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Comment Re:Nice! Wonder if the illegal settlements get it (Score 1) 157

3 million in Vietnam. Another million in Iraq. Any more dumb questions?

Citation please. Were you unable to read the citation I gave? It is you that has the assertion that my reference already disproved, and have not supplied anything to counter that. So at this point I think that you are being obtuse/dumb.

Note that Vietnam was over forty years ago, was entirely justified against North Vietnamese-Russian-Chinese aggression against a democratic (but yes, very imperfect) state that was conducting self defense as permitted under the relevant United Nations resolution and requested assistance from the US. But by all means try and stand up for totalitarian communism that has been thoroughly discredited, especially since the archives of many states have been opened as the situation was even worse than first thought. Nice one. Not only do you ignore cited facts with unsupported bullshit assertions you then try and pull in an irrelevant war against a totalitarian regime. Also feel free to ignore the fact that over the last several years Vietnam has invited the US military back as a counter-balance against China - but stay stuck in the past like a dunce who is unable to see where the past is relevant to the discussion at hand, and where it is not. Even a muppet could construct a better argument - provided they applied the smallest modicum of logic before posting.

Sorry for being so forceful. I'm just fed up with ignoramuses like yourself not even bothering to check the facts - which means they keep spouting total bullshit figures, and trying to misdirect with irrelevant topics. Get some citations and then we can talk, yeah?

Comment Re:Nice! Wonder if the illegal settlements get it (Score 1) 157

Why should I bother?

Because you are full of shit and can't prove your assertions? The most reliable figure is the classified figure of civilian deaths is 66,081 civilians killed (leaked by Wikileaks). Citation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War
That makes you wrong by a factor of 15 (as in, your assertion is delusional).

Now if we look at a possible figure that could work for your argument (I'm trying to make your case for you, since you could ) then we have the multi-sigma outlier value of 1.2-1.4 million estimation made by ORB (same reference). Beside the statistical implausibility, and ignoring that the death rate in the US Occupation was lower than Saddam's kill rate of his own populace, their methodology was very flawed and an examination of its methodology found it was "riddled with critical inconsistencies and methodological shortcomings" (no surprised given its anti-war agenda).

So that makes you sloppy at best, or selectively biased at worst. So it appears you are a spreader of easily-disprovable bullshit who is too lazy to cite and too lazy to cross-check your [false] assumptions/assertions.

Stealing water and wiping your ass with the 4th Geneva Convention? That's just your state running a military occupation but colonizing the territory, and it's still an occupation if you don't annex it.

More bullshit that you have *zero* backup evidence for. Look, I'm fully prepared to listen to your arguments. I'm fully prepared to revise my position, provided you can provide some objective evidence for you claims. Somehow you expect everyone to take your outlandish claims (presented in an offensive manner) at face value. Simple objective citations (eg. sourced neither from neocon nor anti-war propagandists) would go a long way to make you look less like a full-of-bs, lazy amateur. Thanks.

Comment Re:Nice! Wonder if the illegal settlements get it (Score 0) 157

missing from your bar graph : millions of dead caused by the US.

I call bullshit. Citation required for "millions" dead caused directly by the US.

stealing water and wiping our ass with the 4th Geneva Convention,

I call bullshit. Citation required for stealing water. What do you mean by "wiping our ass"?

Comment Re:Nice! Wonder if the illegal settlements get it (Score 1, Insightful) 157

Here's a video showing how the United Nations is now acting in a way contrary to its founding principles. This is because the Organization of Islamic Countries and Non-Alignment movement have created a voting bloc. This is why there are bogus resolutions in the UN where criticism of religion (eg. the iron-age barbaric death cult of Islam; read the Qur'an and hadiths, they are true hate speech!) is equivalent to hate speech. Then we have the ITU grasp of the Internet for the purposes of censorship. Here's the video explaining how the UN came to be so corrupted against Englightenment values (and countries with them):

Here's a video showing how sneaky resolutions against Free Speech are being worded and passed in the UN (OIC up to its tricks again):

While we're at it, here is are a couple of videos explaining the situation in the Middle East from a historical perspective:

So, Mr Anonymous Coward, your citations are pretty much irrelevant because the United Nations has been making resolutions based on the political totalitarian ideology currently passing bogus resolutions in the UN.

