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Comment Re:The Earth is not getting warmer! (Score 0) 236

Sorry man, you are looking at the *tampered* data. When you look at the untampered data you get a different picture. It's a shame I'm unable to make a wager with you, do be redeemed in 10 years. And no, I'm not Napoleon - I'm just looking at the data *before* it is tampered with.

btw. claiming everyone who has a difference of opinion with you is implicitly claiming themselves "Napoleon" is anti-scientific, and rather puerile. Take a close look at the data I have referenced, you will see that the 2012 Arctic ice has increased massively, Antarctic ice is still increasing, a record number of US states had below average winter temperatures, the number of hurricanes making land-fall in the US was *zero* in August 2013, the number of wildfires in the US has been decreasing, etc. I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm asking you to take a scientific approach and look at the data points I linked to. If you can find an explanation for these then I'm all ears. Meanwhile, it is quite anti-scientific of you to dismiss people with silly labels without even looking at the data they reference. "Global Warming" is a cult that requires faith rather than an objective scientific search for counter-evidence (which is essential to science, looking for facts or observational/methodological biases that will slay your pet theory). Get scientific, dude!

Comment Re:The Earth is not getting warmer! (Score 0) 236

Thanks for the site, I'll take a longer look. However, I do see it doesn't account for the huge regrowth of Artic Ice in 2012 and the continuing increase in Antarctic Ice. Care to comment on those data (shown in the graphs I posted) ? I also note that "The Escalator" graph uses NOAO data that is known to be edited by known fraudsters. If Global Warming is real then I'm cool with it, but the 2012 ice cover and admissions by the British Met Office of no significant temperature change for *16 years* !!!!111 seems fairly strong to me. So I welcome any extra insights you can provide. Thanks :)

Comment The Earth is not getting warmer! (Score 0, Informative) 236

The data shows that after a spike in Earth's surface temperature two decades ago the temperature has stopped rising for 16 years. Even the British Meteorological Office has finally been forced to concede that the warming predicted from climate models has not occurred. Rather than confess that Global Warming is and always was based on poor science, the British Met Office now says warming has "paused" (as if they knew the future, which they clearly don't, since they've been wrong so far).

Then we have climate 'scientists' like James Hansen and Michael Mann who have been fraudulently manipulating NOAO and NASA data that didn't fit their climate warming alarmist hypothesis.

Yes, I know this information will be a big surprise for many of you. Before you call me a "loon" (or the favorite word of the anti-scientific climate alarmists, a "denier") or mod me down, I urge you to consider the science and analysis displayed here (mixed in with other articles):

As an example, check out some of these graphs:
Arctic Sea Ice up 67% this year: [This graph is excellent, easy to see how the reported changes reported at the minimum exaggerate the change, good if you intend to freak people out]
Fraudulent scientist James Hansen's predictions vs observation: [examples of data tampered with by climate scientists]

If anyone has any questions about the graphs, or data that contradicts them then I'll be interested to hear it. I have an open mind - I'm just following the Scientific Method and going where the data leads. I hope you do too :)

The simplest explanation for the observed ice cap data, Antarctic ice growth, lack of any hurricanes in the US this August, drop in wildfires in the Continental US, many US States recording below average winter temperatures, etc etc is simply that the predicted "Global Warming" has not continued. In fact, there appears to be a very slight cooling (especially in the Southern Hemisphere). The weather has simply been going up and down as it always does on a year-to-year basis, with no real trend over the hundred year timescale.

Why does it matter? because the current meme of "Global Warming" is out of date. Some shysters have already switched meme to "Climate Change" so they can continue to pilfer your tax dollars - but the reality is that the Earth is not experiencing any climate changes that are abnormal. Even more dangerous than hucksters getting your tax money, are politicians that are making very bad decisions based on out-of-date memes and fraudulent science. This is killing people around the globe as heating and food becomes expensive. It also means that instead of tapping the vast gas reserves of the US and Canada the Western World continues to give money to Middle Eastern countries who use it to wage jihad around the globe and against each other (eg, Syria).

