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Comment Re:Awesome (Score 1) 582

I prefer a hostsfile myself.

Blocking at the router means that I don't have to tweak several hosts files, plus it covers my Android devices that don't have easily accessible hosts files, but do have pre-installed Facebook apps that call home every night with huge permissions that send who-knows-what, and can't be uninstalled. (When I finally rooted the tablet, I did some cleaning.)

Comment Re:Awesome (Score 1) 582

I blocked at the router. I'm sure that they have other methods, but all the pages I access that make little tracking fetches from Facebook are sucking mud. (It's the same with doubleclick: Is it the end of time yet? No? Stay blocked! I don't care who owns them now.) It does mean that I can use Facebook or see the fascinating pages of other people. Oh noes!

Even the simplest home router can do that. They usually have a parental site blocking feature.

Comment Bomb threats (Score 1) 540

Scientology is very big on making bomb threats. Mind you, they make the bomb threats in other people's names. They made bomb threats on behalf of Paulette Cooper (see Operation Freakout) where they got her finger prints on a piece of paper, added the threat then mailed it. It continues to this day, where they put up a YouTube video claiming to be from Anonymous and making bomb threats. (They really goofed on that one. They made a DVD on black PR on Anonymous. On the DVD, they had a copy of the fake video, but it was in higher resolution than the one upload to YouTube. Gee, where could they have gotten that hi-res copy?)
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Journal Journal: in which i am a noob all over again 17

I haven't posted a journal here in almost three years, because I couldn't find the button to start a new entry. ...yeah, it turns out that it's at the bottom of the page.

So... hi, Slashdot. I used to be really active here, but now I mostly lurk and read. I've missed you.

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