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Comment Re:It's not the space, it'd the food. (Score 2) 326

The problem is not waste, it's distribution. Even with the current level of waste, everyone could eat 3 meals and snacks, everyday.
Getting it to people is a lot harder.

If we ended all food waste right now, there would not be 1 less person going hungry.
Hell, we can't even get food to people going hungry in the US without a political shit storm happening from people who think it's the same thing as communism.

Comment Re:PHONES YOU IDIOTS (Score 1) 130

You see those cameras on the freeway? yeah. Anyone you hang out with got a smart phone? Use plastic anywhere?

Instead of railing against the inevitable, spend that time and energy for protection on what, when, who, why, where and how it can be used?

I want a spy car, but that's probably not what you meant. :)

Comment Re:If you want a Diet avoid Diet food. (Score 1) 294

" Non-sugar Carbs, via calories, are why we are fat"
problem solved, thank /. poster!

Protip: It's more complicated than that.

"The idea fat people are hooked on sweets is BS."
no, it isn't. IN fact sugar can trigger a Dopamine release. In some people as much as some recreational drugs do.
  So people can be hooked on sweets.

"They are hooked on higher-calorie, denser-calorie fatty foods."
that can ALSO be true.

"I just read an asinine study the other day that incorrectly associated sweeter foods with. higher calorie intake"
that can very well be true. I don't know what study you are talking about, so I don't know the specific item they where talking about.

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Ya'll hear about the geometer who went to the beach to catch some rays and became a tangent ?