Simply look at the raw observations yourself (before they get tampered with by organizations like NASA and NOAO). You'll see that Climate Change is in defiance of observation. Anyone who says the "science is settled" is lying to you and being anti-scientific. Also, the word "consensus" is used. Remember, Galileo was one man against a "consensus", and who was right? Be like Galileo, and check the observations, not the prevailing opinion/talking points.

BTW: this *is* on-topic (I'm explaining the observations mentioned in the summary); I'm *not* being a troll, and providing quality references is *never* overrated. Just because you disagree with the observations is not a reason to wage jihad on me - instead, I urge you to check the data in the links I have provided.

Comment Re:Paranoia... (Score 0) 250

Thanks, but I think you are well behind the eight ball - so far behind you unfortunately cannot understand the truth when you hear it. In fact, the disinformation (see the excellent: is designed to keep smart people like you from asking the right questions.

How about you check out Barry Rubin's analysis? or Stephen Coughlin? or Frank Gaffney? or Robert Spencer? My statements merely reflect the information these giants are saying. These are all people who worked as intelligence analysts for Pentagon (Coughlin and Rubin), or as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence (Gaffney), or gave hundreds of briefings to the FBI and CIA for training (Spencer). Of course you are intimitely familiar with these names and their work, yes? if not, then perhaps you know a lot less than you think you do (since there is so much to know on the subject).

Perhaps, you actually know virtually nothing about the global jihad and the international Leftist alliance that is helping them. As long as the disinformation keeps you from asking the right questions you will never get the right answers - and never recognize when a person is telling you the deep truth. Too bad - the world is an unpredictable place full for random violence until you find out what is going on (not aliens, no lizardmen, no illuminati - just good old fashioned International Socialist and Islamic ideologies working together to subvert the Free World).

Never ascribe to malice what can be ascribed to stupidity.

FYI the original quote uses the word, "incompetence". However, if you ascribe to incompetence what is actually malicious then you are going to be in a progressive world of hurt, aren't you? Look, you don't have to believe me, just follow some of the references I've given in my earlier posts. Without looking at those references you have no idea as to whether my statements are based on fact or not, yes? Use the scientific method, use my references and find the truth about geopolitics. Or not - if you would like to never see outside the disinformation that cages you. If you want to know the answers as to why Britain's immigration policy was the way it is, why Europeans will be a minority in their own countries within a few generations, why Obama and Bill Clinton used the US to fly as "Al Qaeda's Air Force" in Libya, Kosovo, Bosnia and soon in Syria, as well as Obama supporting the Muslim Brotherhood against the massively popular secular democratic movement in Egypt then I'll be happy to point you to best objective analyzes there are. Until then, please admit to yourself you actually know very little about the subject. Thanks for posting your ideas though.

Comment Re:Paranoia... (Score -1) 250

Actually, it is the Muslim Brotherhood who are infiltrating. They already dictate what can and can't be said in FBI/CIA/DoD and all US Government training manuals - since the US doesn't want to cause "offense" to people whose stated goal to destroy the US using its "own miserable hand" (yeah, madness to let the enemies of liberty dictate your training!). Furthermore, the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't need to infiltrate the security agencies, since it is already setting policy in the White House:
Citattions: (reporting from an *Egyptian* source)
Huma Abedin is a Muslim Brotherhood "princess" and Hilliary Clinton's closest advisor

Ever wonder why the US acted as the "Al Qaeda Air Force" in Libya, and is about to do the same in Syria? It's because of the "Red/Green Alliance". The alliance between the International Socialists (including the US Democrat Party) and the Muslim Brotherhood/Islamists (note: Hamas and Al Qaeda are descendent organizations of the Muslim Brotherhood).

It is not "paranoia" if they really are out to get you. It is not paranoia if the policy of the US has been consistent in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood at the expense of popular secular democratic uprisings (think the Iranian "Green Revolution" in 2009 where Obama held off commenting until it was crushed; and now the White House and Ambassador Patterson are actively trying to get the Muslim Brotherhood re-instated in Egypt against the popular will).

