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Comment Re:Grayson should be impeached (Score 1) 549

Also, she should sue him for civil rights violations; specifically, her first amendment rights. This man has no place in government (TFA didn't say if he's a federal congresscritter or a state guy)

How did the congressman prevent her from her first amendment right? She got to give her opinion. He didn't stop it - so there is no lawsuit.
With regards to your title - please tell me you are not one of those idiots who says "impeachment" anytime they don't like what someone does? Impeachment, in this country, only happens when someone breaks a very serious law. Speeding won't qualify...selling national secrets will qualify. This is closer to speeding ticket then national secrets.
I would say that yuo need to learn the law before you type, but in reality your comments are just nonsense and make no sense.

If anything, the blog poster lied (she is not a constituant), she did so with the intent to make him lose votes (and thusly his job), and she is a member of the opposing party which helps to show her intent. He just may have legal cause against this blogger - though in the end he will suffer more then she will.

Comment Re:The question, really, is this: (Score 1) 549

If we are going to treat lying as a crime (and IMHO breaking campaign promises is clearly lying) then there are going to be a whole lot of people going to jail. I foresee lots of openings in Washington. I won't name any names, but there would be 435 vacancies in the House of Representatives, 100 in the Senate and 2 in the Executive Branch.

Again - lying is not a crime. Lying with the intent to cause harm is a crime. Breaking campaign promises is not a crime. There is not law that says "break your promise and go to jail". Now you can create a contract, but that is civil, and the contract HAS to state the penalty for breaking your promise (there also has to be consideration). For the contract check out (google) the three requirements of a contract. Campaign promises are promises, and even if willfull breaking of a promise is a crime, I doubt it would go so far as to someone who tries to fulfill the promise but can't because there is something preventing them. "Yes I promised to do X....but john doe is preventing me from doing X...Sorry". Nobody is going to jail for that.

Comment Re:The question, really, is this: (Score 1) 549

Is lying, in a political context, a crime? If the Vice President lies about wmd in Iraq, is that a crime? If Monsanto lies about their political contributions, is that a crime? If a blogger lies about her relationship with a Congressman, is that crime?

Lying, is not a crime. Lying, with the intent to hurt someone is slander and that is a crime. You then have to prove that 1) the person lied, and 2) the person lied with the intent to hurt.

With respect to WMD and Iraq - it wasn't considered a lie, it was considered of being mistaken - and there is a world of difference.

Comment Re:I call bullshit (Score 2, Interesting) 549

You got modded a troll, what a shame. Your statement is correct. Fox News is anything but fair and balanced...well unless you are a republican. If Fox news says anything nice about a liberal then it's probably that the liberal just resigned office - and even then...

BTW - for the 323,325 commenters - yes democrats have their own media sources - CNN. CNN went from the really good news start up, to a liberal news group, to the liberal insanity group (and I'm a democrat). It's gotten to the point that watching CNN makes me want to puke, though in all honesty watching Fox News makes me puke...

Comment Re:Oh, the irony (Score 1) 549

So if I start telling lies, that is intended to (and presumably does) affect you in a negative manner you should just shut up and take it? You shouldn't fight back? That is what the congressman is doing - fighting back with the law.

Some people may think it is childish, but in the world of politics, even the smallest phrases, statements, actions, etc can spell doom for a politician - because, we the people, are finicky and just flat out retarded when it comes to what matters and doesn't matter, what is real and what is fake, consequences, the bigger picture, and a whole slew of other things.

Comment Re:Good Material But Lengthy and Bad Delivery (Score 2, Insightful) 629

Lucas gambled and he lost. He lost everything.

This is where I have to disagree. He went on to make 2 more movies, and their associated toys, video games, books, etc. He went on to make a stupid amount of money. While the person who created this entire thread said he didn't see the last two movies (and I doubt this very much) most people, even the ones who complained about TPM, did. We went to the theatres, we saw the movies, and cheered during the movie. After the movie we became the typical fanboys who tried to equate the last three movies to something from our childhood.

