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Comment Re:This happened a long time ago (Score 1) 218

Yep -- had a 'born again' high-school classmate who posted that on facebook, saying something to the effect of "If this isn't proof, I don't know what is."

I try to stay out of religious conversations on FB, but I did feel the need to post "1. That's Photoshopped. 2. It's not showing what you think it is showing. 3. you may want to research the inspiration for that photo, though I take no responsibility for what you find."

Comment Re:Autism (Score 1) 1007

No, you're one of the lucky ones. Vaccination actually CAUSES bear maulings. I have a list of everyone who has been mauled by a bear in the last 20 years. ALL OF THEM HAD BEEN VACCINATED. What more do you need, people?

*Of course I jest. But would love to actually have this list and the corresponding vaccination data.

Comment My father died a few years ago - Morningstar (Score 4, Informative) 402

My mom wanted to get into their Morningstar account and didn't have the password. I called and explained the situation -- basically that her husband was deceased and she needed the password, and I said I'd call on her behalf. What steps do I need to take to get it? The rest of the conversation:

Operator: "What's the username he has the account under?"
Me: "Uh, billsmith2222 is the username."
Operator: "OK, let's see... looks like the password is Sarajane. The 'S' is uppercase."
Me: -- Stunned silence --- "Thanks?"

I was glad it went so quick, as I had expected to have to send a death cert and jump through god knows what other hoops, but it freaked me out how casually they gave it to me. I mean, I didn't do anything to verify that I was even any relation to the account. All I had was the username. Obviously someone was new, disgruntled, or just plain stupid, but it worked in my favor for once.


Submission + - Best Evidence Yet of Liquid Water on Mars (sciencemag.org)

sciencehabit writes: Using the most powerful camera ever to orbit Mars,researchers are reporting the strongest evidence yet for water on Mars that's flowing, not frozen—and the water is flowing today, not a millennium or an eon ago. At a few spots, the meager warmth of martian summer seems able to coax enough liquid water out of the ground to darken the soil in streaks. The marks, which sometimes number in the hundreds, grow downhill hundreds of meters only to fade with the winter cold. And where there is liquid water, as they say, there could be life.

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