taxes on it, not Toyota, or whatever car dealer I bought it from. The government could just require its citizens to pay taxes on online international purchases. Unless Netflix has an office in Argentina there is really no reason why they would pay anything. Also, I can't speak for Argentina, but in Suriname the reason we have channels with US shows is because people want to see them. There is a clear difference in the production value of local shows and American shows. I wouldn't want to have to watch some quota of local crap just to be able to watch the content I actually want. The government trying to support local content producers is fine by me, but unlike for the local store, being locally produced isn't a selling point for a tv show if you ask me. It has to compete on some other factors as well.

Comment Re:Do the math (Score 1) 338

It's mostly about convenience. I get home late during the week, so I don't want to sit around till 12 waiting for the dryer to finish so I can fold it. And I don't like to spend all weekend sitting at home waiting for some machine to finish. All the answers are what my point was about. It takes so long to finish one wash I have to actively schedule my weekends around washing clothes while it's possible to do it much faster. Also, with things like whites, colors and synthetics I already have three loads of washing to do.

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