Right there that is the equivelant of what I did to myself by watching Transformers cartoon (the original cartoon) when I was 30 years old. I f'd up my memory. Back when I was 8 y/o Transformers was top notch it is like reading a comic book - except not drawn as well. Same thing with these movies; we are trying to compare what our childhood memories (fantasies) represent and compare it to this -- it ain't going to fly.

Anyhow - many of us have gone to see movies for their graphics and not their stories (avatar anyone)

Comment Re:9 nines (Score 1) 287

Progressive tax system. So from 0-20k you pay 0% federal tax, 21k to 35k you pay 10% federal, 36k to 70k you pay 15%, etc. (i am making up numbers). But let's say you make 36k and you pay 15%, well you don't pay 15% on the entire 36k---otherwise you would make less money then the guy earning 35k who pays 10%. You literally pay 0% on the first 20k. Then you pay 10% on the next 14k. Then you pay 15% on the amount about 35k, in this case 1k.

Comment Postal Service Charge (Score 1) 152

107 billion spam messages sent around the world every single day this year

Remember when the post office rumors went around? You know the ones where they wanted to charge 1 cent per e-mail sent? Man - if they did that I think the post office would be the biggest, most profitable company in the world. That comes out to 1.07 billion dollars per day.

For this alone I am rethinking my stance. Too bad it would be "impossible" to implement, track, and let alone charge.

Comment Re:Conveniently forgetting the details (Score 1) 929

You give 3 options, but you forgot the most obvious one: Let *her* walk up to her laptop and follow instructions to demonstrate that it's not a bomb. It's really simple.

Unless the bomb requires more then opening the lid to activate it....not that simple. It could be activated by entering a code, by opening the lid, by typing in the wrong password three times, popping open the cd drive, etc. The bomb could be hidden in the hard drive, the cd rom drive, etc. I would wager someone could make a fully functional laptop, that for all intents and purposes does everything a regular laptop does, with an additional bomb component. It may not be big, but if you are in a plane, nightclub, bus, etc you don't need much of an explosive to do damage in a small area.

I find it rather concerning how much hate and misogyny is expressed towards her. That's not "her side", that's yours. Is this style of thinking the norm in Israel?

I don't hate her - i don't know her. I definitely think she knew what she was doing and wanted to provoke so she could increase her journalism status. Being 21 and having your blog posted on newspapers around the world is a great resume' booster. As for the comments on /. 1) We have hate towards everyone, and 2) look at the posts - some are against her, some are for her.

As for the thinking style the norm in Israel. I don't know. 1) I don't live in Israel, and 2) I haven't done a study in Israel to determine what the "norm" is.

Comment Re:Conveniently forgetting the details (Score 1) 929

Her complaint was that, in spite of complying with *all* demands, her belongings were *still* destroyed.

Because they suspected her belongings was a bomb. So here are the options 1) Let the girl go with her laptop -which MAY have a bomb. 2) Shoot the laptop and potentially disarm a bomb. The downside is the girl loses her laptop - they buy her a new one. 3) They have a person, trained in opening/testing laptops, walk up to the laptop to open it and make sure it isn't a bomb. If it isn't a bomb no sweat. If it is a bomb, said person may be dead said person. So which is more important to me $500-$1000 laptop...or someones life.

Her story was given from her perspective, and nothing from the other side - it was done so on purpose so people can not subtly infer her meaning of how israel is bad and she is a sweet innocent.

Comment Re:Shooting bombs? No bombs trigger when shot? (Score 1) 929

I'm sure it makes sense, that wasn't my point. My original point was disbelief that they were complaining about something relatively very minor as bags being shot, and portraying this as being part of their long-suffering victim status. In the grand scheme of things, it might be an inconvenience, but it's not something to add to the "look how we suffer" list considering what's going on on THEIR side.

When I was a little kid I spent my summers (1980's) in Israel. I remember seeing, in between cartoons, commercials where kids in a playground see a plastic bag laying around. The commercial basically said - stop what you are doing, evacuate the scene, call the cops. There is a reason for this - terrorists would drop timed bombs in playgrounds..where there are 8 year olds running around. I think any rational person can agree that an 8 year old playing in a playground shouldn't be the target of terrorists? A bag may be nothing, but it could have a could have a grenade - it doesn't take much to cause a lot of damage.

