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Comment Re: Looks UGLY (Score 2) 378

Looks better than Win8 but nowhere near Win7 or even Vista.
I would say Windows 8 looks like something designed in a communist country but even the North Koreans know enough to rip off MacOS!
Bring back Aereo! Since I'm not a gamer my GPU is suffering from severe boredom.
I hope WindowBlinds is ported to 10 quickly. That and a start menu replacement is the only way I can stand windows 8!

Comment Re:Some movies skip DVD and go straight to BD (Score 2) 332

Movies have already started to skip DVD. Ishtar, for example, is on Blu-ray but not DVD. You'll notice the difference between Blu-ray and no movie at all unless perhaps you're deafblind.

Do you have any examples of this other than one of the biggest bombs Hollywood ever made? It probably was never released on DVD due to dismal VHS sales.

Comment Re:I have an even better idea (Score 1) 304

That's like confusing the right to bare arms with the right to obtain nuclear weapons.

It should be noted that we DO have a right to wear short-sleeved shirts (weather permitting), and that it has little or nothing to do with the Right to Bear Arms....

We have a right to bear arms? What would I do with a bear arm? Doesn't the bear need it more than I do?

Comment Re:Hellooooo is anybody home? (Score 1) 98

For a while there were zero comments and a little box that said "This discussion has been archived." Of course, the little box was partially unreadable because of the broken css, but you get my point.

As for the movie, if it's as "accurate" as Argo, then it's two thumbs down.

Hollywood is unable to present an accurate portrayal of actors, directors, and screenwriters let alone hackers.
The question is not if it is accurate (Chris Hemsworth as a hacker? Get real. Any accuracy in this film is almost certainly accidental.) but if it is an entertaining film.

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