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Comment Re:Not sure what you're talking about (Score 4, Insightful) 254

So the sort of people who claim that PHP is worthwhile are those who stick with a terrible webhost and have no clue how much they should be paying?

Yes, that sounds typical.

Actually I think its more that a certain percentage of the population has as the top priority just being able to get something done, and the low level details of this or that's garbage collection and memory management is way, way down the priority list somewhere.

Comment Re:More reprsentative stats please (Score 4, Insightful) 390

Firefox was built on Netscape so given the equally terrible experience of developing for Netscape back in the IE6 days I would be surprised if you didnt hate Firefox as well. Both Netscape and IE were terrible to develop for with their proprietary non-standard extensions, Netscape just had the decency to die and be reborn under a different name to make people forget its horrible legacy, IE should have died and been resurrected under a different name around IE10 when Microsoft finally changed tact and brought standards compliance to the forefront.

Contrary to Steve Jobs' comments the Internet Explorer of those days was *not* a very good browser, but >=IE10 is pretty decent.

One difference is that Netscape's "proprietary" extensions included stuff SSL, cookies, and javascript. They created a lot of what the web is all about, and were successful enough to scare microsoft into retaliation for having a better idea, which led to the anti-trust suit. Netscape didn't so much die, as was stabbed in the back by a wannabe. IE10 might be good somewhere, but it sucks out loud on android, osx, ios and Linux (my preferred platforms). At best, its a niche product.

Comment Re:So whats the point? (Score 1) 90

So if Microsoft does not really belive in transparency/privacy...whats the point of all this initiatives?

Secret World Domination Agenda?

Its called follow the leader. See what the leaders in your industry are doing, and to not look like a boob, you do your own variation so people think you know how to play the game. Its a perception thing only, which only needs to work for a certain uninformed market segment (IE their customers).

Comment Re:choice doesn't *require* bad defaults (Score 5, Insightful) 361

Why is everyone talking like there even is a problem? In August Android had almost 80% of the market. Yeah, it must be incredibly boring and horrible to use if so many people want it.

Exactly. Its like the fragmentation argument that is just killing Android. Or how insecure Android is. Its just people writing headlines to attract attention to themselves.

Comment Re:No, bad idea (Score 1) 160

What about receiving engine info, warnings regarding brake pads, fuel consumption, etc, etc? An established protocol that could link this to a mobile device would make sense. Not sure why this wasn't done with bluetooth ages ago...

You'd want to make sure you control as much ad content and revenue as possible. You don't want all that money going to apple and google. "SLAM ON UR FUCKING BRAKES. NOW. That dealer on your left is having a tire special", as dashboard lights go crazy.

Comment Re:This is simple numbers pumping (Score 1) 182

I would be interested. I get real Onenote support and better integration for exchange at work. On the weekends its android time. Metro may suck on a big computer screen but is fine for cell phones.

The Windows kernel is lighter than linux and snappy too.

Odd ... but at least one cloud provider has a minimum Windows image of 2G memory, as compared to Linux mininum .5G. Not sure what is meant by "lighter", but I don't see it from a resource utilization standpoint.

Comment Re:Short term money saving. (Score 1) 183

But a quick check of LibreOffice Writer ( shows it can handle the fol formats: odt, ott, sxw, stw, fodt, uot, doxc(MS Word 2007/2010 XML) , doc, xml(ms Word 2003 and Doc Book), html, rtf, txt, and docx (OpenOffice XML Text)

It appears that they won't have many problems accepting any common format.

It is not that simple. You cannot judge file format compatibility only based on the file type extensions that the program agrees to load or save. The general problem has been that in many cases OpenOffice messes up the formatting of Microsoft Office documents.

And vice versa.

Comment Re:Great idea! (Score 1) 218

Once you get past the UI, Windows 8 and Server 2012 are pretty damned good products. Of course, everyone focuses on the UI because its what people see but you have to remember that Windows does have a lot of other components behind that UI. Office is much the same way, although it's a bit bloated in places. I got to play around with Azure a bit too. I don't know how it compares to competitors, but it is a nifty platform.

Then there's other products like Xbox which seems to have done quite well, including Kinect, and the Surface Pro (RT not so much).

It's easy to focus on the bad because it tends to be in the most obvious places that affect the most people, but there's still plenty of good at Microsoft. Even Internet Explorer has come a long way since IE 6.

I don't think that's what bothers the investors though. Its things like being a major player in the smartphone market. Laugh at the iphone. Ignore iphone. Surrender market willfully to iphone, then android. Scratch like hell to catch up to the iphone and android. Settle for crumbs left on the floor. Ditto tablets. Ditto cloud. They don't lead, they follow. And follow rather poorly at that. To an extent, that's been their MO since Gates: let others create the market, then use muscle to take the market. But you can't wait years to re-act for that to work.

Comment Re:Its friday... (Score 5, Interesting) 278

Let's not forget the monkey dance

Really, the stupidest thing the man ever did was laugh out loud in public at the iphone. That pretty much says it all. He doesn't understand technology. That would seem to be a nice quality to have for his role. The entire strategy there is wait for someone else to do something nice, get some traction, use your own market share to muscle your way into the market, and then start pushing everybody else out. That worked for Gates, but Ballmer was too slow to react. Constantly. Could not see it coming, and then laughs at the biggest shift in technology in the last decade. Dweeb.

Comment Re:Traitorous NSA (Score 3, Insightful) 219

Here we see the beginnings of real, hard evidence of just how disastrous the NSA's recent actions are to the best interests of the country.

It used to be that American IT companies were the gold standard, to the point that there almost wasn't even any pretense of competition. Google, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook -- American companies ruled the Internet.

And the NSA has turned that all to shit. Now, you'd have to be an idiot to trust any American company not to hand your data over to the NSA. And the NSA has most emphatically been demonstrated that it cannot, under any circumstances, be trusted with that data; just look at not only the overt corporate espionage, but the pervy stalking culture of the degenerates working there. Even if not for official policy directives, you can bet that some low-level flunky at the NSA will be placing insider trades based on what he reads in your executive's emails.

In other words, the NSA has utterly devastated the greatest industry the United States has ever created, and the very backbone of our economy. It's worse than if they had bombed all our ball bearing plants; infrastructure can be rebuilt, but trust? How the fuck are we supposed to rebuild that? ...and the corporate heads and legal departments wonder why they shouldn't have refused to play with the NSA and gone public at the first hint of this malfeasance, writs of classification be damned. Had Google insisted it be taken down swinging rather than play lapdog to the NSA, their brand would have been unimpeachable; rather, it is untouchable.



Exactly! Its not a done deal yet, but they are gutting a very significant industry. This is a very costly fuck up. It would be one thing if we knew the world was a *better* or safer place as a result, but I can't see how to draw that conclusion. Au contraire, they just spend a boatload of money, muddy the waters, and gut a vital industry. You can't believe anything the NSA says since being really good liars is a valued trade asset, and there is no real oversight.

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