This is *on topic* as it is describing the general background setting in Snowden's comments about arttempted CIA penetration is being made. I can supply any references you need for any of my statements. I also think people who are concerned about infiltration of the CIA etc should realise they have already been neutered by political correctness. Stephen Coughlin and the Center for Security Policy have several excellent videos where they show the difference in words used between the 9/11 Commission Report and the report into the Fort Hood shooting by Major Nadal Hussein (who is a self-declared jihadi but everyone keeps calling "workplace violence" in the worst outbreak of Marxist Political Correct self-delusion in recent memory).

Comment Re:Failure of will (Score 0) 271

Oh, looking at your post history I see you in London. Did you happen to miss the Tube and Bus Bombings? Did you miss the beheading of Lee Rigby? these were the little things. Did you miss your Prime Minister lie to your face when he said the beheadings were nothing to do with Islam when the jihadi beheaders clearly, explicitly and repeatedly see they were. Do you not know about the 87 Sharia courts already operating in the UK (Google it! check the facts for yourself). Do you not know all the people who have been told to take down their English flags in case they offend people who voluntarily migrated to the UK? Boy, you must be "awful dumb". No wonder English Culture will disappear within a few generations - if people like you don't even know the basic facts of what is happening (and worse, refuse to believe the *facts* when they are pointed out to you). That really is dumb.

Comment Re:Failure of will (Score 0) 271

"As long as there's a line, and as long as we keep taking the wealth from their side to our side and not letting them over the line, they are going to hate us, and some of them are going to try and kill us."

This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of why the First World countries are rich. They are rich because the citizens work to *create* wealth. That's right. Wealth gets created. Through great ideas and hard work. Case studies: the Internet and iPhone. The First World invented these and *created* massive wealth in the process. The Third World was not deprived by their creation - yet the Marxists will lie to your face and say that the only reason the First World, and entrepreneurs are Rich are because they exploit others. This is absolute rubbish and it is amazing in this day and age that anyone still parrots that throughly discredited view of a long-gone Early Industrial Era.

The First World cultures work together to prmote honesty and trust in a common project. That means people can trade and corruption is exposed and minimised. Yes, the First World sometimes uses the Third World for its resources - but this benefits the Third World too (and would benefit all citizens, except for the fact that the major problem in the Third World is corruption so only a few get the benefits).

The reason the Third World is poor is because of rampant corruption and ideologies that calls great instability (eg. abberant Christianity of the Lord' Resistance Army in Uganda, or the mainstream Islamic jihad in Sudan, Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Egypt, Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Southern Russia etc).

To say that the First World is rich because it "stole" from the Third World is simply *wrong*. To say that the Third World is poor because of the First World is *wrong* (its due to internal problems in the Third World, such as the corruption). That's why countries with totally smashed infrastructure like Germany, Japan and Korea can got from behind the Third World to well in front.

Its the culture of personal industry, entrepreneurship, honesty and investment in the common national project that makes the difference between First World and the rest. Don't let the false Marxist memes fool you - they are not based on the historical facts.

Now to you all socialists out there. Stop whinging about the rich, k? Instead of complaining that hard working entrepreneurs give more to the poor (despite the fact they give a lot more than you) how about you create something that other people will willingly pay you for. Then you will enrich yourself, your employees and you will pay a lot of tax to keep the insatiable Governement bureaucracies going and a lot of tax will go to helping the poor. Whinging about the rich doesn't help anyone. Creating wealth yourself to share with others does. So get to it!