It is definitely a "look how we suffer"...imagine everytime you walked down the street and saw a bag left alone you walked the other way and called the cops in fear it might be a bomb? Hell go to most urban places in the US, which have plenty of trash, and going by that detail we would have bomb alerts every 5 minutes. At least here in the US we don't worry about that - in Israel they do...all the time.

Comment Re:Hyper-security in Israel (Score 2, Interesting) 929

What I'm criticizing here is the irony of X-ray machines and metal detectors, only to allow soldiers that the employees don't know in

You are going to x-ray someone who is blatently carrying a weapon to see if they are carrying a weapon....

For the record, I'm actually not a muslim nor am I Palestinian. I'm one of those average secular/Jewish caucasian Israelis.

When it's one of your family members who is blown up, because he happend to be eating at a restaurant in downtown Nethanya, then you may decide to re-evaluate your views.

Not in person. I'm going off on a tangent here, but speaking of airports... I happen to work in the airfreight business and I know for a fact that our clients have constant run-ins with airport security for absolutely no good reason.

We're talking major exporters whose cargo is held for days. Terminal security doesn't care about how urgent your shipment is or how some hospital in Europe really needs this certain piece of medical equipment.

Major exporters can ship illegal (be it bombs or black market CDs). They can do it knowingly and unknowingly. As a person in the freigh industry you should realize this. To label it "hospital" to bypass security would be an invitation for every criminal to label their goods as "hospital". If you want to bypass security, at least in the US, you can get special permission and any large/reputable company should easily be able to get it.
As a person who flies on a regular basis, and who is engaged to someone who flies on a VERY regular basis, I can tell you every single run in I had with airport security was time consuming and came away with nothing - well because I am not breaking the law. I at no point was every upset with those security details. It's called random searches, and sometimes profiling (which I have no problem with).

Comment Re:Shooting bombs? No bombs trigger when shot? (Score 0, Troll) 929

militaristic people

At the time the jewish people had no military, they had no country...they did have a lot of holocaust refugees, and a few groups who fought against the germans.

Ask any israeli if they would want their military removed and to live in peace and they will all say yes. They would prefer their taxes go to the economy not the military. They would prefer to live without fear of getting blown up. THe terrorists are the muslim extremists - get them to behave and people will live happily. The muslims can then continue on their secondary mission - breed out the jews.

Comment Re:Conveniently forgetting the details (Score 1, Interesting) 929

Having been there, Isreal isn't even remotely 'western-civilized'. An American should seriously fear for their life there unless they know the ins and outs of that culture. God forbid you slip up and accidentally order a pepperoni pizza (my mother was ousted from the building) or stand in front of a muslim en route to prayer (my brother was picked up and thrown headfirst into a barrel of fish). A tour included a popular shootout spot, complete with bullet holes on either side of the alley. The airport we left from was bombed the day after we left. That place is NOT 'western-civilized', or anything civilized, or even safe.

An american fear for their lives in Israel...from Israeli's? Man, when I've been to Israel I can't go anywhere without people wanting to practice their...wait for it...ENGLISH speaking skills on me. I've had strangers buy me dinner just so I can speak English with them for an hour (FYI I am a guy, so it wasn't some dude trying to hit on me...well maybe it was, i am cute). Some Muslim threw your brother into a barrel of fish..and he let this happen? Not exactly life-threatening.

If you mean Israel is not western civilized - with it's malls, bars, restaurants, clubs, bowling alleys, movie theatres, nude beaches (wait maybe it's not civilized if your a conservative), voting for all citizens, free press. Plus, go to israel...and if there is a sign somewhere it has three languages written on it - Hebrew, English and Arabic. It's a foreign country, that as an English speaking person you CANT get lost. You CANT find someone who doesn't speak English (hell even my dead grandmother spoke english).

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