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Comment Re:Yeah (Score 1) 140

From my first hand experience: Wrong. Internal networks of many Chinese educational institutions are total hell with all kinds of worms and trojans roaming around.

"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."

VoIP Data and Google Maps Mashup Shows Live Calls 34

damianwayne writes "OnSIP, a provider of hosted Voice over IP business communications, announced today the latest addition to their website: a visualization of live calls made using the OnSIP service, made possible by an integration of real time OnSIP data and Google Maps API. Each time an OnSIP customer makes or receives a call, a pin is dropped on the live call map, openly displaying call volume peak and trend information." This is all from one company's VoIP network, though — would be interesting to see an overlay of heatmaps from various providers.

Comment Not the browser that I'm used to... (Score 1) 554

Maybe I'm gettting nostalgic... but I really can't get comfortable with the new layout. Is there an addon bringing back the entire pre-4.0 UI of Firefox? Or most of it if not everything.

Perhaps the UI designers would say that this shiny new thing is more efficient at browsing pages or whatever... However I just don't like it.

Also: I get Bing in my search bar after the upgrade. Removed, but what's that doing there? Did Mozilla get paid to put it here?

Comment Hmm (Score 3, Informative) 121

Authorities have made it illegal for Internet cafes to serve minors under the age of 18,

And the last time I went to a internet cafe I was given a vaild ID number of someone over 18 along with the name associated to log in when I explained that my ID card's missing and a new one is not yet available. Didn't even bother asking me to give my number - guess they do the same when the minors come to play online games.

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