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'Revolving Door' Spins Between AT&T, Government 61

An anonymous reader sends this quote from the Center for Public Integrity: That AT&T just won an eight-figure contract to provide the federal government's General Services Administration with new mobile devices isn't itself particularly notable. What is: Casey Coleman, an AT&T executive responsible for "delivering IT and professional services to federal government customers," oversaw the GSA's information technology division and its $600 million IT budget as recently as January. ... While there’s no evidence anything illegal took place, the public still should be aware of, and potentially worried about, Coleman’s spin through the revolving door between government and companies that profit from government, said Michael Smallberg, an investigator at the nonpartisan watchdog group Project on Government Oversight. ... Federal government employees leaving public service for lucrative private sector jobs is commonplace. The Project on Government Oversight has called on the federal government to — among other actions — ban political appointees and some senior-level staffers from seeking employment with contractors that “significantly benefited” from policies they helped formulate during their tenure in government.

Comment It's open source. It's part of the ongoing convers (Score 1) 928

Systemd is open source software, which Lennart has made available more or less out of the goodness of his heart. You may hate it -- God knows I fucking hate it -- but the world really is a better place for it having been written. Why? Diversity. Systemd is yet another set of ideas in the ongoing discussion that is open source development. Software gets written, then it gets patched or replaced by someone who thinks they can make it better, and alternatives for every use case flourish. It's a conversation, a debate. So while there may be vehement disagreement with the ideas that systemd represents, we are all better off for at least having heard and considered those ideas.

Just don't make the entire user-space stack depend on systemd. Please.

Comment Re: Why do people still care about C++ for kernel (Score 0) 365

In the novel Jurassic Park, Dennis Nedry disabled the park's security by disguising a backdoor function call as an object constructor in what was pretty clearly a C++-like language, in an attempt to pull a fast one on anyone who might audit his code. (The novel had screenshots of his IDE and everything; wonderfully geeky.) That C++ enables this sort of behavior makes it complicated and risky to use in certain scenarios. I can imagine kerbnel developers blanching at its use, or keeping it to a restricted subset.

Comment It means more memory for great applications. (Score 1) 554

An OS needn't, and shouldn't, be more complex than is necessary to get the job done. By keeping Windows at a constant level of resource-intensiveness, Microsoft has made more room on modern hardware for even more advanced high-end applications -- and has made it feasible to refresh old PCs with the latest Windows. (Really important; the typical corporate drone's PC is profoundly rinky-dink.) This is stuff we used to cheer Linux for doing while Microsoft operating systems inflated with each generation. Now we bemoan Microsoft for keeping the size of Windows down while Linux bloats up the way we made fun of Windows for doing. (Have you seen GNOME 3?)

Microsoft deserves full credit for keeping their system size and complexity down over the past few revs.

Comment "Design is law" still gets you no cred (Score 1) 266

Technology is essential to gaming, because without great code to back up your design (no matter how modest that design may be) your game will be glitchy, slow, or unplayable. In fact, Notch is a programmer first, designer second. The design of Minecraft (and many of his other games) seems to have evolved organically out of his programming experiments as well as the community.

So technology is still a big deal in gaming. Stop trying to convince us you're still relevant, Romero, and go sling some code. No game, no weiner.

Comment The reason should be obvious (Score 2) 160

Would you rather spend your time designing and building a spaceship or sitting in endless meetings at some Center for Excellence negotiating over a spaceship that might be designed and built decades later, if at all? If you're a good engineer, chances are you want to get to the bit where you're designing cool things that blast off into outer space, with as few bureaucratic obstacles as is practical.

Comment Re: X, systemd, and priveleges? (Score 1) 226

Running X as non-root requires systemd-logind. Currently the only way for the X server to do the device management it needs to run is to either be root or delegate it to systemd-logind. You don't like it? Code up another way, and convince the Xorg, GNOME, and KDE developers to adopt your way.

Systemd is widely adopted because the systemd developers solved real problems with working code.

Comment Re:Outside of Valve I don't think many developers. (Score 1) 86

Games are an awkward state of limbo these days, publishers know they have to start pushing out the impression of creativity and devs try to figure out how to do that without alienating the average player.

Well, there is the Naughty Dog way: stick with a proven formula and polish the SHIT out of the implementation.

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