Comment Re:American's are Being Manipulated in Syrian War (Score 1) 62

Here is the fundamental difference between Rwanda and Syria. The Rwandan Genocide was horrific but it was a national tragedy. It was not as if the Tutsi and Hutus were going to export their fight elsewhere. The fight in Syria has regional and global ramifications - that's a huge difference.

The fight in Syria is of interest to the West because the jihadis fighting there are working to establish a *global* Caliphate (according to their own words) that is coming to an area near you as soon as they can do it. They are against Free Thought, Free Speech, Women's Rights, Homosexual Rights, the equality of all religions and ethnicities. In short, the battle for Syria is not an isolated situation - it is part of the ongoing upheavals in the region that are going to spread elsewhere as soon as the jihadis finish their current round of fighting. Interestingly enough, they appear to be trying to follow a plan revealed in 2005 by the respected Der Spiegel - http://www.spiegel.de/international/the-future-of-terrorism-what-al-qaida-really-wants-a-369448.html and according to this timeline it appears things are proceeding to their plan (according to the plan we're between Stages 4 and 5, as far as I can see).

So my suggestion about Syria is to not listen to what poorly informed pundits in the West are saying (since they appear to be in willful denial). Instead, listen to what the jihadis are saying. They are not hiding their agenda at all. Their plan is to bring Sharia to the globe and restore the Caliphate. Don't believe what I say, just do a simple YouTube search of their speeches in Arabic (with English subtitles) - since the principle of 'taqiyya' means whatever they say in English doesn't count. Also, it appears the Russians have a greater awareness than the US does about this (although part of the problem is that the Russians supported Assad when the protests were still peaceful yet the will of the people was clearly against his regime).

It is the difference between a regional genocide and the intent of global genocide/domination that makes Syria worthwhile of more attention than Rwanda. Ideally we'd give attention to both, but if we have to prioritize then it is simple which conflict is more significant for *global* human rights and Enlightenment values than the other. Yes?

Comment Re:American's are Being Manipulated in Syrian War (Score 1) 62

You are wrong. What is happening in Syria is this. The totalitarian but secular Baath Party has overreached and the citizens got fed up. The citizens started out with peaceful protests but eventually turned to weapons. This is the Revolution. It has evolved from this situation and the Revolution has been co-opted by a jihahist movement (incited, funded and supported by the Saudis and Qatar). They seek to turn Syria into a member of the global Caliphate.

So if you think that the news about Syria is some plot by the US to control the Middle East then you couldn't be more wrong. The situation in Syria was secular Syrians wanted more freedoms (grea!) but has now been perverted into Sunni Muslim militants taking over another country (since they've already captured Egypt).

If you want to useful and oppose imperialism then get out of your Cold War mindset where the US is always at fault. It is not in the case of Syria. The Imperialism is due to the global totalitarian aspirations of jihadis that wish to re-impose the Caliphate (and an internal struggle where the Caliphate is either Shia and led by Iran, or Sunni and led by the Saudis). It is easy to see that this is the case, just listen to the pronouncements of the Syrian rebels themselves (and stop listening to the ignorant media in the West, who are shitty journalists).

Note that the US is not intervening. This is good and bad. It is good because the US doesn't need to waste more money. It is bad because the secular Syrian forces that started the revolution are not being supported and the brutal Islamist forces are taking over. Egypt is already on the way to becoming another Saudi Arabia and Syria is now on the same path. Anyone who cares about democracy and human rights should be urging for the US to intervene and impose a secular democracy in Syria because without that we're just going to see an Islamist takeover (where you have no human rights). Do you want this to happen? I don't. So get real and stop using the outdated paradigms of the past.

Comment Re:How many games include post-WWII Israel? (Score 0, Flamebait) 62

Hmm, the Falcon series of flight sims featured Israel as a combat theatre. There are very many paper wargames (ya know, old style) that feature conflicts in the Middle East. So it appears you are pretty ignorant - and what appears to be your attempt at anti-Zionism has failed.

