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Comment Re:So, start a company making easy-to-fix equipmen (Score 1) 194

> They would go broke. The reason all of the sensors are there is because when they didn't have sensors, and some farmer misused they tool and got hurt, they sued the manufacturer

Quit being such a corporate tool.

The tort aspect of this is likely completely irrelevant since these are likely highly self reliant types used to fending for themselves for various reasons. Even in the city, this excuse "but we will get sued" is usually just bullshit. Lazy people are just trying to take advantage of the pervasive anti-lawyer propaganda.

Quit swimming in the kool-aid.

In these cases, the plaintiff rarely starts the case. Instead, some lawyer reads the news in the paper and jumps at the opportunity to rake in some cash, as long as they can convince the plaintiff that it's in their best interest.

Comment Re:Not roughly, exactly (Score 1) 244

I disagree. Computer games are interactive experiences, not something you can just veg out on. Games improve perception, reflexes and sometimes logic and reasoning ability. Online games can also help with social skills.

Television doesn't help anything.

Except, I don't know, education and knowledge? I spent my youth watching PBS documentaries on television. Could I have gotten that knowledge from games? Silly question.

Comment Re:Minnesota - No Tech Job? Huh? (Score 1) 170

I've work in the Minneapolis/St. Paul market for over a decade. I get calls from recruiters daily. Clients can never find enough experienced people. There's tons of H1Bs working in the market. It's been like that for since about 2006. It can be hard as a college grad to find a job because some bean counter is weighing paying an experienced H1B worker a similar wage as a college hire (and the H1B can't easily leave without obtaining a new sponsor.) But, as the H1B cap have tightened it's forced companies to invest in college workers like they did in the 90s.

To summarize, MN's general unemployment rate is 3.9%, it's tech unemployment rate is a fraction of a percent. It's jobs, jobs jobs if you know computers.

It's the same everywhere. Recruiters are desperate to find workers willing to fill positions at 50% of the usual salary.

Comment Re:Who ISN'T on a terror watch list these days (Score 2) 127

It will at some point reach the stage where if you aren't on a watch list you aren't being a very active participant in the steering of society: You don't talk about real issues because you either don't care or are too afraid to, you don't exercise your rights and are too afraid to associate with anyone who does, you go out of your way to be part of the status quo and do whatever you're told, your opinions will be handed to you by Fox News, and someone will be checking you share them on your Facebook.

It's not really a question of being on a watch list. The FBI always had questionable ethics when it comes to who they watch, e.g. Martin Luthor King, John Lennon, etc. The problem now is that it is out in the open, and no one is complaining. It used to be a scandal when the government did something wrong. Now no one seems to care.

Comment Re:Who ISN'T on a terror watch list these days (Score 1) 127

> Who ISN'T on a terror watch list these days ?

Actual terrorists. The boston bombers were reported to the FBI by Russian security services but nobody was watching them.

Bombing a public street is not a threat to the profits of any major corporation. Therefor, not important. The FBI no longer has any resources to protect citizens. They are all looking for IP pirates.

Comment Re:Opt-out (Score 1) 619

I'd assume (without further info) that this is about the "allow some non-intrusive advertising" checkbox you get in the filter options. It's on by default, but when you install adblock (as I did a few days ago) it one of the things you go through when the configuration dialog pops up.

It links to:

It's not perfect in that it's on by default, but it's easy enough to disable. Perhaps they could improve it by tying this checkbox to your "do not track" preference?

And strangely enough there are people who WANT to see non-intrusive, correctly targeted ads. I'm not one of them, but my wife is. I'd have to call this one a feature, albeit not properly explained in the setup.

Comment Re:You nerds need to get over yourselves (Score 1) 212

I guess going off your comment, assuming coding was just a blue collar job...

A room full of shitty coders is always going to be worth less than a couple real coders salaries. Either in initial cost or support.

Except that the beam counters don't believe that good coders with high integrity exist. Everyone has been bit by high priced consultants who went over budget with no good results. Having an interchangeable team of mediocre coders is a known commodity. Trying to find anyone willing to trust a small group of highly priced experts is hard.

Comment Re:Jesus, we're fucked. (Score 1) 351

In this case, I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of the 80% who were confused actually know perfectly well what DNA is, and fully understand that most of our food contains it because most of our food is made from living organisms. And they understand that children get their DNA from their parents, including their mother.

Sadly that's not true. The average American, although supposedly schooled, has no idea what DNA is. Try to parse that. They passed their science tests by multiple choice without understanding anything, and retain nothing from their schooling. I don't mean this is as a "look how stupid they are, we are better because we know more" kind of thing, just a level set of what you should expect from Americans. This country is fucked. There is no way to recover. If you are looking for a culture that still respects education, try Japan, UK, Germany, or a few others. I expect the next hundred years to be a great diaspora of the American intelligentsia to better lands where they can be respected.

Comment Re:Why would you want this? (Score 1, Interesting) 178

All of this would be much better known if nicotine wasn't such a political bogeyman.

Denial does not change reality. Nicotine is in the top three most addictive substance we know. It effects dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, and nor-epenphrine. It is well studied, and not politicised, except for people and corporations denying the scientific evidence.

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