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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 25 declined, 5 accepted (30 total, 16.67% accepted)


Submission + - .ME Domains treated as Geo-Neutral (namemon.com)

alphatel writes: Namemon reports that Google has changed its stance on .ME domains. Rather than forcing webmasters to set the geographic location to Montenegro, Google has opened up the settings to allow any .ME domain to be set to any geo-target. Some companies have launched large campaigns on ME, so it remains to be seen how popular this extension will become.
Social Networks

Submission + - Did Yelp recently discover Vanity URLs? (facebook.com)

alphatel writes: "DN Auctions, owner of one of the new facebook vanity urls, recently posted about a feature on yelp regarding a similar feature. Apparently you can create your own sub-domain on Yelp to point to your account. If this feature has been around for so long, why are so many great urls still available?"

Submission + - google search descriptions vary by length of query (namecredible.com)

alphatel writes: "Only days after a receen searching for a long string of words, Google is showing search results with much longer descriptions than normal. Google's stated limit is 160 characters, but results over 300 characters in length are appearing. You can take the test drive by querying google search descriptions vary by length of query and invariably create an incredibly hypnotic effect for most geeks"

Submission + - google malware bug

alphatel writes: This morning at 9:45 AM, I began receiving warnings from Google on my Chrome browser that a number of sites I searched for were "potentially malicious", with the warning This site may harm your computer. After opening Internet Explorer and Safari, I was able to determine that this was a system-wide error, which does not yet appear to be fixed.

Submission + - google favicons get fluffy?

alphatel writes: "A user named Wire at Namepros posted a gripe against recent changes in Google's icons, which have all switched over to the new off-center "g" in a decorative box. Apparently some changes occurred last week to the adsense and webmaster tools icons but are now propagated across all Google sites."

Submission + - Rewards Network hacked

alphatel writes: Domain Name Scams reports that DomainSure contacted Rewards Network (a Nasdaq listed corporation), about one of their domain names being hacked. Apparently security isn't much of an issue at Rewards, where they had over 40 domains registered with old invalid account information. Someone had hacked one of the accounts and posted IRN.com for sale on a domain message board. After investigating, the anti-scam company got in touch with Rewards who prompty snubbed them for the effort. Apparently, the Reward for reporting fraud is to be labeled fraudulent.

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