Comment Failure of will (Score 0) 271

The intelligence failure are not about not having sufficient technology. It is a failure of will. There is an ideology that has driven over 21500 fatal attacks around the globe and is tearing up the Middle East (citation: Yet, the US Government has *banned* any mention of that ideology and association of it with the terrorism it so clearly spawns (citation: The FBI, CIA, DoD, NSA are all *prohibited* from mentioning certain words to do with this ideology due to Government policy (where the Government has been infiltrated by the very organizations that promote such terrorism) [citation:

The Orwellian nature of this ideology and its political associates has gotten so bad that I cannot even say its name on Slashdot - because to mention that ideology invites a flurry of downmods. No matter how many citations or indisputable facts one provides.

That is why the NSA will fail to provide timely information. Friendly countries can provide all the tips in the world (as the Russians did a number of times with the Boston Bombers: citation by the US intelligence agencies will discard this information. This represents a failure of will on the part of the US intelligence services (driven by their political masters).

ps. this is *on topic*, so p!ss off with your downmods (those that suppport terrorism).

Comment Re:I can tell from the pixels (Score -1) 138

sadly, it's gotten to the point where you could assume if there's no bloody toilet paper it's due to a spy agency.

There was a severe shortage of toilet paper in the Socialist Worker's Paradise of Venezuela recently:

Venezuela has 88.13 billion in oil revenue. It should be fabulously wealthy and have no shortages. But it does. Why? because strongly socialist systems always have endemic corruption and mis-allocation of resources. The crazy thing is after a century of repeated failure people still think socialist systems can work. In the short term they can, until they run out of stored money to spend, and then they fail. Always. Furthermore, socialist systems have greater and greater surveillance and suppression of dissenting thought (eg. the Marxist Political Correctness now infesting the 'Free World') as a result of the Cultural Marxism (look it up, please) that dominates global culture (you can't see it, because you're inside the Matrix; but once you are aware of Cultural Marxism you will see the invisible bars that are intended as a prison for your mind).

ps. I'm in New Zealand and haven't noticed any wide scale protests or wide scale awareness of the issue yet. Hopefully the awareness of the authoritarian nature of all governments (capitalist and socialist) will come. The true solution is in the populace demanding charters of limited government - just like the US Constitution (which is a fantastic document, but ignored by US Governments and most of the population - despite the Tea Party trying to raise awareness of the need for the restoration of Constitutional principles in government and law).

Comment Perhaps Obama can be transparent about Benghazi (Score 1) 537

Unfortunately the Obama Administration has been "less than transparent" (as in, unbelievably obstructive) to the Congressional investigation to the attack on Benghazi on 9/11. Besides the killed Ambassadors and SEALs, there were several dozen survivors but the Obama Administration started by withholding the names of these survivors, and then changing the names they did provide, and then saying things like the Marine Lt Col in charge could not be found as he was retired but it turned out he was still serving (wtf?). Then the Obama Administration blamed a jailed a filmmaker for the attack, but had drones overhead at the time and knew immediately that it was not a protest about the film. Would be nice if Obama actually delivered on the transparency he promised (or actually, anything, despite the media running cover again).

Comment Re:Better idea, shut it down - it's illegal.... (Score 1) 537

"hey were marching because he was starting a war under false pretenses. "

This is a very common meme, but is factually incorrect. Yes, it is unpopular to explain, but please let me do so. Firstly there were many reasons to get Saddam, from the mass murders of his own people to the sponsoring of terrorism worldwide (even if not the 9/11 attackers) to fulfilling the mandate for the invasion of of Iraq obtained from Congress by Bill Clinton (and therefore, representing the will of the Democrats and supposedly the will of the American people). You knew these facts, didn't you?

Now consider the details of the WMD meme. Firstly, there appear to have been WMDs in Iraq but before the invasion they were reportedly shipped to Syria (where they are being used by both sides today). Now, it is clear that when Bush authorized the invasion he actually thought he would find the WMDs. And when they weren't found he did not order them to be faked despite the enormous pressure to do do - showing that he was wrong, but honest about what he intended to find. Think about this a bit before you dismiss it.

Criticise Bush all you want, but the memes that he lied and the only reason to invade Iraq was WMD that didn't exist are simply not true. Hate Bush if you must, but at least stop spreading false memes. Thanks.

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