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Comment Re:wow (Score 1) 234

you really shouldn't complain about your false perception of other people's comprehension when you suffer enormous comprehension difficulties yourself.

i didn't say that's what Musk said.

my comment was a parody prediction of what the more retarded libertarian fuckwits were certain to say. and i know they're certain to say it because they've said the same moronic fucking thing every time there's an article about some rich prick setting up or supporting a charter school or similar for a handful of very lucky or very privileged kids.

the nature of my comment would have been obvious to anyone who wasn't a complete drooling cretin.


Comment Re:How is this tech related? (Score 1) 156

this is the same argument that the tobacco industry used for years "we don't know that smoking causes cancer, there's no proof".

corporations lie to protect their profits, their power, their influence, their control.

corporations lie.

worse, they're a malevolent artificial life form (hostile to humanity, at times parasitic on us, or even predatary on humanity) running on the substrate of laws, altering those laws to make their environment better for themselves and worse for us.

Comment Re:To be more precise, Amazon will collect on taxe (Score 1) 243

you're absolutely right. and it doesn't stop there. corporations have other expenses as well as taxes and they also pass those expenses on to their customers so all those expenses are evil too.

nobody should ever charge a corporation for anything - not for goods, machinery, raw materials, rent, electricity, water, wages, or anything else at all because doing so is evil.

congratulations! your unsurpassed brilliance has solved the world's economic problems.

Comment Re:Yeah, disappointing (Score 1, Troll) 776

> Feminists (to be clear, the rather extreme ones that control much of the media

I thought it was the jews who controlled the media. or is it the space lizards?

Oh, right, yeah...now i remember. it's Rupert Murdoch. he's neither a feminist nor a jew. he's probably a space lizard, though.

> When politics control social equality, everyone loses

When the voices of lunatics are amplified by the internet, the world seems a lot fucking crazier than it really is.

Comment Re:They trained their replacements (Score 1) 612

not everywhere has the same barbaric work laws as america, you drooling fucking moron.

in some countries, severance/retrenchment packages are required and defined by law (with employers allowed to offer more but never less than required).

in other countries, like america, some employers offer severance entitlements in their contracts. and, once signed, they ARE a fucking entitlement, not a fucking courtesy. they are part of the agreed-upon compensation package, the same as salary or wages.

and just like the retrenchment laws in places like australia, those contracts will certainly say that severance is not given if you resign or are sacked for cause i.e. your fault, something you did or something you failed to do.

so, yes, employers can and do exploit that by requiring workers to stay on the job long enough to train their replacements.

Comment Re:It's the same old lies from these H1B advocates (Score 1) 612

> Feel free to disprove that by donating deveral hundred dollars to
> Nepali relief efforts. Or any international relief effort for that
> matter.

I did. my partner and I donated $200 each to the oxfam nepal appeal a few days ago.

BTW, we both have zero income, living off savings from previous jobs. me because of ill health, she because she got retrenched in december and has decided to finish her PhD.

Comment Re:I'm not religious, but... (Score 4, Informative) 612

yes, that's exactly what you're supposed to think. you're supposed to be consoled by the fact that you'll go to heaven when you die and that'll be better than anything the rich cunts have now. that will more than make up for the shitful life you're living. hallelujah and praise the lord. accept your lot, everyone gets what they truly deserve.

Comment Re:They trained their replacements (Score 3, Insightful) 612

probably because the company threatened the workers' severance packages if they quit or gave them any excuse to sack them: train your replacements and get what you're entitled to or quit and get fuck all.

as with many other abuses of and thefts from workers, this is probably legal. or, at least, ignored by anyone in authority who could investigate and press charges.

Comment Re:It's the same old lies from these H1B advocates (Score 5, Informative) 612

> "Nobody's going to hold you up and carry you around..." is a good
> theory only if it applies to all. But it most certainly does not.

it's not a good theory, or practice, even if it did apply to everyone. we live in a society, not some dog-eat-dog nightmare-fantasy hellhole.

"i'm alright, fuck you jack" is not a sustainable ethos for any individual and certainly not for a civilisation. it's a psychopath's creed and psychopaths are at best parasitic on society if not outright destructive to it.

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