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Submission + - Google may limit free news access. (

Captian Spazzz writes: It looks like Google may be bowing to pressure from folks like News Corps Rupert Murdoch.
What I don't understand is what prevents the websites themselves from enforcing some limit. Why make Google do it?

From the BBC

Newspaper publishers will now be able to set a limit on the number of free news articles people can read through Google, the company has announced.
The concession follows claims from some media companies that the search engine is profiting from online news pages.
Publishers will join a First Click Free programme that will prevent web surfers from having unrestricted access.
Users who click on more than five articles in a day may be routed to payment or registration pages.

Comment Re:In Soviet Russia (Score 5, Informative) 265

Right Click the network manager icon in the top tool bar.
Select EDIT Connections
Select DSL (assuming that's the type of connection your using PPPOE for, but it should work regardless)
Click Add
Enter username and password and any other settings required.

Seriously dude I just bridged my DSL Modem and connected using the native PPPOE client in Ubuntu. No command line needed.

Comment Re:Enlightened self interest (Score 1) 291

It asks you for your root password or for SUDO access. If your not smart enough to know or take the time to find out why this program should or should not be needing those permissions then you frankly do not qualify as a "tech savy" user and your just as dumb as the people who install malware infested crap on their PC. But this then brings us back to the real cause for a lot of malware and virus problems in general. It all comes back to the ID10T error.

Comment Re:Legalization (Score 1) 647

Oh no. So inconvenient! God forbid that, upon leaving a bar, a cop should ask you a few questions before allowing you to get behind the wheel. OHNOES!

Making me talk to any law enforcement officer for any reason without probable cause that I was doing anything illegal is a violation of my fourth amendment rights. Coming out of a bar is NOT probable cause. FUCK YOU and your high horse!!

Comment Re:Depressing, but not uncommon (Score 1) 1251

Wow, It must be nice to pull your self up to your esteemed position and then yank the ladder up so that the people behind you know who their betters are! Do you feel good knowing you can fire anybody who threatens you or your position? Does it make you feel warm and fuzzy and manly?

I wonder if you would have felt the same if it was the guy ahead of you who kicked the rung out and fired you for being "uppity" or a threat to him. PLEASE tell me who you work for or what company you own so I can make sure yo boycott the shit out of you.

You sir and your idea's are exactly what is wrong with the US today.


Harsh Words From Google On Linux Development 948

jeevesbond writes "The alpha version of Google Chrome is now available for GNU/Linux. Google Chrome developer and former Firefox lead Ben Goodger has some problems with the platform though. His complaints range from the lack of a standardised UI toolkit, inconsistencies across applications, the lack of a unified and comprehensive HIG, to GTK not being a very compelling toolkit. With Adobe getting twitchy about the glibc fork and previously describing the various audio systems as welcome to the jungle, is it time to concentrate on consolidation and standardisation in GNU/Linux in general, and the desktop in particular?"

Comment Re:Hurray! (Score 1) 361

Except that "in theory" Television advertising pays for free over the air programming and helps lower the cost of cable programming

Bugging me over my telephone does not lower the cost of my phone bill.

I do think Door to Door sales is just as skuzzy. They respect my "No Solicitations" sign as much as the telemarketers respect the DNC list.

Comment Re:Hurray! (Score 5, Insightful) 361

The fact that you call and harass me without my consent with no valid business reason. Because you harrass me at work when I am trying to do my job, because you waste my money for calling me and making me use up cell phone minutes waiting for your stupid rep to put me on your do not call list that I'd say a good 50% of your industry ignore or try to circumvent anyway.

I don't NEED you to tell me what I want or need. If I need or want your product I will seek YOU out not the other way around if I have not contacted you before then leave me the frack alone!

In reference to my previous post if you don't understand this and choose to work in that industry then you deserve what you get.

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