Since you are ignorant here's a capsule history in 5 minutes that explains the situation in the Middle East, from Purdue University. The situation is very simple and clear. It is the resolution that is complex. How do you defuse intrinsic hatred of Islam for all non-Mulims? solve that and you will solve all the Islam created problems in the Middle East; eg. Islam vs unbelievers like Europe; Iranian Shia Islam vs Arabian Shia Islam; Islam vs Christians in Iraq, Syria and Egypt; Islam vs animists on Sudan; Islam vs Israel; Islam vs the US; etc etc:

Unfortunately the United Nations can't be relied on to sort it out, for the following reason:
Furthermore, the UN is attempting to outlaw Free Speech by disabling our ability to cricitise the flaws in any religion (but specifically, the barbarism of Islam):

The political Left are usually helpful watchdogs, but they are no help either (they are so anti-American as a vestige of Cold War reasoning, that they excuse the totalitarian imperialism of the Islamists who seek to impose a new global Caliphate):

So, your statement is a bit of a fail. It simply shows you know nothing about gaming/wargaming (the Middle East is covered extensively) and probably have a poor grasp of the situation in the region (and it turns out, the World, since the goal of the jihadis is to conquer the World once they've crushed Israel).

Comment Re:100 more will die today (Score 1) 1719

The M-16A2 has three-round burst instead, IIRC because the DOD determined that "spray and pray" isn't an effective method for engaging the enemy.

"Spray n pray" is un-aimed shots. Conscripts in Vietnam did this. I believe modern users of the M-16/M-4 are trained never to do this (and the Israelis are trained to lie, kneel or brace before shooting - according to an Israeli mate of mine; they try not to fire standing as it is less stable for aiming). You are right that this was a factor in removing full-auto from this weapon.

The second factor in creating a weapon with a three round burst is because the recoil of the first shots upset the aim sufficiently that further shots are usually wasted. Some weapons try to get the burst out quickly to reduce minimize the effect of recoil on aiming.

The third factor in removing full auto is not related to aiming. It is to reduce the wastage of ammunition and soldiers to be engaged for longer without running out of ammo (since soldiers can only carry a limited amount - it is heavy!).

Comment Re:Misdirected anger? (Score 1) 306

Thanks. Of course, there is always the fallback excuse that unless I read it in Arabic then I'll never understand it properly (yeah, right!).

There are excellent interpretations (humerous and very irreverent, u might get a great deal of amusement as well as insight) from an ex-Muslim at:

Comment Re:Misdirected anger? (Score 1) 306

but it is interesting that to my knowledge, nobody has even attempted to critique the accuracy of the video.

Excellent point. One can understand that the Muslims would not criticize the video - they are not permitted to criticize aspects of their religion (once upon a time they could, but the Caliphs in Baghdad shut it all down as the questions got too uncomfortable to their political rule - and it has been zip lip enforced on pain of death ever since).

It is interesting that Western academics haven't bothered to pull the video apart to check inaccuracies. Surely that is the job of intellectuals to understand something resulting in so much global turmoil. Or if they have then the media haven't bothered to publish any analyses - they cowed like good dhimmis, since they understand the threat of violence is real. The lack of spine is sickening (I may just have to critically watch the video and do the analysis myself!).

Comment Re:Misdirected anger? (Score 1) 306

Define, "what is a Muslim"? there are so many problems with this. If we consider Muslims to be those that make the required statement then sure, most Muslims are awesome (despite Islam itself being bad - because we can make that distinction). However, if we narrow our definition and say that a Muslim is one who follows the teachings in the Qur'an and hadiths (ya know, the definition that a Salafi might use) then we end up with a bunch of people who most definitely advocate, implement or support violence in the name of their teachings. It is those motherfuckers that we ought to be worried about - not the huge numbers who profess to be Muslim (or Christian etc) but actually ignore the teachings when it contradicts their innate (superior) sense of morality - and apart from a few mystical mumblings would be hard to distinguish from a non-religious rationalist in their day-to-day practices.

So if your post was meant to mean, "Most Muslims are actually ok" then I agree with you. Just don't forget about the Muslims (and Christians etc etc) that are not ok because their religion commands them to do evil. To paraphrase Sam Harris, "How often do you lie awake at night worrying about the Amish?", and "The problem with Islamic Fundamentalists is the Fundamentals of Islam; if the fundamental of Islam were not violent then we wouldn't have to worry about the fundamentalists, would we?". The same goes for Christian or Jewish fundamentalists - as the fundamental of those religious are also barbaric, with a sprinkling of some nicer rainbow stuff on top. So I don't hate the playa, I hate the game. The Muslims are ok, but political Islam is not. However we can't give Islam a free pass to do its evil just because we like a large fraction of those who profess to be Muslims (but actually don't practice Islam as it is laid out in the Qur'an).

As the physicist Steven Weinberg said, "With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.". So yeah, most Muslims are good people (but bad Muslims), the good Muslims are bad people (according to Enlightenment values).

Free speech has a limited right to offend, and defamation and hate speech are such limitations.

I agree, there are limits to free speech. Those limitations are not relevant to the discussion of the video at hand. I'm glad you agree that Free Speech has the right to offend. That is the right that is actually in play.

and you say "all Muslims are like this"

Did I? Could you please re-read my post and find where I said this. You won't find it. You simply have made stuff up and are projecting your hyper-sensitivity on to my post. This is typical of those desperately trying to be politically correct at the expense of simply applying impartial reasoning and seeing where that will take you. Then you have the gall to insult me as "ignorant" after you have just fabricated a quotation against me. Who is the ignoramus here?

You'll find I said no such thing. I very well understand the proportions between actively violent Muslims, passive Muslims who agree with the violence (which is a very significant proportion of the 1.6 billion Muslims on the planet, which I lump in as supporting the troublemakers - so the total is not just a small fringe as you suggest), and then the Muslims who only live in Muslim countries and don't actually practice the teachings at all (the good guys by Western standards). I didn't want to burden my initial post with this distinction, since it wasn't necessary - only the ones who inflict violence are of significance to non-Muslims, since they are the ones that affect us. So please stop projecting what appears to be an apologist agenda, thanks.

You are showing plenty of ignorance yourself.

Nope. It is you that is ignorant of my position. I've already pointed out that you have projected incorrect assumptions (and even included a fabricated quote in your post - how dumb is that?). Now it fair enough that you are ignorant of my position since I didn't want to overburden by posting with my full analysis of the complexities of the situation: which I assure you, I understand very, very well - since I listen to what everyone is saying, including the vile words uttered by the Salafis and extremists [something most Westerners deliberately ignore]. In fact, I would suggest that there is a high probability that I understand the situation much better than you - your lack of knowledge of all the numerous factors is why you struggle to understand what I'm trying to say.

However, I hope we can agree that most Muslims are good people (which necessarily makes them bad Muslims); those that are good Muslims (strictly following the barbarity commanded in the Qur'an and hadiths) are bad people; the fundamentalists Muslims are the ones we ought to be worried about - and therefore it is right to focus on them, while still acknowledging many Muslims are still good people; religious fundamentalists are violent because the fundamentals of the religions are violent; Free Speech include the right to offend; and religions impose commandments that make good people do bad things (which I would then argue is a good reason to discourage the propagation of such religions - just as we ban hate speech for good reason).

Comment Re:Misdirected anger? (Score 4, Insightful) 306

Um, the "Innocence of Muslims" video was created by a Coptic (Egyptian Christian) to point out bad aspects of Mohammed (eg. marrying a 6 year old and ) and Islam. The video has terrible production values and is completely insensitive, but I think the core concepts actually come from the Qur'an itself.

The video was intended to show hypocracy, highlight the nastier aspects of the Qur'an, and show inflame Muslims (who are insensitive and increasingly violent to Copts). The real problem is not the video, it is: the oversensitivity of Muslims to any criticism, eg. they immediately turn to violence; and the craven cowardice of supposedly free societies who do not stand up for free speech and instead appease the violent who are clearly breaking local laws. This may sound harsh, but free speech requires the right to offend, even with a dumb and insulting (but scripturally accurate, AFAIK) video. Ignoring violent acts because of a video is not what the police should be doing - but they are currently cowed. How is this healthy in the long term?

Comment Re:Someone tell me (Score 3, Insightful) 306

so naturally they can't comprehend of a liberal democracy where this might not be the case.

Wrong. They understand what liberal democracy it. It is just they reject it utterly because they believe they are commanded by God to do so (according to their teachings). Similarly, parts of the political classes in the West are starting to utterly reject the notions of the political Islamists, since it seeks to eventually replace all other systems. Please don't confuse each 'side' with not comprehending each other's point of view. Both positions are pretty well understood. It is just that each side rejects the other. Note, however, that liberal democracy can tolerate aspects of the religious myths of Islam (eg. Muslim Israelis are tolerated, even in the IDF, for example). What liberal democracy rejects is the political system of Islam and the tyrrany of some parts of the religion [eg. poor treatment of women, the non-egalitarian concept of dhimmitude, the inability to question the clerics etc]).

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